Continue to promote and expand foreign affairs activities on natural resources and the environment

Recently, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment has chaired and coordinated with relevant ministries and branches to proactively and actively implement member countries' obligations before the international community. The Ministry continues to promote and expand foreign affairs activities, strengthen and tighten relationships with traditional partners, seek to expand relationships with potential new partners, and contribute to supporting management work. state the Ministry's natural resources and environment sector, and effectively implement international commitments and obligations related to the environment, towards sustainable development.

Promote international cooperation in the field of natural resources and environment

In the first 6 months of 2022, units under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment continue to implement cooperative activities in bilateral frameworks on a regional and international scale according to groups of key, specific tasks. such as the tasks assigned by the Party and the Government, and the State management tasks of the Ministry; proactively participate in existing cooperation frameworks and seek and expand cooperation in new, potential cooperation frameworks.

Continue to implement regional/international, bilateral and multilateral cooperation activities with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment participating as the focal point of the Government. Typically, implementing ASEAN cooperation activities on the environment; Hurricane Committee; World Meteorological Organization (WMO); United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC); Vienna Convention on the Protection of the Ozone Layer and Montreal Protocols on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer; Stockholm Convention on POPs in Vietnam; Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD); International Mekong River Commission; Vietnam - Netherlands Intergovernmental Committee on climate change adaptation and water management; East Asia Acid Deposition Network (EANET);…

Regarding bilateral cooperation activities, in recent times, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment has continued to maintain and promote cooperation in the field of natural resources and environment with countries including: Korea, Japan, and China. , Lao PDR, Cambodia, India, United Kingdom, Finland, Norway, Federal Republic of Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Denmark, United States.... with rich content, important projects, As follows:

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment coordinated with Korea to develop a project proposal "Establishment of a national natural disaster monitoring and analysis system to strengthen the capacity to manage natural disaster risks and adapt to climate change in Vietnam; Exchange and agree on the content of the 6th cooperation on radar data, satellites, ODA projects, hydrometeorological warning forecasts and coordinate to organize the 6th bilateral meeting between the two sides.

Continue to implement the Technical Support Project "Survey and application of rapid water environment monitoring equipment using Japanese technology to enhance water environment management capacity" using foreign non-governmental aid Sponsored by OPTEX Japan Co., Ltd.; Implementing cooperative activities with the Ministry of Environment of Japan (MOEJ) within the framework of the Project "Supporting the development of climate change adaptation plans in Vietnam"; Continuing to perform its duties as the Standing Agency of the Joint Committee implementing the Joint Credit Mechanism between Vietnam and Japan (JCM); Cooperate in exchanging and sharing operational hydro-meteorological forecast data between the two sides; Support for amending the Land Law;

Working with representatives of the Chinese Embassy in Hanoi and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on adjusting the Project Document "Strengthening flood and drought management capacity in the Mekong-Lancang River Basin" from Mekong Fund funding sources. Cong – Lan Thuong; Submit to the Ministry for approval to adjust the Project Documents to soon implement the Project; Coordinate the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding on hydrometeorological cooperation between the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Vietnam and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Laos.

Discuss and agree with Cambodia on the content and product handover plan of the project "Restoring and completing the Cambodian high altitude network" phase 2 in which the technical handover ceremony will be held at the end of July 20201 ; Proposing to build cooperative activities between the two sides on hydrometeorology through support projects on the Cambodian side.

Cooperation within the framework of the Framework Agreement between Vietnam and India on cooperation in exploiting and using outer space for peaceful purposes; Implementing the ASEAN - India cooperation project "Building a detection station, receiving data and a satellite image data processing center".

Implementing the Memorandum of Understanding on the Weather and Climate Services Partnership Program (WCSSP) signed with the UK Meteorological Agency; Continue to promote cooperative activities in the Memorandum of Understanding with the UK Geological Department and coordinate with partners to develop a project on urban construction materials, piloted in Hanoi.

Cooperating in implementing the Project "Enhancing the modernization of monitoring and air quality management systems in urban areas in Vietnam" sponsored by the Finnish Institutional Cooperation Fund; Cooperate in building and implementing the project to support the modernization of hydrometeorological work in Vietnam, phase 3; Develop a proposal for the project "Air Pollution Forecasting" using public investment capital from the Finnish Government and other cooperation.

Coordinate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway, the Norwegian Embassy in Vietnam and UNDP Vietnam to organize an international conference on sustainable ocean economy and adaptation to climate change in May 2022 in the form of in person and online.

Coordinate with GIZ to implement the Project to Support Vietnam in implementing the Paris Agreement on climate change; Continue to implement the project "Strengthening groundwater protection in Vietnam, phase II 2018 - 2021" funded by the German Government.

