List of food safety inspection items



PLU Description of goods Note
07.01 Potatoes, fresh or chilled.
0701.90 - Others:
0701.90.10 – – Type commonly used to make chipping potatoes (SEN)
0701.90.90 - - Others
0702.00.00 Tomatoes, fresh or chilled.
07.03 Onions, onions, chives, garlic, leeks and vegetables Other onions and garlic, fresh or chilled.
0703.10 – Onions, onions and chives:
- - Onion:
0703.10.19 - - - Others
– – Onions, chives:
0703.10.29 - - - Others
0703.20 - Garlic:
0703.20.90 - - Others
0703.90 – Leeks and other onion and garlic vegetables:
0703.90.90 - - Others
07.04 Cabbage, cauliflower (1), kohlrabi, kale and similar edible cabbages, fresh or chilled.
0704.10 - Cauliflower (1) and headed broccoli:
0704.10.10 - - Cauliflower (1) (except broccoli-headed broccoli)
0704.10.20 – – Headed broccoli
0704.20.00 – Brussels sprouts
0704.90 - Others:
0704.90.10 – – Cabbage rolls (rolls) (SEN)
0704.90.20 – – Chinese mustard (SEN)
0704.90.90 - - Others
07.05 Lettuce, lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and chicory (Cichorium spp.), fresh or chilled.
– Lettuce, lettuce:
0705.11.00 – – Head lettuce
0705.19.00 - - Others
- Kale:
0705.21.00 – – Chicory roots (Cichorium intybus var. foliosum)
0705.29.00 - - Others
07.06 Carrots, turnips, salad beets, salsify, celeriac, radish and similar edible roots, fresh or chilled.
0706.10 – Carrots and radishes:
0706.10.10 - - Carrot
0706.10.20 - - Radish
0706.90.00 - Others
0707.00.00 Cucumbers and gherkins, fresh or chilled.
07.08 Legumes, shelled or unshelled, fresh or chilled. 20
0708.10.00 - Peas (Pisum sativum)
0708.20 – Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.):
0708.20.10 - - String beans (SEN)
0708.20.20 – – Long beans
0708.20.90 - - Others
0708.90.00 – Other legumes
07.09 Other vegetables, fresh or chilled.
0709.20.00 - Asparagus
0709.30.00 - Eggplant
0709.40.00 – Celery other than celeriac
– Mushrooms and truffles:
0709.51.00 – – Mushrooms belong to the genus Agaricus
0709.59 - - Others:
0709.59.10 – – – Truffles
0709.59.90 - - - Others
0709.60 – Chili fruit belongs to the genus Capsicum or what Pimenta:
0709.60.10 – – Chillies (fruits of genus Capsicum)
0709.60.90 - - Others
0709.70.00 – Spinach, New Zealand spinach, pear spinach (garden grown spinach)
- Others:
0709.91.00 – – Artichokes
0709.92.00 - - Olive
0709.93.00 – – Pumpkins, squash and gourds (Cucurbita spp.)
0709.99 - - Others:
0709.99.10 - - - Sweet corn
0709.99.20 – – – Okra (Okra)
0709.99.90 - - - Others
07.10 Vegetables of all kinds (whether or not steamed or boiled in water), frozen.
0710.10.00 - Potato
– Vegetables and beans of all kinds, peeled or unshelled:
0710.21.00 - - Peas (Pisum sativum)
0710.22.00 – – Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.)
0710.29.00 - - Others
0710.30.00 – Spinach, New Zealand spinach, pear spinach (garden grown spinach)
0710.40.00 - Sweet corn
0710.80.00 – Other vegetables
0710.90.00 – Mixture of vegetables
07.11 Vegetables that have been temporarily preserved (for example, by sulfur gas, in brine, in sulfur water or in other preservative solutions), but cannot be eaten immediately.
0711.20 - Olive:
0711.20.10 – – Preserved with sulfur gas
0711.20.90 - - Others
0711.40 – Cucumbers and gherkins:
0711.40.10 – – Preserved with sulfur gas
0711.40.90 - - Others
– Mushrooms and truffles:
0711.51 – – Mushrooms belong to the genus Agaricus:
0711.51.10 – – – Preserved with sulfur gas
0711.51.90 - - - Others
0711.59 - - Others:
0711.59.10 – – – Preserved with sulfur gas
0711.59.90 - - - Others
0711.90 – Other vegetables; Mixed vegetables:
0711.90.10 - - Sweet corn
0711.90.20 – – Chillies (fruits of genus Capsicum)
0711.90.30 – – Capers
0711.90.40 – – Onions, preserved by sulfur gas
0711.90.50 – – Onions, preserved other than those preserved by sulfur gas
0711.90.60 – – Other, preserved by sulfur gas
0711.90.90 - - Others
07.12 Dried vegetables, whole, cut, sliced, shredded or powdered, but not further processed.
0712.20.00 - Onion
- Wood ear mushrooms (Auricularia spp.), slime mold (Tremella spp.) and truffles:
0712.31.00 – – Mushrooms belong to the genus Agaricus
0712.32.00 - - Fungus (Auricularia spp.)
