Determination of value, taxes and fees in 2024
A. Determination of customs value
Determining customs value for tax or statistical purposes for imported and exported goods. When exporting or importing goods, customs declarants need to determine the customs value to calculate and determine the amount of tax payable.
Customs declarants self-determine customs value according to the principles and methods of determining value for exported and imported goods presented below or send dossiers to the General Department of Customs to request pre-determination of value. price.
I. Determination of customs value for exported goods
1. Principles for determining customs value for exported goods
2. Method for determining customs value of exported goods
The customs value of exported goods is determined by sequentially applying the following methods and stopping immediately at the method that determines the customs value:
2.1. Determine the selling price of the goods at the export border gate
2.3. Determine the selling price of identical or similar exported goods in the Vietnamese market
2.5. Determination of customs value for exported goods in special cases
II. Determination of customs value for imported goods
1. Principles for determining customs value for imported goods
2. Method for determining customs value of imported goods:
The customs value of imported goods is determined by sequentially applying the following six methods and stopping immediately at the method that determines the customs value:
2.2. The transaction value method of imported goods is identical
2.3. Transaction value method of similar imported goods
III. Determination of customs value in some special cases
3. Customs value of goods imported into Vietnam after outsourcing processing to a foreign party
4. Imported goods are goods sent abroad for repair
5. Imported goods do not have a sales contract or commercial invoice
6. Imported goods in excess of the goods purchase contract or commercial invoice
7. Imported goods do not conform to the goods purchase contract or commercial invoice
9. Imported goods are rented goods
11. Goods exported and imported in other special cases
IV. Content related to customs valuation methods
1. Special relationship
V. Procedures for pre-determination of customs value
B. Tax determination
When exporting or importing goods, businesses must pay export tax, import tax, value added tax (if any), environmental protection tax (if any), and special consumption tax (if any). and other additional taxes (anti-dumping tax, anti-subsidy tax, self-defense tax) (if any).
I. Export tax and import tax
1. Subjects subject to export tax and import tax
2. Method of calculating export tax and import tax
3. Basis for calculating export tax and import tax
4. Export tariff schedule, Import tariff schedule
II. V.a.t tax
1. Subjects subject to value added tax
2. Basis and method of calculating value added tax
III. Special Consumption Tax
1. Subjects subject to special consumption tax
2. Basis and method of calculating special consumption tax
3. Cases not subject to Special Consumption Tax
IV. Environmental Protection tax
1. Subjects subject to environmental protection tax
2. Basis and method of calculating Environmental Protection tax
V. Tax payment method