Seedless jade fabric is out of stock, the manufacturer cannot return orders in time

Knowing about the seedless lychee variety recently appearing in Vietnam, many people searched to buy it to enjoy but could not find it. Ms. Thu Hang (in Hoang Mai district, Hanoi) said that her family wants to enjoy this special fabric. “Traditional lychees have been eaten for decades. Therefore, when reading information about jade lychee (seedless lychee) successfully grown and harvested in Vietnam, everyone in the family was curious and excited. However, after going to all major supermarkets in Hanoi, I still haven't found this item”, Ms. Hang said.

Sharing the same curiosity about a seedless lychee variety with a sweet taste, Ms. Quynh Van (Hai Ba Trung district, Hanoi) also expressed: “Not only me, but my friends and acquaintances were very curious when they heard about this fabric variety. We have researched and placed orders online on dealer channels, but the suppliers said this product is always out of stock.”.

Seedless lychee, also known as jade lychee, is bred and planted in the mountains of Ngoc Lac district, Thanh Hoa province. This is a product bred, planted and developed by Ho Guom Group Joint Stock Company over the past 5 years.

Hình ảnh vải không hạt được trồng tại Ngọc Lặc, Thanh Hóa. (Ảnh: Tập đoàn Hồ Gươm)

Image of seedless lychees grown in Ngoc Lac, Thanh Hoa. (Photo: Ho Guom Group)© Provided by VTC

Reply VTC News, Mr. Nguyen Duy Ninh, General Director of the Service Division of Ho Guom Group Joint Stock Company, said that recently, the first shipment of seedless lychee was received by Ho Guom - Song Am High-Tech Agriculture Company Limited ( belonging to Ho Guom Group) are packaged and transported to Noi Bai airport for export to Japan and the United Kingdom. This is a special type of fabric with no seeds (or if there are seeds, they are very small and flat). The care process is also very special, meeting the strict criteria of demanding markets around the world.

Still according to Mr. Ninh, the total volume of shipments exported to the two foreign markets mentioned above is more than 1 ton, of which the volume exported to Japan is 500 kg and the UK is 600 kg. According to the survey, in the Japanese market, seedless lychees are being sold for 4,500-5,000 yen/kg, equivalent to 750,000-840,000 VND/kg.

In addition, another distributor of seedless lychee products of Hoan Kiem Group also exported a shipment of more than 100 kg from Vietnam to Japan through The Domino Joint Stock Company (Tokyo) for distribution in one country. Asian supermarket in Japan.

Vải không hạt hay còn gọi là vải ngọc được đóng gói đẹp mắt.

Seedless fabric, also known as pearl fabric, is beautifully packaged.© Provided by VTC

With seedless lychees, this unit has been recognized as a variety by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Ngoc Lac, Thanh Hoa is also the only place in Vietnam that successfully grows seedless lychees on a large scale.

According to Mr. Nguyen Duy Ninh, this is a suitable locality with soil and climate for this type of fabric. The company also chose separate land areas and did not widely plant traditional lychee varieties nearby to avoid cross-pollination by bees. “This is to ensure that the lychee harvested at 100% is seedless”.

A representative of Ho Guom - Song Am Hi-Tech Agriculture Co., Ltd. said that 2023 is the first year the company will harvest lychees to sell to the market. The estimated yield is about 20 tons, with a wholesale price of about 170,000 VND/kg. Currently, the company's seedless lychee is present in many major domestic markets such as Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City... Seedless lychee (also known as jade lychee) is considered to have a sweet taste, low sugar, Very good for users' health. While many varieties of lychee or fruits today taste too sweet and contain large amounts of sugar, affecting consumers' health, seedless lychee varieties are bred and cultivated with the characteristics of "sweet, low in sugar". road". This is also the characteristic that creates the attractive value of this fruit.

The retail price of seedless lychees in the domestic market currently ranges from 250,000 to 320,000 VND/kg, depending on the packaging and quantity and size of the lychees. In particular, the company is distributing by boxes, such as special boxes priced at 800,000 VND/box (only producing 200 boxes); 2 kg box costs 550,000 VND/box; 1 kg box costs 280,000 VND/box and 500 gram box costs 148,000 VND/box.

This price may be considered high compared to traditional lychee varieties, but to evaluate the quality compared to other imported fruits, it is extremely reasonable.", General Director of Service Division of Ho Guom Group Joint Stock Company commented.

Vải không hạt có vị ngọt thanh, ít đường, rất tốt cho sức khỏe của người sử dụng.

Talking about the scarcity of this product in supermarkets or fruit stores, Mr. Nguyen Duy Ninh admitted that seedless lychee products are out of stock. Accordingly, orders for this type of fabric are very large, while the supply is not enough to supply supermarket systems or fruit retail stores. It also takes more time for this type of fabric to be available in traditional markets.

According to a representative of Ho Guom Group Joint Stock Company, the event of more than 1 ton of seedless lychees being exported to the Japanese and UK markets for the first time marked an important milestone for the local agricultural industry, opening up opportunities for in exporting many agricultural products of Thanh Hoa province in particular and Vietnam in general in the coming time.

For the domestic market, manufacturers are still trying to meet customer needs. First, it will be present at supermarkets in major city centers across the country.

Read the original article here This.

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