Fabric is especially the most expensive in Vietnam, always 'out of stock' every time it's in season

Small in quantity but exceptionally delicious, Phu Cu pink egg lychee, Thanh Ha white egg lychee and Bac Giang seedless lychee are priced many times higher than the regular type.

Lychee is one of the popular crops in Vietnam. The lychee harvest season in our country is usually from May to July of the solar calendar. Besides regular fabrics priced from 30,000 - 50,000 VND/kg sold in large and small markets and supermarkets, there are also some special fabric varieties that have much higher prices and are always out of stock because of low supply.

Special white eggshell fabric

White ovule lychee is a special variety that is very rare to grow. Even many people in Hai Duong may not have enjoyed this specialty fabric.

White ovule lychee is harvested the earliest in the lychee capital of Thanh Ha (Hai Duong), so it is very expensive, ranging from 70,000 - 90,000 VND/kg at the garden. Ovarian lychees are the largest in size among today's fabrics.

Vải đặc biệt đắt đỏ nhất Việt Nam, luôn 'cháy' hàng mỗi khi vào mùa  - 1

White eggplant fabric is expensive but customers still compete to buy it. (Photo: Vietnamnet)

Because it is a rare type of lychee, every time the fruit is ripe, customers from all over the province come to Thanh Ha to buy it as gifts or giveaways, leaving many garden owners without enough goods to sell to customers.

Thanh Ha white egg litchi is so expensive because few people grow it and the plant is difficult to care for. Being an early-ripening lychee variety, flowering and fruiting depend heavily on the weather. As long as it is too cold or there is no rain, the fruit setting rate is low.

Phu Cu rose egg lychee

At some clean food stores in Hanoi, Phu Cu rose lychee (Hung Yen) is currently priced at 185,000 - 190,000 VND/kg, 1 box of 5kg costs 880,000 - 920,000 VND.

Vải đặc biệt đắt đỏ nhất Việt Nam, luôn 'cháy' hàng mỗi khi vào mùa  - 2

Phu Cu rose egg lychee is bigger than a chicken egg. (Photo: BQ Dung – DFoods)

Phu Cu rose egg lychees are larger than chicken eggs, have thick flesh, sweet aroma, and are especially resistant to head worms. According to the seller, lychee eggs are rare and expensive because of their special deliciousness. In addition, the quantity of fabric is not much and is expensive, so the egg u rose fabric is mainly given as a gift.

Many growers said that before the harvest, many traders came to the garden to place orders. Wherever the lychee is harvested, it is consumed, and there are times when there is not even enough to sell.

Phu Cu rose egg lychees are beautifully packaged. (Photo: FB Trinh Tra My)

Seedless lychee in Bac Giang

After a period of testing, in the 2022 lychee season in Bac Giang, some seedless lychee trees have fruited, producing large fruits, beautiful colors, thick pulp and sweet taste.

Vải đặc biệt đắt đỏ nhất Việt Nam, luôn 'cháy' hàng mỗi khi vào mùa  - 4

Seedless lychee is successfully grown in Bac Giang. (Photo: News Newspaper)

This is the result of 4 years of grafting and care by Mr. Vi Van Hieu (Ha Long village, Lam Son commune, Luc Ngan district, Bac Giang province), who has nearly 20 years of experience growing lychees.

Responding to the press, Mr. Hieu said that seedless lychees are cared for like traditional lychees, without stem borers, delicious fruits, sweet and thick pulp. In the first year of being sold on the market, Mr. Hieu's seedless fabric was well received by many customers. He quickly sold 1 quintal for about 100,000 VND/kg. Many places asked to buy but he had no goods to sell.

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