Korea invested more than 14 billion USD in Bac Ninh

TPO - On May 18, within the framework of the program "Meeting Korea in the Northern region", Vice Chairman of Bac Ninh Provincial People's Committee Vuong Quoc Tuan said that Korea has invested more than 14 billion USD in Bac Ninh province.

The program "Meeting Korea in the Northern region in 2023" is coordinated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Korean Embassy in Vietnam with Bac Ninh province. Within the framework of the program, connection activities between Korean businesses and the Bac Ninh provincial government are organized, with the participation of 20 Korean businesses that are investing and have investment needs in this province.

At the program, Vice Chairman of the People's Committee of Bac Ninh province Vuong Quoc Tuan emphasized that with its favorable geographical location and the continuous reform efforts of generations of leaders of Bac Ninh province, it has created strength and potential. The province's investment and business environment is ranked among the top in the country.

Mr. Tuan said, Korea is the country with the largest scale of investment capital in Bac Ninh province with 960 projects, total investment capital is more than 14 billion USD. Among them, typical examples include: Samsung, Intops, Hanwha Techwin, Amkor, Hyosung. Korean projects have been highly effective, making important contributions to the socio-economic development and social security of Bac Ninh province.

Vice Chairman of the People's Committee of Bac Ninh province affirmed that to welcome investors, Bac Ninh province is always ready in terms of clean premises, human resources, continuous administrative reform, and is ready to support businesses investing in the province. . Through the connection program, Mr. Tuan hopes to create new steps in investment promotion between Bac Ninh and Korean businesses. Bac Ninh province is always ready to share opportunities, listen and give specific answers to investors.

Korean Minister Counselor to Vietnam Yoon Sang-key hopes that the connection program will establish more relationships Investment cooperation between Bac Ninh province and Korean businesses.

In the spirit of openness and cooperation of the connection program, Korean businesses shared and discussed with the Bac Ninh provincial government in areas such as environment, science and technology education for youth. youth, Korean language training; building urban wastewater treatment plants, industrial parks, waste-to-electric projects... Korean businesses investing in Bac Ninh also asked Bac Ninh province to pay attention and introduce locations to expand investment scale. , solving problems in fire prevention and fighting.

Thanking and accepting the opinions of Korean businesses, Vice Chairman of Bac Ninh Provincial People's Committee Vuong Quoc Tuan assigned functional departments and branches to continue connecting and supporting in promptly solving businesses' problems.

Read the original article here This.

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