0712.33.00 – – Slime fungus (Tremella spp.)
0712.39 - - Others:
0712.39.10 – – – Truffles
0712.39.20 – – – Shiitake mushrooms (dong-gu) (SEN)
0712.39.90 - - - Others
0712.90 – Other vegetables; Mixed vegetables:
0712.90.10 - - Garlic
0712.90.90 - - Others
07.13 Dried legumes, peeled, whether or not the seeds have been peeled or broken.
0713.10 - Peas (Pisum sativum):
0713.10.90 - - Others
0713.20 – Chickpeas (garbanzos):
0713.20.90 - - Others
– Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.):
0713.31 – – Beans belong to the species Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper or Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek:
0713.31.90 - - - Others
0713.32 – – Small red beans (Adzuki) (Phaseolus or Vigna angularis):
0713.32.90 - - - Others
0713.33 – – Kidney beans, including white beans (Phaseolus vulgaris):
0713.33.90 - - - Others
0713.34 – – Bambara beans (Vigna subterranea or Voandzeia subterranea):
0713.34.90 - - - Others
0713.35 - - String beans (Vigna unguiculata):
0713.35.90 - - - Others
0713.39 - - Others:
0713.39.90 - - - Others
0713.40 – Lentils:
0713.40.90 - - Others
0713.50 – Broad beans (Vicia faba var. major) and horse beans (Vicia faba var. equina, Vicia faba var. minor):
0713.50.90 - - Others
0713.60 – Royal beans, bean curd (Cajanus cajan):
0713.60.90 - - Others
0713.90 - Others:
0713.90.90 - - Others
07.14 Cassava, arrowroot, orchids, Jerusalem artichokes, sweet potatoes and similar tubers and roots high in starch or inulin, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not sliced or made into pellets; sago palm core.
0714.10 – Cassava:
– – Sliced or made into pellets:
0714.10.11 – – – Slices have been dried
0714.10.19 - - - Others
- - Others:
0714.10.91 - - - Frozen
0714.10.99 - - - Others
0714.20 - Sweet potato:
0714.20.10 - - Frozen
0714.20.90 - - Others
0714.30 – Yam (Dioscorea spp.):
0714.30.10 - - Frozen
0714.30.90 - - Others
0714.40 - Taro (Colacasia spp.):
0714.40.10 - - Frozen
0714.40.90 - - Others
0714.50 - Taro (Xanthosoma spp.):
0714.50.10 - - Frozen
0714.50.90 - - Others
0714.90 - Others:
– – Sago palm core:
0714.90.11 - - - Frozen
0714.90.19 - - - Others
- - Others:
0714.90.91 - - - Frozen
0714.90.99 - - - Others
08.01 Coconuts, Brazil nuts and cashews, fresh or dried, whether or not shelled or peeled.
- Coconut:
0801.11.00 – – Has passed the drying stage
0801.12.00 – – Coconut with intact skull
0801.19 - - Others:
0801.19.10 – – – Young coconut (SEN)
0801.19.90 - - - Others
– Brazil nuts (Brazil nuts):
0801.21.00 – – Unpeeled
0801.22.00 – – Peeled
- Cashew:
0801.31.00 – – Unpeeled
0801.32.00 – – Peeled
08.02 Other nuts, fresh or dried, whether or not shelled or peeled.
- Almonds:
0802.11.00 – – Unpeeled
0802.12.00 – – Peeled
– Hazelnuts or hazelnuts (Corylus spp.):
0802.21.00 – – Unpeeled
0802.22.00 – – Peeled
- Walnuts:
0802.31.00 – – Unpeeled
0802.32.00 – – Peeled
- Chestnut (Castanea spp.):
0802.41.00 – – Unpeeled
0802.42.00 – – Peeled
– Pistachios (Pistachios):
0802.51.00 – – Unpeeled
0802.52.00 – – Peeled
– Macadamia nuts (Macadamia nuts):
0802.61.00 – – Unpeeled
0802.62.00 – – Peeled
0802.70.00 – Kola seeds (Cola spp.)
0802.80.00 – Areca nut
0802.90.00 - Others
08.03 Bananas, including plantains, fresh or dried.
0803.10.00 – Banana leaves
0803.90 - Others:
0803.90.10 – – Banana reigns (SEN)
0803.90.90 - - Others
08.04 Dates, figs, pineapple, avocado, guava, mango and mangosteen, fresh or dried.
0804.10.00 - Palm fruit
0804.20.00 – Figs, figs
0804.30.00 - Pineapple
0804.40.00 - Avocado
0804.50 – Guava, mango and mangosteen:
