Instructions for customs declaration upon exit in 2024

Instructions for customs declaration upon exit

– The customs declaration is distributed in advance on the plane, or placed in front of the customs clearance area.

– People leaving the country make declaration Customs declaration according to Instructions for declaring criteria/boxes on customs declarations for immigration purposes

Fill in all information in the boxes on pages 02 and 03 of the Customs Declaration before completing procedures with the Customs authorities at the border gate for each exit and be responsible before the law for the declaration content. mine; Write clearly, do not erase or edit; Do not use pencil or red pen to declare.

– If there are temporarily exported and re-imported goods brought along for the purpose of the trip, declare in box 10; Customs officials will ask passengers to declare above Customs declaration sample paper Export goods declaration (attach).

Legal grounds

– Circular No. 120/2015/TT-BTC dated August 14, 2015 regulating the form, printing, issuance, management and use of customs declarations for people on exit and entry.

– Circular No. 52/2017/TT-BTC dated May 19, 2017 of the Ministry of Finance amending and supplementing a number of articles of Circular No. 120/2015/TT-BTC dated August 14, 2015 regulating samples, printing, publishing, management and Use customs declarations for people entering and leaving the country.

– Consolidated document No. 02/VBHN-BTC dated December 2, 2018 of the Ministry of Finance regulating the form, printing, issuance, management and use of customs declarations for people on exit and entry. (Consolidation of Circular No. 120 and Circular 52- Article 4: Regulations on declaration on customs declarations).

– Appendix IV: Customs declaration form, paper customs declaration appendix and instructions on how to write information criteria on the Forms (Issued together with Circular No. 38/2015/TT-BTC March 25, 2015 of the Ministry of Finance regulations on customs procedures; customs inspection and supervision; export tax, import tax and tax administration for exported and imported goods).

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