Applying artificial intelligence in hydrometeorological operations

Hydrometeorology (KTTV) is one of the industries that has long applied information and communication technology to serve hydrometeorological monitoring, forecasting and warning. KTTV professional problems use a variety of mathematical, physical, and statistical probability models, etc. Therefore, the ability to apply today's prominent digital technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) is very high. extend.

Promote practical application of AI topics

The Fourth Industrial Revolution with core technologies in the Digital group such as Big Data - Bigdata, Internet of Things - IoT and Artificial Intelligence - AI is gradually and fundamentally changing the way production, economic and social life and create an irreversible shifting trend worldwide.

According to Deputy Director General of the General Department of Meteorology and Hydrology Hoang Duc Cuong, in that context, the General Department of Meteorology and Hydrology (KTTV) has received a lot of support and investment through programs, projects, topics... thereby contributing to rapid modernization and access to advanced technologies, including AI.

Recently, the current research work and orientation of the General Department are also gradually shifting to prioritize this technology segment. Dr. Hoang Duc Cuong emphasized that the General Department of Hydrometeorology has conducted a number of studies on AI to serve weather monitoring, forecasting, and warning work, such as forecasting the path of storms or analyzing radar and satellite images, and has obtained results. Certain results, albeit modest.

Information about these studies, MSc. Pham Hoang Hung, Deputy Director of the Forecast Management Department, General Department of Hydrometeorology, said that for monitoring, there are studies including: Research and development of tools using machine learning models: Logistic Regression Model, Random forest and Decision Tree Classifier to increase the accuracy of thunderstorm and lightning forecast information researched and applied by the High Meteorological Station from 2022.

In addition, there is also research into building computer vision technology to automatically identify and measure hydrological water levels from monitoring images. This content is researched by many units, including the Southern and Central Hydrometeorological Stations and the Hydrometeorological Monitoring Center.

Regarding data information, there are studies on the application of AI to support data information work that have only been carried out at the Central level, more specifically, the Center for Hydrometeorological Information and Data has a number of studies. Image analysis technology to analyze and digitize documents and self-recording diagrams, however, machine learning (ML) technologies have not been combined to increase data efficiency.

For forecasting and early warning, the Center for Hydrometeorological Information and Data has presided over research on artificial intelligence application solutions to identify, support forecasting and warning of a number of dangerous hydrometeorological phenomena. (storm, widespread heavy rain, cold air, flood, sea level rise due to storm). The products of the project have been integrated into the unit's internal business system.

The National Center for Hydrometeorological Forecasting has a number of research topics: Research on building an artificial intelligence system applied in forecasting tropical cyclones in the East Sea and affecting Vietnam for up to 3 days; Research and innovate 24-hour forecasting technology for ocean waves and storm surges using big data processing and machine learning techniques; Research and apply new digital technology to quantitatively forecast extremely short-term rainfall for the midland and mountainous areas of Vietnam.

The Central Regional Hydrometeorological Station has initially conducted research to apply AI technology to collect data to analyze European model forecast results to synthesize input data for the hydrometeorological newsletter.

The Southern Regional Hydrometeorological Station also has a research project to build an urban flood/tide monitoring, forecasting and warning system based on AI platform in Ho Chi Minh City (trial deployment in Thu Duc); Initial research and application of AI for salinity forecasting and piloting for Soc Trang.

The KTTV industry promotes research and application of AI to contribute to modernizing the industry

Mr. Pham Hoang Hung said, the General Department of Hydrometeorology is very aware of the application of artificial intelligence in its professional activities. However, in the process of researching and applying AI, the database is not large enough and the tools are not powerful enough to analyze, evaluate, organize, and standardize data. Furthermore, human resources to access and operate the application of AI in professional activities are lacking, and the industry's information infrastructure needs to be improved and upgraded in the future.

To promote AI applications, MSc. Pham Hoang Hung believes that it is necessary to promote ongoing projects, ensuring progress, quality and practical application; Put the completed project products into practical applications to evaluate, adjust, and perfect to soon put them into business; Strengthen research projects on AI to support Hydrometeorological Data Monitoring and Information work; Research, build and perfect the standardization of hydrometeorological database on Bigdata technology platform.

At the same time, upgrade information technology infrastructure to meet safety, security and data security requirements; Research and build a system to disseminate forecast and warning information using AI technology to target objects; Integrate training needs into training programs in cooperation programs, projects, topics... Thereby taking advantage of highly qualified personnel in the field of science and technology and aiming at personnel development Castle.

Vietnam can successfully apply AI in hydrometeorology like many countries

The role of AI is also highly appreciated by many managers and technology experts. Ms. Bui Thi Lien Huong, Department of High Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology, said that AI is a fundamental technology field of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, making an important contribution to creating a breakthrough in energy development. production capacity, improve national competitiveness, and promote sustainable economic development.

According to her, to date, 7/18 ministries, branches and 22/63 provinces and cities have issued a Plan to implement the National Strategy on research, development and application of AI until 2030. The Strategy is Deploy integration in programs and tasks on information technology application, digital transformation, and digital government. AI applications focus on digital transformation activities, smart urban development, digital business development, smart healthcare, and administrative procedure reform.

To promote research, development and application of AI in the coming time, Ms. Bui Thi Lien Huong proposed improving the domestic AI potential and level (AI human resources, AI organizations, data infrastructure, energy infrastructure). computing power, AI infrastructure); Complete policies to promote training and development of AI human resources, young AI talents, educational innovation, vocational training, and AI skills training.

The Southern Regional Hydrometeorological Station applies high-tech science and technology in hydrometeorological forecasting and warnings

In addition, prioritize resources and effectively deploy the national key science and technology program on AI for the period to 2030 and other specific programs, tasks, and solutions to strengthen capacity. National AI; Complete the system of national technical standards and regulations to effectively serve AI development in Vietnam; promote propaganda work on AI strategy; opportunities and challenges to help businesses clearly shape their AI strategy.

The representative of the High Technology Department also said that it is necessary to improve the effectiveness of international cooperation activities; proactively research and update the world's AI development trends, and promote cooperation with countries, international organizations and multinational corporations in exchanging and sharing models and experiences. Practical experiences and lessons about AI.

Regarding models and experiences in applying AI effectively in the world, Dr. Vu Hong Long from Viettel Enterprise Solutions Corporation - Viettel Group cited: The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) has created a multi-hazard early warning system (MHEWS), applying Big data, ML and AI are based on data provided by countries to support Georgia in accurate forecasting and early warnings for people, helping to reduce 30% human and financial losses.

Or in the US, the multinational technology corporation IBM has developed Big Data, processing structured and unstructured data, processed by Operations Risk Insight (ORI), a Big data platform that applies AI and ML to visualize and support decision making, delivering up to 26 million forecasts daily.

Dr. Vu Hong Long believes that Vietnam can completely research and apply AI and Big data to manage hydrometeorological information and data. To do so, Vietnam needs to build a hydrometeorological data architecture based on appropriate industry characteristics and the 2.0 e-government architecture of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment; Deploying Big data technology on the data collection and mining platform (DMP) for monitoring data and specialized data.

At the same time, the hydrometeorology industry cooperates with experts and international organizations such as the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) to research data application problems to analyze warnings and forecasts; move towards building and socializing services and applications based on hydrometeorological data and forecasts.

Source: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

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