Authorities at airports, seaports and borders

Authorities at airports, seaports and borders

1. Border gate police (Immigration): Check passports, issue and stamp visas; Check temporary residence period; Control people (not control luggage or imported goods). At seaports and border gates, the Border Guard will perform the same work as the border police at the airport.

2. Customs: Check the luggage of people entering the country to prevent smuggling and illegal transportation of foreign currency, Vietnamese currency, gold, precious metals, gemstones and goods across borders such as prohibited export and import items. ; Check licenses for conditional export and import items, collect import tax (if any) on luggage of people entering the country.

3. Airport security: Check people and luggage of people on exit to ensure safety, aviation security and security at the airport (ensure there are no weapons, explosives, chemicals or other goods or items that may can cause flight safety).

Dangerous articles (including all types of knives, including hunting and other knives, swords, swords of any kind, clubs, sticks or similar objects, any other instrument or Items that are not normally considered dangerous items but can become dangerous depending on the purpose of use such as ice tongs, razors, scissors of all kinds, hammers, pliers, nail clippers... are only allowed to be transported. transported as checked baggage (if airlines agree).

4. There are also a number of functional agencies responsible for: medical quarantine, animal, plant, food quarantine... at certain times when required.

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