0804.50.10 - - Guava fruit
0804.50.20 - - Mangoes
0804.50.30 - - Mangosteen
08.05 Citrus fruit, fresh or dried.
0805.10 - Orange:
0805.10.10 - - Fresh
0805.10.20 - - Dried
– Tangerines of all kinds (including kumquats); clementines and similar citrus hybrids:
0805.21.00 – – Tangerines of all kinds (including kumquats)
0805.22.00 – – Small oranges (Clementines)
0805.29.00 - - Others
0805.40.00 – Grapefruit, including grapefruit
0805.50 – Yellow lemon (Citrus limon, Citrus limonum) and green lemon (Citrus aurantifolia, Citrus latifolia):
0805.50.10 – – Yellow lemon (Citrus limon, Citrus limonum)
0805.50.20 – – Green lemon (Citrus aurantifolia, Citrus latifolia)
0805.90.00 - Others
08.06 Grapes, fresh or dried.
0806.10.00 - Fresh
0806.20.00 - Dried
08.07 Melon fruits (including watermelon) and papaya, fresh.
– Melon fruits (including watermelon):
0807.11.00 - - Watermelon
0807.19.00 - - Others
0807.20.00 - Papaya
08.08 Apples, pears and quince, fresh.
0808.10.00 – Apples (apples)
0808.30.00 - Pear
0808.40.00 – Quince
08.09 Apricots, cherries, peaches (including nectarines), plums and blackthorn, fresh.
0809.10.00 - Apricots
- Cherry:
0809.21.00 – – Sour cherries (Prunus cerasus)
0809.29.00 - - Others
0809.30.00 – Peaches, including nectarines
0809.40 – Plums and blackthorns:
0809.40.10 - - Plums
0809.40.20 – – Blackthorn
08.10 Other fruit, fresh.
0810.10.00 - Strawberry
0810.20.00 – Raspberries, mulberries and red mulberries (loganberries)
0810.30.00 – Gooseberries and currants, black, white or red
0810.40.00 – Cranberries, blueberries and other fruits of the genus Vaccinium
0810.50.00 - Kiwi
0810.60.00 - Durian
0810.70.00 – Yellow persimmon
0810.90 - Others:
0810.90.10 - - Logan; Mata Kucing longan (SEN)
0810.90.20 - - Litchi fruit
0810.90.30 – – Rambutan fruit
0810.90.40 – – Lanzones (Lanzones)
0810.90.50 – – Jackfruit (including Cempedak and Nangka)
0810.90.60 – – Tamarind
0810.90.70 – – Star fruit
- - Others:
0810.90.91 – – – Salacca (snake skin fruit)
0810.90.92 – – – Dragon fruit
0810.90.93 - - - Fruit 

Sapodilla (ciku fruit)

0810.90.94 - - - Pomegranate (Punica spp.), custard apple or custard apple (Annona spp.), bell fruit (Syzygium spp., Eugenia spp.), Thanh Tra fruit (Bouea spp.), passion fruit (vine) (Passiflora spp.), red alligator fruit (Sandoricum spp.), jujube (Ziziphus spp.) and mulberries (Baccaurea spp.) (SEN)
0810.90.99 - - - Others
08.11 Fruit and nuts, whether or not steamed or boiled in water, frozen, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter.
0811.10.00 - Strawberry
0811.20.00 – Raspberries, mulberries, logan berries, black, white or red currants and gooseberries
0811.90.00 - Others
08.12 Fruits and nuts, temporarily preserved (for example, by sulfur gas, brine, sulfur water or other preservative solution), but not immediately edible.
0812.10.00 - Cherry
0812.90 – Other fruits:
0812.90.10 - - Strawberry
0812.90.90 - - Others
08.13 Fruit, dried, other than fruits of headings 08.01 to 08.06; mixture of nuts or dried fruit of group 08.
0813.10.00 - Apricots
0813.20.00 – Red plum
0813.30.00 – Apples (apples)
0813.40 – Other fruits:
0813.40.10 - - Logan
0813.40.20 – – Tamarind
0813.40.90 – – Another fruit
0813.50 – Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits of group 08:
0813.50.10 – – Cashews or Brazil nuts make up the majority by weight
0813.50.20 – – Other nuts account for the majority of the weight
0813.50.30 – – Dates account for the majority by weight
0813.50.40 – – Avocados or oranges or tangerines of all kinds (including kumquats) account for the majority of the weight
0813.50.90 - - Others
0814.00.00 Peels of citrus fruits or melons (including watermelons), fresh, frozen, dried or temporarily preserved in brine, sulfur water or other preservative solutions. Applies to products that are food or used as food
09.01 Coffee, roasted or unroasted, whether or not decaffeinated; coffee pods and skins; Coffee substitutes contain coffee in some proportion.
