ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA)

The ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA) is one of the basic agreements of the AEC, signed in February 2009 and effective from May 17, 2010, formerly known as the Preferential Tariff Agreement. common entry into force (CEPT/AFTA) signed in 1992.

ATIGA is ASEAN's first comprehensive agreement regulating all intra-bloc trade in goods and is built on the basis of synthesizing tariff reduction/elimination commitments agreed in CEPT/AFTA along with other commitments. relevant agreements and protocols.

Vietnam joined ASEAN in 1995 and began implementing CEPT/AFTA in 1996 and later continued to implement ATIGA.

Main features of ATIGA:

  • In ATIGA, ASEAN countries give each other incentives equivalent to or more favorable than those given to partner countries in the Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) that ASEAN signed (ASEAN+ FTAs).
  • In addition to tariff commitments, ATIGA also includes many other commitments such as: eliminating non-tariff barriers, rules of origin, trade facilitation, customs, standards and conformity, sanitary and epidemiological measures.
  • The tariff reduction commitment schedule in each country's ATIGA (Appendix 2 of the Agreement) includes all products in the ASEAN Harmonized Tariff List (AHTN) and a specific reduction roadmap for each product. in each year. Therefore, compared to CEPT, tariff commitments in ATIGA are very clear and easy to look up.

    Agreement Documents:ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement

    Appendix 1 – List of notification measures (English)

    Appendix 2 – Tariff schedule

    Brunei  (English)

    Cambodia  (English)

    Indonesia  (English)

    Laos  (English)

    Malaysia  (English)

    Myanmar  (English)

    Philippines  (English)

    Singapore  (English)

    Thailand  (English)

    Vietnam  (English)

    Appendix 3 – Product specific rules of origin (English)

    Appendix 3 – Attachment 1 – Rules of origin for textile products (English)

    Appendix 4 – ITA products in AHTN 2007 (English)

    Appendix 5 – Principles and instructions for calculating regional value content in ATIGA (English)

    Appendix 6 – Instructions for implementing Partial Cumulation according to the provisions of Article 30(2) Cumulative Rules of Origin in ASEAN (English)

    Appendix 7 – Model D Rules of Origin and Notes (English)

    Appendix 8 – Operation certification procedures (English)

    Appendix 9 – List of animal and plant quarantine measures (English)

    Appendix 10 – Designated contacts for implementing animal and plant quarantine measures under ATIGA Chapter 8 (English)

    Appendix 11 – List of replaced Agreements (English)

    First Protocol amending the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA), dated January 22, 2019 (English)

    Agreement on Common Effective Preferential Tariffs (CEPT)

    Protocol on Special Treatment of Rice and Sugar, 23 August 2007 (English)

    First Protocol amending the Protocol on Special Arrangements for Sensitive and Highly Sensitive Products), 3 September 2004 (English)

    Protocol amending the Agreement on Common Effective Preferential Tariffs (CEPT) for the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) to eliminate import duties, 31 January 2003 (English)

    Protocol on the Implementation of the Temporary Exclusion List under the Agreement on Common Effective Preferential Tariffs (CEPT), Singapore, 22-25 November 2000 (English)

    Protocol on Special Arrangements for Sensitive and Highly Sensitive Products, Singapore, 30 September 1999 (English)

    Protocol on Notification Procedures (English)

    ASEAN Framework Agreement on Facilitation of Goods in Transit, Hanoi, December 16, 1998 (English)

    Protocol to amend the Framework Agreement on Enhanced ASEAN Economic Cooperation, Bangkok, 15 December 1995 (English)

    Protocol on the Accession of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to the Agreement on a General Effective Preferential Tariff Program for the ASEAN Free Trade Area, Bangkok, 15 December 1995 (English)

    Protocol amending the Agreement on a Common Effective Preferential Tariff Program for ASEAN, Bangkok, 15 December 1995 (English)

    Protocol on the Accession of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to the Framework Agreement on Enhanced ASEAN Economic Cooperation, Bangkok, December 15, 1995 (English)

    Protocol amending the Agreement on ASEAN Preferential Trade Arrangements, Bangkok, 15 December 1995 (CEPT) (English)

    Framework Agreement on Enhanced ASEAN Economic Cooperation, Singapore, 28 January 1992 (English)

    Agreement on a General Effective Preferential Tariff Scheme for the ASEAN Free Trade Area, 28 January 1992 (CEPT) (English)

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