Prevent and handle mineral violations

Strengthen control and limit violations of mineral laws. Localities set up working groups to inspect, prevent, handle and clearly define responsibilities for organizations and individuals that cause incidents. made a mistake.

Set up a working group to handle violations

In An Giang, on March 15, Steering Committee 389 (Steering Committee against smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeit goods) of An Giang province organized a joint signing to coordinate the fight against crime and violations. Law on minerals on inland waterways of An Giang province in 2023.

Accordingly, three forces including: Provincial Police, Provincial Tax Department, Provincial Department of Natural Resources and Environment will coordinate to prevent and combat crimes and violations of law related to the field of natural resources and environment on inland waterways. location, focusing on managing and controlling scarce river sand resources, giving priority to key national projects such as: Long Xuyen City bypass project; Chau Doc – Can Tho – Soc Trang Expressway…

Mobilize forces to synchronously use combat measures and strictly handle violations according to the provisions of law for acts of violating the law on mining, trading, transporting and exporting minerals on all routes. inland waterways, contributing to ensuring favorable and fair conditions in people's production and business activities...

The subjects that need to focus on strict management and control are businesses licensed to exploit and export minerals and dredging projects to clear channels and regulate flows with mineral recovery. Enterprises, production and business establishments that contain mineral products (including wharfs and storage yards for sand, river gravel, agricultural soil, and rocks). The focus is still on rivers and canals in areas where illegal mining and transportation of minerals is likely to occur.

Check compliance with legal regulations on mineral exploitation, business and transportation activities; compliance with legal regulations on ensuring waterway traffic safety; location to be exploited, time of exploitation; Check the implementation of tax obligations in the natural resources sector; inspection, detection and strict handling of gathering points and vehicles illegally exploiting and transporting minerals.

According to the plan, An Giang Provincial Police will establish 5 working groups to inspect, prevent and handle sand on Tien and Hau river branches. Each group has from 8 to 11 officers and soldiers. Notably, in the near future, Steering Committee 389 of An Giang province will consider installing cameras in sand mining areas to check, prevent and combat revenue loss.

It is strictly prohibited to take advantage of dredging and illegal sand mining

In Hanoi, the City People's Committee has just issued Plan No. 85 on implementing Directive No. 38 of the Government on continuing to strengthen state management of exploration, exploitation, processing and use activities. and mineral export.

The plan clearly states that the city will thoroughly overcome the limitations and shortcomings mentioned in Directive No. 38/CT-TTg of the Prime Minister to continue to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of State management over with exploration, exploitation, processing and use of minerals.

At the same time, improve State management of mineral exploration, exploitation, processing, use and export activities. Strengthen control and limit violations of laws in the mineral sector, ensure social order and safety, and create motivation to promote socio-economic development in the city.

To do this well, the City People's Committee assigns relevant departments, branches and localities to carry out specific tasks with the motto: "clear people, clear jobs, clear responsibilities, clear processes and clear effectiveness". Accordingly, the Hanoi Department of Natural Resources and Environment and other Departments, committees and branches advise the City People's Committee in coordinating with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and relevant ministries to identify areas where activities are prohibited or temporarily banned. mineral cave.

Besides, preside and coordinate with relevant Departments and branches; People's Committees of districts and towns strengthen inspection and examination of mineral exploitation activities, focusing on environmental protection in mining, especially exploitation and use of sand and gravel in river beds. ; Resolutely stop mining, close mines, improve and restore the environment in ineffective mining areas that cause environmental pollution according to the provisions of law; Review and inspect mine closure for expired mineral exploitation licenses according to regulations.

Hanoi Department of Industry and Trade presides and coordinates with relevant departments and branches; People's Committees of districts, towns and cities strengthen inspection and examination of mineral processing activities; Strictly handle illegal trading and export of minerals.

Hanoi City Police coordinate with relevant sectors, units, and authorities at all levels to organize patrols, inspections, and promptly handle violations of illegal mineral exploitation and transportation activities. and trading in minerals of unknown legal origin, especially river sand minerals. It is strictly forbidden to take advantage of dredging and clearing channels to exploit sand or exploit minerals illegally...

People's Committees of districts, towns and cities proactively establish and implement plans to protect unexploited minerals in the area, clearly defining the responsibilities of the heads of commune-level authorities and organizing implementation. Urge units whose mineral exploitation licenses have expired to prepare mine closure plans according to the provisions of the Mineral Law...

Source: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

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