– Coffee, unroasted:
0901.11 – – Not decaffeinated:
0901.11.10 – – – Arabica WIB or Robusta OIB
0901.11.90 - - - Others
0901.12 – – Decaffeinated:
0901.12.10 – – – Arabica WIB or Robusta OIB
0901.12.90 - - - Others
– Coffee, roasted:
0901.21 – – Not decaffeinated:
0901.21.10 – – – Not ground yet
0901.21.20 – – – Grinded
0901.22 – – Decaffeinated:
0901.22.10 – – – Not ground yet
0901.22.20 – – – Grinded
0901.90 - Others:
0901.90.10 – – Coffee pods and skins Applies to products that are food or used as food
0901.90.20 – – Alternatives containing coffee
09.02 Tea, whether or not flavored.
0902.10 – Prepackaged green tea (not fermented) weighing no more than 3 kg:
0902.10.10 - - Tea leaf
0902.10.90 - - Others
0902.20 – Other green tea (not fermented):
0902.20.10 - - Tea leaf
0902.20.90 - - Others
0902.30 – Black tea (fermented) and partially fermented tea, prepackaged, weighing no more than 3kg:
0902.30.10 - - Tea leaf
0902.30.90 - - Others
0902.40 – Other black tea (fermented) and other partially fermented tea:
0902.40.10 - - Tea leaf
0902.40.90 - - Others
0903.00.00 Paraguayan tea (Maté).
09.04 Pepper belongs to the genus Piper; Chili pepper belongs to the genus Capsicum or what Pimenta, dried or ground or ground.
- Pepper:
0904.11 – – Unground or ground:
0904.11.10 - - - White
0904.11.20 - - - Black
0904.11.90 - - - Others
0904.12 – – Grinded or crushed:
0904.12.10 - - - White
0904.12.20 - - - Black
0904.12.90 - - - Others
– Chili fruit belongs to the genus Capsicum or what Pimenta:
0904.21 – – Dried, unground or ground:
0904.21.10 – – – Chillies (fruits of genus Capsicum)
0904.21.90 - - - Others
0904.22 – – Grinded or crushed:
0904.22.10 – – – Chillies (fruits of genus Capsicum)
0904.22.90 - - - Others
09.05 Vanilla.
0905.10.00 – Not ground or crushed
0905.20.00 – Grinded or ground
09.06 Cinnamon and cinnamon flowers. Except for those used as additives, flavorings and food processing aids
– Unground or unground:
0906.11.00 – – Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume)
0906.19.00 - - Others
0906.20.00 – Grinded or ground
09.07 Cloves (both fruit, stem and branches). Except for those used as additives, flavorings and food processing aids
0907.10.00 – Not ground or crushed
0907.20.00 – Grinded or ground
09.08 Nutmeg, nutmeg peel and cardamom nutmeg. Except for those used as additives, flavorings and food processing aids
– Nutmeg:
0908.11.00 – – Unground or ground
0908.12.00 – – Grinded or crushed
– Nutmeg peel:
0908.21.00 – – Unground or ground
0908.22.00 – – Grinded or crushed
- Cardamom:
0908.31.00 – – Unground or ground
0908.32.00 – – Grinded or crushed
09.09 Seeds of anise, badian anise, fennel, coriander, cumin or caraway; Juniper berries. Except for those used as additives, flavorings and food processing aids
– Coriander seeds:
0909.21.00 – – Unground or ground
0909.22.00 – – Grinded or crushed
– Egyptian fennel seeds:
0909.31.00 – – Unground or ground
0909.32.00 – – Grinded or crushed
– Seeds of anise, badian anise, caraway or fennel seeds; Juniper berries:
0909.61 – – Unground or ground:
0909.61.10 – – – Of anise (anise)
0909.61.20 – – – Of badian star anise (star anise)
0909.61.30 – – – Of the caraway plant
0909.61.90 - - - Others
0909.62 – – Grinded or crushed:
0909.62.10 – – – Of anise (anise)
0909.62.20 – – – Of badian star anise (star anise)
0909.62.30 – – – Of the caraway plant
0909.62.90 - - - Others
09.10 Ginger, saffron, curcuma, thyme, thyme, bay leaves, curry and other spices. Except for those used as additives, flavorings and food processing aids
- Ginger:
0910.11.00 – – Unground or ground
0910.12.00 – – Grinded or crushed
0910.20.00 – Saffron
0910.30.00 – Turmeric (curcuma)
– Other spices:
0910.91 – – Mixtures specified in Note 1(b) to this Chapter:
0910.91.10 – – – Curry
0910.91.90 - - - Others
0910.99 - - Others:
0910.99.10 – – – Thyme, thyme; bay leaves
0910.99.90 - - - Others
10.01 Wheat and meslin.
– Durum wheat:
1001.19.00 - - Others
- Others:
1001.99 - - Others:
– – – Suitable for use by people:
1001.99.11 – – – – Meslin (SEN)
1001.99.12 – – – – Wheat grain with husk removed (SEN)
1001.99.19 - - - - Others (SEN)
1001.99.91 – – – – Meslin
1001.99.99 – – – – Other (SEN)
10.02 Buckwheat.
1002.90.00 - Others
10.03 Barley.
1003.90.00 - Others
10.04 Oat.
1004.90.00 - Others
10.05 Corn.
1005.90 - Others:
1005.90.10 – – Popcorn (SEN)
1005.90.90 - - Others
10.06 Rice.
1006.10 – Paddy:
1006.10.90 - - Others
1006.20 – Brown rice:
1006.20.10 – – Hom Mali Rice (SEN)
1006.20.90 - - Others
1006.30 – Whole or semi-milled rice, whether or not polished or glazed:
1006.30.30 - - Sticky rice (SEN)
1006.30.40 – – Hom Mali Rice (SEN)
- - Others:
1006.30.91 – – – Parboiled rice (1)
1006.30.99 - - - Others
1006.40 – Plate:
1006.40.90 - - Others (SEN)
10.07 Sorghum.
1007.90.00 - Others
10.08 Buckwheat, millet, and bird's-eye seeds; other grains.
1008.10.00 - Buckwheat
- List:
1008.29.00 - - Others
1008.30.00 – Paddy seeds (rice family)
1008.40.00 – Fonio millet (Digitaria spp.)
