Prospects for exporting Vietnamese goods to the Chinese market in the new context

On the morning of April 28, the Ministry of Industry and Trade organized a trade promotion conference with the Vietnamese Trade Office system abroad in April 2023 with the theme "Prospects for exporting Vietnamese goods to the Chinese market." in a new context” in face-to-face and online forms.

Minister Nguyen Hong Dien spoke at the conference

Minister of Industry and Trade Nguyen Hong Dien chaired the conference. Participating in the conference were representatives of relevant Departments and Departments under the Ministry of Industry and Trade and nearly 400 delegates from ministries and branches, the Vietnamese Embassy in China, and the Vietnamese Consulate General in Nanning (Guangxi). ) and Shanghai, Trade Offices, Vietnam Trade Promotion Offices abroad, localities, industry associations and import-export businesses across the country.

With the theme "Prospects for exporting Vietnamese goods to the Chinese market in the new context", the Conference focused on discussing export opportunities to China; discuss and find solutions to overcome difficulties in sustainable import and export activities with the Chinese market.

Correctly identify and correctly evaluate opportunities and challenges in the current Chinese market

Speaking at the opening of the Conference, Minister Nguyen Hong Dien emphasized that by 2022, China's GDP has reached over 135,000 billion Yuan; equivalent to 19,605 billion USD, ranking 2nd in the world, only behind the United States with 23,000 billion USD. Currently, China is our country's largest trading partner. Regarding Vietnam's export market, China ranked second; The first is the United States. However, Vietnam is always a trade deficit country of China.

China is currently ranked first in terms of population in the world, more than 4 times the population of Vietnam. China is a country that owns a lot of mineral resources, shares borders, both land and sea, and even air routes with Vietnam, has cultural traditions, and industrial consumption practices. and has also had economic and trade relations with Vietnam for thousands of years.

Besides, China has cultural traditions and consumption habits similar to Vietnamese people and has also had economic and trade relations with Vietnam for thousands of years. China also has bilateral cooperation agreements with Vietnam, as well as multilateral agreements with Vietnam and China (such as the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA), the Regional Comprehensive Partnership Agreement region (RCEP); in the coming period, China is also promoting participation in the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CTCPP)... Economic and trade relations between Vietnam and China are one of them priority goals in our country's foreign economic policy.

“THowever, China is no longer an easy-going market like before, not all goods are accepted by the Chinese market. On the other hand, although China's economy is large, it still mainly exports, because China has been and will be the world's factory. China's export products are very similar to Vietnam's, which creates both advantages and challenges for Vietnamese goods."– Minister Nguyen Hong Dien commented and added that when China reopened its economy after the Covid 19 pandemic, people's demand for goods was very large, so there were many Vietnamese goods. opportunity to enter this market.

Besides the opportunities when China reopens its economy, the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade also noted that competing for exports to Vietnam's traditional markets will not be easy. On the other hand, raw materials for our country's export manufacturing industries still depend on the Chinese market.

“We need to correctly identify, correctly, promptly and correctly evaluate both the opportunities and challenges of the current Chinese market so that we can exploit and promote the advantages in economic cooperation. , commerce"- The Minister suggested and said that if we are aware, correct and successful, and find solutions, together with China we will be able to realize the common perception set by the senior leaders of the two countries, especially the unification, General awareness of senior leaders during General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong's official visit to China in October 2022 and Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh's phone call in early 2023.

“If we correctly evaluate, win and exploit the potential and advantages in trade relations between the two countries, it will contribute to making the two economies continue to complement each other for sustainable development. On the other hand, trade cooperation will promote investment cooperation. China can take advantage and exploit Vietnam's advantages while Vietnam is a full member of 16 FTAs and there will be more in the future. with special offers. At that time, businesses of the two countries, especially Chinese businesses, will have many potentials and advantages to have goods origin and tax incentives for this populous market."– Minister Nguyen Hong Dien commented.

Mr. Vu Ba Phu - Director of the Trade Promotion Department

At the conference, the Minister requested the Vietnam Trade Office in China, Vietnam's trade branches or trade promotion offices in China as well as representatives of the Chinese Embassy in Vietnam to be present. At the Conference, we exchanged detailed information about the current Chinese market, opportunities and challenges for Vietnamese businesses; support businesses of the two countries in trade and investment cooperation; recommendations and policy responses needed for businesses and countries to exploit potential advantages while still ensuring national interests and harmonizing interests between parties.

For delegates, ministries, branches, localities and manufacturing and exporting enterprises participating in this conference, it is necessary to share assessments and experiences, if any, in the process of participating in trade cooperation and investment. investment with China; Make recommendations to the Ministry, localities, Government and competent authorities on policies needed at this time to overcome difficulties and obstacles and achieve the goals set by the Party and State. set out, as well as the business strategy of the enterprise set out.

