Culture and values

Culture and values.

White Lotus Logistics team works, always serving customers with heart, fast delivery, saving money, time, prestige, dedication and dedication.

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All employees always learn from Uncle Ho's virtues, extremely valuable lessons for many generations and forever in the hearts of each person.


Uncle Ho's real name is Nguyen Sinh Cung, born on May 19, 1890 and died on September 2, 1969. He became a great man, an immortal legend in the hearts of every Vietnamese person and every time he remembers President Ho Chi Minh, the Vietnamese people call Uncle Ho with names full of affection as well as immense respect and gratitude such as "Uncle Ho, President Ho, the old father of the nation". Below are Uncle Ho's most famous sayings during his entire life of sacrifice for the national revolution and still remain valid until today.

Uncle Ho's 26 sayings are always immortal in the hearts of Vietnamese people


1. “Learning good things is difficult, like people climbing a mountain, they have to work hard to reach the top. Learning bad things is easy, like at the top of a mountain, one slip and fall into the abyss" - Ho Chi Minh

2. “Individual interests are closely linked to collective interests. If individual interests conflict with collective interests, then revolutionary morality requires that individual interests must submit to the common interests of the collective" - Ho Chi Minh

3. “I advise you not to set up vast plans that are fun to read but cannot be implemented. Everything needs to be practical, sayable, and doable. Everything must go from small to big, from easy to difficult, from low to high. A small program that can be implemented is better than a hundred big programs that cannot be implemented" - Ho Chi Minh

4.It is patriotism, not communist ideals, that inspires me" - Ho Chi Minh

5. "The Hung Kings had the merit of building the country, we must work together to preserve the country" - Ho Chi Minh

6. “You kill 10 of our people, we kill 1 of yours, but in the end you will be the one exhausted” – Ho Chi Minh

7. “A good teacher – a teacher worthy of being a teacher – is the most glorious person. Even though their names are not published in newspapers and they are not awarded medals, good teachers are unsung heroes. This is a very glorious thing” – Ho Chi Minh

8. “Children are like buds on branches; Knowing how to eat, sleep, and study is good" - Ho Chi Minh


9. “The task of young people is not to ask what their country has given them, but to ask themselves what they have done for their country? What should we do to benefit our country more? To what extent have I sacrificed and struggled for the good of my country? - Ho Chi Minh

10. Something old and ugly must be thrown away. Something that is old is not bad, but is troublesome, so it must be modified properly. Something old and good must be developed further. Something new and interesting must be done" - Ho Chi Minh

11. “A year begins in spring. A young life begins. Youth is the spring of society" - Ho Chi Minh

12. “No matter what is beneficial for you, you must consider whether it is beneficial for the country or not? If it's not beneficial, but harmful to the country, then definitely don't do it. Every day we try to do something beneficial for the country (benefiting the country means benefiting ourselves), even if it's a small thing, then we can do 365 things a year. Many small benefits add up to big benefits” – Ho Chi Minh

13. “We are not afraid of mistakes, we are only afraid of making mistakes without being determined to correct them. If you want to make good repairs, you must be willing to listen to public criticism and honestly criticize yourself. If you refuse to listen to criticism and do not self-criticize, you will definitely become backward and regress. If you are backward and regressive, you will be abandoned by the masses. That is the natural result of individualism" - Ho Chi Minh

14. “We must remember: every talented person has good and bad points, we must use their good points and help them correct their bad points. Narrow thoughts lead to narrow actions, many enemies and few friends. Narrow-minded people that are less helpers. A group that is narrow-minded cannot develop" - Ho Chi Minh

15. “I advise the people to unite closely and widely. Five fingers also have short fingers and long fingers. But short and long all come together in the hand. Among tens of millions of people, there are also people like this and that, but one way or another are all descendants of our ancestors. So we must be extremely lenient. We must admit that, being Lac's child or Hong's child, everyone has more or less patriotism. For our compatriots who have lost their way and gone astray, we must use love and affection to transform them. Only then will there be great unity, with great unity the future will surely be glorious" - Ho Chi Minh

16. “How to teach children: we need to make them love the Fatherland, love fellow citizens, love labor, know hygiene, maintain discipline, learn culture. At the same time, we must preserve their cheerful, active, natural, spontaneous, and youthful qualities, and not make them become old" - Ho Chi Minh

17. "The word "people" has a narrow meaning of family, brothers, relatives, companions. Broadly speaking, it means people all over the country. More broadly, the whole human race. Except for the Vietnamese traitors and traitors, except for the fascist colonialists, these are the evils that we must resolutely defeat. For others, we must love, respect, and help" - Ho Chi Minh

18. “A tree must have a root, without a root the tree will wither. Revolutionaries must have ethics. Without ethics, no matter how talented they are, they cannot lead the people. Because wanting to liberate the nation, liberating humanity is a great task, but if one has no morality, no basis, and is corrupt and evil, what else can one do? - Ho Chi Minh

19. “We have to study, we have to try to learn a lot. If you don't study hard, you won't progress. No progress is regression. The more society advances, the more work there is, the more sophisticated the machines become. If you don't learn, you'll be backward, and if you're backward, you'll be eliminated, you'll eliminate yourself..." - Ho Chi Minh

20. “Vietnam is one, the Vietnamese people are one. Rivers may dry up, mountains may erode, but that truth never changes" - Ho Chi Minh

21. "Whether Vietnam's mountains and rivers will become glorious or not, whether the Vietnamese people will be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the powers of the five continents or not, depends largely on your efforts to study" - Ho Chi Minh

22. “Our people must know our history, and show the origins of the Vietnamese nation. Our history teaches us the glorious stories of our ancestors. Our people are the children of the Dragon and the descendants of the Fairy. There are many talented people who defeated the North and conquered the South, peaceful people and ruling the country, and their reputation will last forever. Our history teaches us this lesson: Whenever our people unite as one, our country will be independent and free. On the contrary, whenever our people are not united, they will be invaded by foreign countries" - Ho Chi Minh

23. “Frugal is frugal, not extravagant, not wasteful, not indiscriminate... Frugality is not stinginess. When it shouldn't be spent, a penny shouldn't be spent either. When there is something worth doing, something beneficial for the people and the country, then no matter how much effort or money it costs, one is still happy. Then it's as economical. Savings must be determined not luxuries. Something worth doing in an hour, but lasting 2 or 3 hours, is a luxury. Material consumption, is a luxury. Eating luxurious clothes while people are lacking food and clothes is a luxury. Therefore, luxury is a crime against the country and fellow citizens" - Ho Chi Minh

24. “Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom” – Ho Chi Minh

25. “The patriotism and solidarity of the people is an extremely great force, no one can overcome it. Thanks to that force, our ancestors defeated the Yuan and Ming armies and maintained freedom and autonomy. Thanks to that force, we successfully revolutionized and won independence

create. Thanks to that force, our resistance becomes stronger and stronger. Thanks to that force, our army and people are determined to endure all kinds of difficulties, deprivation, hunger, and mourning, and are determined to defeat the invaders and robbers of our country" - Ho Chi Minh

26. “I absolutely do not desire fame or wealth at all. As for me, I built a small house where there are green mountains and blue water to fish and grow vegetables. I make friends with old people picking firewood and children herding buffaloes in the morning and evening, and have nothing to do with the circle of fame and fortune. I have only one desire, the ultimate desire: to make our country completely independent, our people to be completely free, everyone to have food to eat, clothes to wear, and everyone to be educated" - Ho Chi Minh

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