1008.50.00 – Quinoa seeds (Chenopodium quinoa)
1008.60.00 – Wheat-rye hybrid (Triticale)
1008.90.00 – Other cereals
11.03 Cereals in broken, powdered and pelleted forms.
– Sheet form:
1103.11.00 – – Of wheat
1103.13.00 – – Of corn
1103.19 – – Of other cereals:
1103.19.10 – – – Of meslin
1103.19.20 – – – Of rice
1103.19.90 - - - Others
1103.20.00 - Tablets
11.04 Cereal grains otherwise worked (for example, hulled, milled, flaked, pearled, sliced or kibbled), other than rice of heading 10.06; Cereal germ, whole, ground, flaked or ground.
– Ground or broken cereals:
1104.12.00 – – Of oats
1104.19 – – Of other cereals:
1104.19.10 – – – Of corn
1104.19.90 - - - Others
– Other processed cereals (for example, hulled, pearled, sliced or coarsely ground):
1104.22.00 – – Of oats
1104.23.00 – – Of corn
1104.29 – – Of other cereals:
1104.29.20 – – – Of barley
1104.29.90 - - - Others
1104.30.00 – Cereal germ, whole, ground, broken or ground
11.05 Powder, coarse powder, fine powder, flakes, granules and magnetic pellets potato.
1105.20.00 – Slices, seeds and tablets
11.06 Flour, coarse powder and fine powder, prepared from vegetables dried beans of heading 07.13, of sago or roots, tubers or tubers of heading 07.14 or from products with HS code prefix 08.
1106.10.00 – From dried legumes of group 07.13
1106.20 – Of sago palm or of roots or tubers of heading 07.14:
1106.20.10 – – From cassava
1106.20.20 – – From the sago palm
1106.20.30 – – From sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas)
1106.20.90 - - Others
1106.30.00 – From products with HS code prefix 08
11.08 Starch; inulin. 
  - Starch:
1108.19.10 – – – Sago starch
12.01 Soybeans, whether or not broken.
1201.90.00 - Others
12.02 Peanuts that have not been roasted or otherwise cooked, whether or not peeled or broken.
- Others:
1202.41.00 – – Unshelled peanuts
1202.42.00 – – Lost people, whether or not broken into pieces
1203.00.00 Dried coconut pulp (rice).
1204.00.00 Flax seeds, whether or not broken.
12.05 Rapeseed seeds, whether or not broken.
1205.10.00 – Rapeseed has low erucic acid content
1205.90.00 - Others
1206.00.00 Sunflower seeds, whether or not broken.
12.07 Other oleaginous fruits and seeds, whether or not broken.
1207.10 – Palm seeds and palm kernels:
1207.10.30 – – Palm kernel kernel
1207.10.90 - - Others
– Cotton seeds
1207.29.00 - - Others
1207.30.00 – Castor beans
1207.40 – Sesame seeds:
1207.40.10 – – Edible type
1207.40.90 - - Others
1207.50.00 – Mustard seeds
1207.60.00 – Safflower seeds (Carthamus tinctorius)
1207.70.00 – Melon seeds
- Others:
1207.99 - - Others:
1207.99.40 – – – Ilipe nuts (illipe nuts)
1207.99.50 – – – Bunches of fresh fruits of the oil palm tree
1207.99.90 - - - Others
12.08 Fine powders and coarse powders from nuts or fruits are available oils, other than flours and meals of mustard seeds.
1208.10.00 – From soybeans
1208.90.00 - Others
12.10 Hops, fresh or dried, whether or not crushed, powdered or in pellets; beer pollen.
1210.10.00 – Hublong, not crushed or ground into powder and not in pellet form
1210.20.00 – Hublong, crushed, ground into powder or in pellet form; beer pollen
1211.90.19 - - - Others Except for goods subject to management according to Circular No. 48/2018/TT-BYT of the Ministry of Health
  - - Others:
12.12 Truly decisive(1), seaweed and other marine algae, sugar beets and sugar cane, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not crushed; seeds and kernels of seeds and other vegetable products (including unroasted chicory roots of the species Cichorium intybus satibium) Mainly used as human food, not detailed or recorded elsewhere.
