Vietnam - Argentina promote two-way agricultural trade

On April 11, at the headquarters of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Deputy Minister Tran Thanh Nam had a reception and working session with Argentine Ambassador to Vietnam Luis Pablo Maria Beltramino.

Overview of the working session between Deputy Minister Ran Thanh Nam and Argentine Ambassador to Vietnam Luis Pablo Maria Beltramino.


At the meeting, Deputy Minister Tran Thanh Nam welcomed Ambassador Luis Pablo Maria Beltramino to work with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, and highly appreciated the cooperative relationship between Vietnam and Argentina in general and in the field of agriculture. agricultural sector in particular. The two sides have signed a number of scientific and technical cooperation agreements between the two Ministries of Agriculture as well as promoting trade in agricultural products between the two countries and have made certain progress. Deputy Minister Tran Thanh Nam affirmed that the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development will continue to coordinate closely with the Argentine Embassy in Vietnam to further strengthen cooperation in science, technology and agricultural trade between the two countries.

Deputy Minister Tran Thanh Nam spoke at the working session

For his part, Ambassador Luis Pablo Maria Beltramino respectfully thanked the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development for arranging time to work with the Argentine Embassy in Vietnam. This year is the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Argentina and the cooperative relationship between the two countries has grown very well over the past time, reflected in many fields, not only politically but also in the trade balance between the two countries. It can be said that bilateral trade exchange in recent years has increased very rapidly. Specifically, in 2022, bilateral trade turnover will reach about 5 billion USD. However, in the two-way trade balance, Vietnam has a deficit compared to Argentina. The Ambassador hopes that Vietnam will increase exports to Argentina more so that the trade balance between the two countries is balanced. In addition, the Ambassador said the two countries also have a close technical cooperation relationship and Argentina is happy because Vietnam is the country with the most technical cooperation in the field of agriculture and industry with Argentina. in the Southeast Asia region. The Ambassador hopes to continue to receive cooperation and support from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in issues related to bilateral trade, including opening the market for some Argentine agricultural products. .

Argentine Ambassador to Vietnam Luis Pablo Maria Beltramino

Regarding two-way trade turnover, Deputy Minister Tran Thanh Nam was pleased with the stable growth rate of bilateral trade turnover in recent years. Bilateral import and export value will reach about 5 billion USD in 2022, however, Vietnam's agricultural exports to Argentina are still limited and account for only a very small part, while Vietnam's agricultural products can be strong in the world. world, exported to more than 100 countries around the world. Meanwhile, the advantages of the two countries do not compete with each other at all but can complement each other. To promote balanced trade in agricultural products between the two countries, the Prime Minister hopes that the leaders of the Ministry of Agriculture of the two countries will sit together to discuss and come up with directions to remove remaining barriers and obstacles; Review the memorandums of understanding that the two ministries previously signed with each other to re-sign a new memorandum of understanding because after a long time, the world has had many changes, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic. . In addition, the two countries will jointly rebuild the agricultural supply chain to ensure a balanced trade balance. Specifically, the management agencies of the two countries will be a bridge for businesses of the two countries to meet and exchange information and needs with each other. According to the Deputy Minister, Vietnamese businesses are in dire need of raw materials to process animal feed such as corn and soybeans. Meanwhile, you can import Vietnam's strong products such as rubber, coffee, cashews, and seafood.

Deputy Minister Tran Thanh Nam and Ambassador Luis Pablo Maria Beltramino agreed to continue working closely to soon resolve outstanding issues, thereby contributing to further improving bilateral trade turnover.

Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

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