Agricultural cooperatives adapt to climate change

Agricultural cooperatives (Cooperatives) adapting to climate change (CC) in the Mekong Delta (Mekong Delta) is a Forum organized to promote the implementation of solutions and tasks to improve cooperative capacity. Agriculture adapting to climate change in the Mekong Delta in the period 2022 - 2025.

At the same time, discuss and agree with localities, businesses, cooperatives and relevant units to closely coordinate and participate in successfully implementing the goals set out in the Project "Improving capacity to adapt to changes". Climate change of agricultural cooperatives in the Mekong Delta in the period 2021 - 2025" in decision 854/QD-TTg dated July 19, 2022.

According to the project, organizing a climate change adaptation forum is an annual activity. Accordingly, relevant units will coordinate with international organizations such as the German International Cooperation Organization (GIZ) to develop documents to guide cooperatives in applying farming measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The general goal of the project is: to improve the capacity to proactively apply adaptation measures, limit negative effects, and take advantage of opportunities brought by climate change to sustainably develop agricultural cooperatives. industry in the Mekong Delta region.

Building an agricultural cooperative model that applies effective adaptation measures to climate change (source: Dong Thap Newspaper)

Striving to 2025: 100% agricultural cooperatives in the Mekong Delta will be propagated and trained to raise awareness of climate change and measures to adapt to climate change; Each province has 3-5 agricultural cooperative models applying effective adaptation measures to climate change; promote agricultural cooperatives in the region to apply effective adaptation measures to climate change; Forming forums to share effective climate change adaptation models.

The forum also spent important time discussing the implementation plan of Project 854 of the Prime Minister on improving the capacity to adapt to climate change of agricultural cooperatives in the Mekong Delta, focusing on communication activities, raising awareness about the impacts of climate change and measures to adapt to climate change; training and capacity building for agricultural cooperatives and cooperative members; Build and develop green, circular, environmentally friendly and climate change-adaptive economic models for cooperatives; Livelihood development, crop and livestock restructuring for agricultural cooperatives and cooperative members...

Source: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

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