– Seaweed and other algae:
1212.21 – – Suitable for human consumption:
– – – Dried but not ground:
1212.21.11 – – – – Eucheuma spinosum (SEN)
1212.21.12 – – – – Eucheuma cottonii (SEN)
1212.21.13 – – – – Gracilaria spp. (SEN)
1212.21.14 – – – – Gelidium spp. (SEN)
1212.21.15 – – – – Sargassum spp. (SEN)
1212.21.19 - - - - Others
1212.21.90 - - - Others
- Others:
1212.29 - - Others:
1212.29.20 – – – Other, fresh, chilled or dried
1212.29.30 – – – Other, frozen
1212.91.00 - - Sugar beet
1212.92.00 – – Moringa fruit (carob)(1)
1212.93 - - Sugar cane:
1212.93.90 - - - Others
1212.94.00 – – Chicory root
1212.99 - - Others:
1212.99.10 – – – Seeds and kernels of apricots, peaches (including nectarines) or plums (SEN)
1212.99.90 - - - Others
13.01 Lac resin; natural gums, resins, gum resins and natural oleoresins (for example, balsam). Except for those used as additives, flavorings and food processing aids
1301.20.00 – Arabic gum
1301.90 - Others:
1301.90.30 – – Hemp resin
1301.90.40 – – Lac resin
1301.90.90 - - Others
13.02 Resins and plant extracts; pectic substances, salts of pectinic acid and salts of pectic acid; Agar-agar and other mucilages and thickeners, whether or not modified, obtained from vegetable products. Except for those used as additives, flavorings and food processing aids
– Resins and plant extracts:
1302.12.00 – – From licorice
1302.13.00 – – From hops (hublong)
1302.14.00 – – From the ephedra plant
1302.19 - - Others:
1302.19.20 – – – Extracts and tinctures of the hemp plant
1302.19.40 – – – Resins and plant extracts from chrysanthemum flowers or roots contain rotenone
1302.19.90 - - - Others
1302.20.00 – Pectic substances, salts of pectinic acid and salts of pectic acid
– Mucilages and thickeners, whether or not modified, obtained from vegetable products:
1302.32.00 – – Mucilages and thickeners, whether or not modified, obtained from lotus fruit(1), Minh Quyet seeds(1) or guar seeds
1302.39 - - Others:
– – – Made from carrageen algae (carrageenan):
1302.39.11 – – – – Powder, partially refined (SEN)
1302.39.12 – – – – Powder, refined (SEN)
1302.39.13 – – – – Alkali-treated fragmented Carrageenan (ATCC) (SEN)
1302.39.19 - - - - Others
1302.39.90 - - - Others
17.01 Cane or beet sugar and chemically pure sucrose, in solid form.
– Raw sugar without added flavoring or coloring:
1701.12.00 – – Beet sugar
1701.13.00 – – Cane sugar mentioned in Subheading Note 2 to this Chapter
1701.14.00 – – Other types of cane sugar
- Others:
1701.91.00 – – Added flavoring or coloring matter
1701.99 - - Others:
1701.99.10 – – – Refined sugar
1701.99.90 - - - Others
17.02 Other sugars, including lactose, maltose, glucose and fructose, chemically pure, in solid form; sugar syrup not containing added flavoring or coloring matter; artificial honey, whether or not mixed with natural honey; caramel sugar.
– Lactose and lactose syrup:
1702.11.00 – – Having an anhydrous lactose content of 99% or more, calculated by dry weight
1702.19.00 - - Others
1702.20.00 – Maple sugar and maple syrup
1702.30 – Glucose and glucose syrup, not containing or containing fructose content of less than 20% calculated by weight in the dry state:
1702.30.10 – – Glucose
1702.30.20 – – Glucose syrup
1702.40.00 – Glucose and glucose syrup, containing a fructose content of at least 20% but less than 50% calculated by weight in the dry state, excluding invert sugar
1702.50.00 – Chemically pure fructose
1702.60 – Fructose and other fructose syrup, containing a fructose content of more than 50% calculated by weight in the dry state, excluding invert sugar:
1702.60.10 – – Fructose
1702.60.20 – – Fructose syrup
1702.90 – Other, including invert sugar and other sugars and sugar syrup mixtures containing a fructose content of 50% calculated by weight in the dry state:
– – Maltose and maltose syrup:
1702.90.11 – – – Chemically pure maltose
1702.90.19 - - - Others
1702.90.20 – – Artificial honey, whether or not mixed with natural honey
1702.90.30 – – Sugar mixed with flavoring or coloring matter (except maltose)
1702.90.40 – – Caramel sugar
- - Others:
1702.90.91 – – – Sugar syrup
1702.90.99 - - - Others
17.03 Molasses is obtained from extracting or refining sugar.
1703.10 - Molasses:
1703.10.10 – – Added flavoring or coloring matter
1703.10.90 - - Others
1703.90 - Others:
