Ninh Son is ready to welcome tourists to attend the fruit festival

From June 16 to 17, the People's Committee of Ninh Son district, Ninh Thuan province will organize the first Fruit Festival in 2023. The festival displays 18 booths of local fruits and specific products such as durian. Particularly, mangosteen, jackfruit, rambutan...

Nông dân xã Lâm Sơn tất bất chăm sóc vườn trái cây để chuẩn bị cho lễ hội lớn diễn ra vào 16-6 - Ảnh: DUY NGỌC

Farmers in Lam Son commune are constantly taking care of the fruit garden to prepare for the big festival taking place on June 16 - Photo: DUY NGOC© Provided by Tuoi Tre

According to the People's Committee of Ninh Son district (Ninh Thuan province), the fruit festival will take place at Anh Dung double street, Tan Son town. The opening ceremony takes place from 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on June 16. The closing ceremony and awarding of prizes will take place at 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on June 17.

The Fruit Festival is an event in the UNESCO Ceremony series registering "The art of Cham ceramic making on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Protection" and the Ninh Thuan Grape and Wine Festival in 2019. 2023.

Within the framework of the festival there will be 8 main activities, including: displaying fruit stalls and specific local products; Food stalls display and introduce traditional local dishes; fruit art display contest; workshop to reorganize production, improve fruit supply capacity for export in Ninh Son district...

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According to Mr. Duong Dang Minh - Head of Ninh Son District Agriculture and Rural Development Department, Lam Son fruits were recognized as geographical indications in 2018.

"In the past, fruit was often sold by garden owners to traders, but now many gardeners have focused on developing eco-tourism, so the fruit is mainly to serve tourists right at the garden" - Mr. Minh said.

Mr. Minh emphasized: "In the long term, to develop fruit orchards, local authorities regularly propagate people to focus on improving garden land and at the same time look for new seed sources to diversify varieties. fruit trees".

Cây mít trĩu quả tại vườn trái cây ở thôn Lâm Hòa, xã Lâm Sơn - Ảnh: THẾ KIỆT

Jackfruit tree laden with fruit in the fruit garden in Lam Hoa village, Lam Son commune - Photo: THE KIET© Provided by Tuoi Tre

Chairman of Ninh Son District People's Committee Kieu Tan Thinh said that this is the first time the district has organized a Fruit Festival.

Coming to the festival, visitors will be able to visit and experience 18 booths displaying typical local fruits and products such as durian, mangosteen, jackfruit, rambutan, melon, apple, grapes. ..., cashew products, handicrafts, turned wooden furniture, wine, baskets, crossbows...

Food stalls, traditional dishes made from goat meat, lamb, beef, chicken,... and beverage and snack stalls.

The festival also includes the display of fruit products from Khanh Son district (Khanh Hoa province) and Don Duong district (Lam Dong province).

“The fruit festival is an opportunity to promote and introduce the potential and strengths of fruit brands and Ninh Son's agricultural industry to consumers, tourists, and businesses inside and outside the province.

The special event helps farmers introduce delicious fruits, connect supply and demand to buy and sell agricultural products, cooperate and link, create opportunities to interact and exchange production experiences with neighboring provinces..." - Mr. Thinh added.

Ms. Lieu Thi Phuong - general director of Charm Group - said that the fruit festival is an opportunity to promote the fruits of Ninh Son district to tourists inside and outside the province, especially international tourists.

“This is a very effective tourism stimulus program. We earnestly wish to find new, high-quality, economically viable tree varieties.

Specifically, in Lam Son commune, Ninh Son district, there are fruit trees such as durian, mango... that are cared for using organic methods, which will be a positive contribution to community health" - Ms. Phuong added.

And Ms. Pham Thi My Hanh - director of Phuong Hanh Media and Event Company - said that the preparations for the first Fruit Festival in 2023 have reached 85% from now until the festival will be thoroughly completed.

Khu vực diễn ra lễ hội đang được khẩn trương thi công - Ảnh: HỒNG ĐƯỢM

The festival area is being urgently constructed - Photo: HONG DUOM© Provided by Tuoi Tre

These days, garden owners in Lam Son commune are focusing on taking care of orchards such as durian, rambutan, mangosteen, green-skinned grapefruit, jackfruit... to prepare for the festival.

Garden owners said that this year, the fruit ripened right on the occasion of the festival, so they prepared more elaborately by improving the ecological landscape.

The fruit festival has 18 stalls

From June 16 to June 17, 2023, the first Ninh Son district Fruit Festival in 2023 organized by the People's Committee of Ninh Son district, Ninh Thuan province, with the companionship of Charm Group will take place. at Anh Dung double road, Tan Son town, Ninh Son district, Ninh Thuan province.

This is an event in a series of activities in response to UNESCO's Ceremony to register "Ceramic Art of the Cham people on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Protection" and the Ninh Thuan Grape and Wine Festival. 2023.

Coming to the festival, visitors will be able to visit and experience 18 booths displaying typical local fruits and products such as durian, mangosteen, jackfruit, rambutan, melon, apple, grapes. ... cashew products, handicrafts, turned wooden furniture, can wine, baskets, crossbows...

Read the original article here This.

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