Update new information and policies in the area

At the Conference, Mr. Tran Quang Huy - Director of the Asia-Africa Market Department, Ministry of Industry and Trade - outlined the picture of Vietnam's exports to China. Specifically, in the first 3 months of 2023, Vietnam's export turnover to China reached 11.9 billion USD, down 11.3% compared to the same period in 2022. Compared to the first two months of 2023, the rate of decrease has slowed down. (January 2023 decreased 24,33%, February 2023 decreased 18,72%). This shows a positive signal in the export situation to the Chinese market. It is forecast that in the second quarter of 2023, Vietnam's export turnover to China will have a certain improvement. Vietnam's main export commodity groups to China include: Processing and manufacturing goods group, reaching 9.5 billion USD, down 11,26% and agricultural and aquatic products reaching 1.8 billion USD, up 2,39% .

Mr. Tran Quang Huy - Director of Asia-Africa Market Department, Ministry of Industry and Trade

Commenting on the Chinese market in 2023, the representative of the Asia-Africa Market Department said: Bilateral political and diplomatic relations continue to be consolidated and developed well, creating favorable conditions for cooperative activities. cooperation between ministries and localities of the two countries. China removed most epidemic prevention measures for people and goods entering and exiting and importing and exporting from January 8, 2023. The Chinese economy showed recovery right from the first quarter when it reached growth of 4.5%, significantly higher than most previous forecasts of major economic organizations in the world (only 4%). Goods clearance activities at Vietnam - China border gates continue to be stable, customs clearance efficiency is improved. In some localities with important border gates for bilateral trade such as Lang Son, Quang Ninh, and Lao Cai, the amount of goods cleared daily is basically equivalent to the pre-epidemic period. The above favorable factors are expected to have a positive impact on the recovery of Vietnam's export and even import activities from the second quarter until the end of the year.

From the reality of the local market, Mr. Luong Van Tai - representative of the Vietnam Trade Office in Beijing - informed that in April 2023, the State Council of China issued "Opinions on promoting scale stability". and foreign trade structure", notably the amendment of "Measures for managing trade between border markets" to create an environment and policies to diversify trade between border markets, increasing imports from neighboring countries. In addition, China also regulates the registration of foreign food manufacturing enterprises (Order 248), requiring foreign enterprises to complete extension documents on the Single Window Trade System (CIFER).

In the context that China continues to make moves to tighten management and control of epidemics (bird flu, African swine fever, monkeypox epidemic...) and Vietnam has also recorded a case of smallpox infection. monkey. Therefore, associations need to actively grasp information, epidemic developments in the world and the risk of spread in the country to promptly warn manufacturing enterprises to take measures to avoid infection and promote good work. hygiene and food safety. For fruit and vegetable industry enterprises to research the possibility of investing or co-investing with Chinese enterprises in the field of fruit and vegetable processing, on the one hand, improve export value content, and on the other hand, catch up with market trends. The market for processed fruits and vegetables has continuously increased in recent years”- Mr. Nguyen Van Tai noted and added that for seafood businesses, it is necessary to be proactive in registering for export extension on the CIFER system, avoid registering for extension near the expiration date. Fruit export businesses need to do a good job of managing growing areas, especially controlling harmful organisms on products.

Meanwhile, Mr. Nguyen Duy Phu - Head of the Vietnam Trade Office Branch in Guangzhou (China) - said that Vietnam's cooperation opportunities, in addition to machinery equipment and spare parts, the Guangdong province market has certain demand for Vietnamese seafood, rice, and fruits.

Sharing more about some new policy information in Chongqing (China), Ms. Trieu Thuy Nga - Chief Representative, Vietnam Trade Promotion Office in Chongqing - said, in March 2023, Guoyuangang border gate in Chongqing city has been approved to meet the conditions for warehouse, supervision, management and designation of food imports.

Qua Vien Cang border gate is a key border gate connecting 3 types of waterway, rail and road transport, in which, Qua Vien Cang has connected to the international rail transport route in Hanoi (Vietnam). to Chongqing (through Dong Dang - Bang Tuong border gate) and vice versa; Shipping time is only about 4-5 days.

Qua Vien port border gate is approved as a designated border gate for food import, which is a favorable condition if Vietnamese businesses choose to transport goods by international railway from Vietnam to Qua Vien border gate. The port reduces transportation costs, saves time and manpower, and is safe and effective. Goods exported from Vietnam can also reach Chongqing and connect with the China-Europe intermodal train, from Chongqing to Europe (via Kazakhstan, Russia, Bealrus, Poland, Germany and from Germany radiating out). other European countries), time about 20-25 days (2 flights a week)”- Ms. Trieu Thuy Nga informed.

Also at the Conference, speakers came from the Vietnamese Embassy in China, Vietnam Trade Office Branches in Nanning, Kunming, Vietnam Trade Office in Hong Kong (also serving in Macao, representatives of the Department of Industry and Trade). Lang Son, Vietnam Logistics Services Business Association (VLA)... updated information on the Chinese market situation; some regulations, standards, and market conditions that may affect export activities importing Vietnamese goods and recommendations for localities, associations and import-export businesses. At the same time, discuss difficulties, advantages, propose support needs and related initiatives The implementation of trade promotion activities, import and export of goods with the Chinese market by localities, associations and businesses.

 Author: Thu Phuong

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