1703.90.10 – – Added flavoring or coloring matter
1703.90.90 - - Others
1801.00.00 Cocoa beans, whether or not broken, raw or roasted.
18.03 Cocoa powder, whether or not defatted.
1803.10.00 – Not defatted
1803.20.00 – Partially or completely defatted
1804.00.00 Cocoa butter, fats and cocoa oil.
1805.00.00 Cocoa powder, not containing added sugar or other sweeteners.
18.06 Chocolate and other food preparations have contains cocoa. Except for beverage products; candies and jams containing cocoa
1806.10.00 – Cocoa powder, mixed with sugar or other sweeteners
1806.20 – Other preparations in the form of blocks, pieces or bars weighing more than 2 kg or in liquid, paste, powder, granular or other loose form packed in packages or prepackaged, weighing more than 2 kg:
1806.20.90 - - Others
– Other, in blocks, slabs or bars:
1806.31.00 – – There is a cause
1806.32.00 – – No kernel
1806.90 - Others:
1806.90.30 – – Food preparations of flour, meal, starch or malt extract, containing 40% or more but not exceeding 50% by weight of totally defatted cocoa
1806.90.40 – – Food preparations made from products of headings 04.01 to 04.04, containing 5% or more but not exceeding 10% by weight of totally defatted cocoa, specially prepared for infants or children, not put up for retail sale
1806.90.90 - - Others
19.04 Processed foods obtained by roasting or popping cereals or cereal products (e.g. corn flakes); cereals (other than maize), in grain or flakes or other granulated form (except flour, groats and meal), pre-cooked or otherwise prepared, not elsewhere specified or included.
1904.10 – Processed foods obtained from the roasting or blasting of cereals or cereal products:
1904.10.10 – – Contains cocoa
1904.10.90 - - Others
1904.20 – Foods prepared from unroasted cereal flakes or from a mixture of unroasted cereal flakes and roasted cereal flakes or popped cereals:
1904.20.10 – – Foods prepared from unroasted cereal flakes
1904.20.90 – – Other2001
1904.30.00 – Bulgur wheat (1)
1904.90 - Others:
1904.90.10 – – Rice products, including lightly cooked rice
1904.90.90 - - Others
20.01 Vegetables, fruits, nuts and other edible parts of plants, prepared or preserved with vinegar or acetic acid.
2001.10.00 – Cucumbers and gherkins
2001.90 - Others:
2001.90.10 - - Onion
2001.90.90 - - Others
20.02 Tomatoes prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid.
2002.10.00 – Tomatoes, whole or pieces
2002.90 - Others:
2002.90.10 – – Tomato paste in thick form (SEN)
2002.90.20 – – Tomato paste
2002.90.90 - - Others
20.03 Mushrooms and truffles, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid.
2003.10.00 – Mushrooms belong to the genus Agaricus
2003.90 - Others:
2003.90.10 – – Truffles
2003.90.90 - - Others
20.04 Other vegetables, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, frozen, other than products of heading 20.06.
2004.10.00 - Potato
2004.90 – Other vegetables and mixtures of vegetables:
2004.90.10 – – Suitable for infants or young children
2004.90.90 - - Others
20.05 Other vegetables, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen, except for products of heading 20.06.
2005.10 – Homogenized vegetables:
2005.10.10 – – Airtight packaging for retail sale
2005.10.90 - - Others
2005.20 - Potato:
– – Slices, flakes, bars and sticks:
2005.20.11 – – – Airtight packaging for retail sale (SEN)
2005.20.19 - - - Others (SEN)
- - Others:
2005.20.91 – – – Airtight packaging for retail sale
2005.20.99 - - - Others
2005.40.00 - Peas (Pisum sativum)
– Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.):
2005.51.00 – – Peeled
2005.59 - - Others:
2005.59.10 – – – Airtight packaging for retail sale
2005.59.90 - - - Others
2005.60.00 - Asparagus
2005.70.00 - Olive
2005.80.00 - Sweet corn (Zea mays var. saccharata)
– Other vegetables and mixtures of vegetables:
2005.91.00 - - Small bamboo
2005.99 - - Others:
2005.99.10 – – – Airtight packaging for retail sale
2005.99.90 - - - Others
2006.00.00 Vegetables, fruits, nuts, fruit peels and other parts of plants, preserved with sugar (dried with sugar, soaked in sugar water or coated with sugar).
20.09 Fruit juices (including grape must) and vegetable juices, unfermented and not containing added alcohol, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter. Except for canned products managed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade
- Orange juice:
2009.11.00 - - Frozen
2009.12.00 – – Not frozen, with a Brix value not exceeding 20
2009.19.00 - - Others
– Grapefruit juice (including grapefruit juice):
2009.21.00 – – With Brix value not exceeding 20
2009.29.00 - - Others
– Juice from another citrus fruit:
2009.31.00 – – With Brix value not exceeding 20
2009.39.00 - - Others
– Pineapple juice:
2009.41.00 – – With Brix value not exceeding 20
2009.49.00 - - Others
2009.50.00 – Tomato juice
– Grape juice (including grape must):
2009.61.00 – – With Brix value not exceeding 30
2009.69.00 - - Others
- Apple juice:
2009.71.00 – – With Brix value not exceeding 20
2009.79.00 - - Others
– Juice from another fruit or vegetable:
2009.81 – – Cranberries (Vaccinium macrocarpon, Vaccinium oxycoccos, Vaccinium Vitis-idaea):
2009.81.10 – – – Suitable for infants or young children
2009.81.90 - - - Others
2009.89 - - Others:
2009.89.10 – – – Juice from blackcurrants
- - - Others:
2009.89.91 – – – – Suitable for infants or young children
2009.89.99 - - - - Others
2009.90 – Mixed juice:
2009.90.10 – – Suitable for infants or young children
- - Others:
2009.90.91 – – – Can be used immediately
2009.90.99 - - - Others
21.01 Extracts, essences and concentrates, of coffee, tea or mate, and preparations with a basis of these products or with a basis of coffee, tea or mate; Roasted chicory and other roasted coffee substitutes, and their extracts, essences and concentrates.
– Extracts, essences and concentrates, of coffee, and preparations with a basis of these extracts, essences or concentrates or with a basis of coffee:
2101.11 – – Extracts, essences and concentrates:
2101.11.10 – – – Instant coffee
2101.11.90 - - - Others
2101.12 – – Preparations with a basis of extracts, essences or concentrates or with a basis of coffee:
2101.12.10 – – – Paste mixture whose basic ingredients are roasted and ground coffee, containing vegetable fat
- - - Others:
2101.12.91 – – – – Coffee preparations with a basis of extracts, essences or concentrates containing sugar, whether or not containing cream
2101.12.92 – – – – Coffee preparations whose basic ingredients are roasted and ground coffee containing sugar, with or without cream
2101.12.99 - - - - Others
2101.20 – Extracts, essences and concentrates, of tea or maté, and preparations with a basis of these extracts, essences or concentrates or with a basis of tea or Paraguayan tea:
2101.20.20 – – Extracted from tea to produce tea products in powder form
2101.20.30 – – Tea preparations include a mixture of tea, powdered milk and sugar
2101.20.90 - - Others
2101.30.00 – Roasted chicory and other roasted coffee substitutes, and their extracts, essences and concentrates
21.02 Yeast (living or inert); other single-cell microorganisms, dead (but excluding vaccines of heading 30.02); Prepared baking powder.
2102.30.00 – Prepared baking powder
21.03 Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed seasonings and mixed soup powder; flour and coarse powder from mustard seeds and processed mustard.
2103.10.00 – Soybean sauce
2103.20.00 – Tomato ketchup and other tomato sauces
2103.30.00 – Fine mustard powder, coarse mustard powder and processed mustard
2103.90 - Others:
– – Sauces and sauce preparations:
2103.90.11 - - - Chili sauce
2103.90.13 – – – Other sauces
2103.90.19 - - - Others
– – Mixed spices and mixed soup powder:
2103.90.29 - - - Others
21.06 Food preparations not specified or included elsewhere.
2106.10.00 – Protein concentrate and solidified protein derived from plants
2106.90 - Others:
- - Tofu:
2106.90.11 – – – Dried bean curd and dried bean curd in bars
2106.90.12 – – – Fresh tofu (tofu)
2106.90.19 - - - Others
– – Autolyzed yeast extract:
2106.90.41 – – – Powder form
2106.90.49 - - - Others
- - Others:
2106.90.99 - - - Others
2209.00.00 Vinegar and vinegar substitutes made from acetic acid.
23.02 Bran, groats and other residues, whether or not in the form of pellets, resulting from sifting, winnowing, milling or other processing of cereals or legumes. Applies to products that are food or used as food 
2302.10.00 – From corn
2302.30 – From wheat:
2302.30.10 – – Bran and fine bran (pollard)(SEN)
2302.30.90 - - Others
2302.40 – From other cereals:
2302.40.10 – – From rice
2302.40.90 - - Others
2302.50.00 – From legumes
23.04 Oil-cake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in pellet form, resulting from the extraction of soybean oil. Applies to products that are food or used as food 
2304.00.10 – Soybean flour has been defatted, suitable for use as human food (SEN)
2304.00.90 - Others
2305.00.00 Oil-cake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in pellet form, resulting from the extraction of peanut oil. Applies to products that are food or used as food 
23.06 Oil-cake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in pellet form, resulting from the extraction of vegetable fats or oils, other than those of heading 23.04 or 23.05.
2306.10.00 – From cotton seeds
2306.20.00 – From flaxseed
2306.30.00 – From sunflower seeds
– From rape seeds or colza seeds:
2306.41 – – From rape seeds or colza seeds with low erucic acid content:
2306.41.10 – – – From rapeseed rapeseed with low erucic acid content
2306.41.20 – – – From colza rapeseed with low erucic acid content
2306.49 - - Others:
2306.49.10 – – – Of other rapeseed oilseeds
2306.49.20 – – – Of other colza rapeseed
2306.50.00 – From coconut or coconut pulp
2306.60 – From seeds or kernels:
2306.60.10 – – Ground or tablet form
2306.60.90 - - Others
2306.90 - Others:
2306.90.10 – – From corn sprouts
2306.90.90 - - Others
2940.00.00 Sugar, chemically pure, other than sucrose, lactose, maltose, glucose and fructose; Sugar ethers, sugar acetals and sugar esters, and their salts, other than products of heading 29.37, 29.38 or 29.39.


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