The Ministry also actively coordinates with the Netherlands to implement activities of the Vietnam - Netherlands Branch Office in the Vietnam - Netherlands Intergovernmental Committee on climate change adaptation and water management; Implementing a Letter of Intent with the Embassy of the Netherlands in the field of enhancing knowledge about water resources through technical support for the Project "Building comprehensive water storage solutions in the Mekong Delta (Mekong Delta)" to solve the problems of excess water in the flood season and water shortage in the dry season to serve the sustainable development of the Mekong Delta"; Coordinate the development of proposals in the field of land funded by the Dutch Government; Cooperate with IDH-Netherlands organization to build a tool to automatically calculate environmental protection fees for wastewater; Testing calculation and publication of water quality index (WQI): completing software functions; Proposed phase 2 of the project.

At the same time, continue to promote the implementation of cooperation contents within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding with the Italian Ministry of Environment, Land and Water; Cooperating in implementing the Project "Establishment and implementation of a Geographic Information System on climate change vulnerability, risk assessment and environmental monitoring for Vietnam based on remote sensing technology" using remote sensing technology. funding from the Italian Government (Eur 3 million) and counterpart capital from Vietnam; Continue to implement the Project "Building a monitoring and supervision system for the operation of hydroelectric reservoirs and a decision support system for operating hydroelectric reservoirs in the Red River - Thai Binh basin".

In addition, the Ministry also continues to implement cooperative activities under the Memorandum of Understanding with the Geological Department of Denmark and Greenland; Proposing and discussing cooperation with the Geological Department of Denmark and Greenland to develop detailed documents for the project "Reducing risks in wind power development in Vietnam through national data integration methods" by the government Sponsored by Denmark.

Cooperate with the United States on training and technology transfer on the application of remote sensing technology in monitoring and mapping land cover under the task of building a database to serve the calculation of greenhouse gas emissions. Vietnam.

Regarding multilateral cooperation, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment has carried out typical activities such as: Collaborating with the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Norwegian Embassy in Vietnam and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). ) Vietnam organizes an International Conference on sustainable ocean economy and climate change adaptation in May 2022 in live and online forms; Attended the Lancang Mekong Water Resources Cooperation Working Group Meeting on implementing the 2022 Work Plan, including preparing to organize the second Mekong - Lancang Water Resources Cooperation Ministerial Conference in Vietnam, implementing joint research on changes in hydrological conditions in the Mekong - Lancang river basin and adaptation strategies, continues to establish the Mekong - Lancang Water Resources Cooperation Information Sharing Mechanism Love …

Working with a number of international organizations such as JICA, OECD, GIZ to consider the possibility of cooperation and project construction; (ii) develop project documents "Reducing emissions and impacts of persistent organic pollutants, hazardous chemicals and mercury through product life cycle management and eco-labels" has been approved. Global Environment Facility (GEF) adopted;

Proposing the WB to support the amendment of the Land Law; Continue to coordinate in implementing the project "Strengthening land management and land database" with WB loan.

Recently, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment has coordinated with WEF to develop and implement the program "Vietnam's National Action Partnership Program on Plastic Waste" (NPAP) according to the contents of the Letter of Intent. signed a cooperation agreement between the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and WEF.

Continue implementing projects funded by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and cooperation agreements signed with UNEP; Develop new project proposals to apply for UNE funding; Project "Strengthening capacity to implement the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer and the Kigali Amendment and Supplement in Vietnam for the period 2021 - 2045"; Implementing the Project "Strengthening national capacity to safely manage chemicals and waste in implementing the Basel, Rotterdam, Stockholm, Minamata Conventions and the International Strategic Approach to Chemical Management ( SAICM) in Vietnam”; Participate in the Stockholm + 50 Conference to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Environment and People Summit in Sweden.

Develop and submit to the IUCN General Assembly for approval Vietnam's Initiative "Supporting the lower Mekong region for cross-border management in the fields of water resources, ecosystems and biodiversity"; Coordinate with IUCN and other related organizations to mobilize funding sources to implement Vietnam's Initiative for the period 2021-2025.

Meeting of the Forum of Major Economies on Energy and Climate

Key directions and plans for foreign affairs of natural resources and environment in the last 6 months of 2022

In the coming time, globalization and deep international integration in the context of the rapid and strong development of science, technology and information will continue to dominate foreign affairs, including the fields of natural resources and environment. . The world is still facing major challenges in terms of climate change, resource depletion, environmental pollution and biodiversity loss, leading to negative impacts and affecting the overall development of the world. many country.

In the last 6 months of 2022, it is forecast that the world economy will grow slowly due to the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic, crises, and trade disputes between world economic leaders that have not been resolved satisfactorily. This may lead to development support sources and preferential loans being affected. Regional organizations, for the sake of maintaining domestic economic development, can create divisions or subgroups within the organization due to pursuing their own goals and interests.

Specifically, foreign affairs activities on natural resources and environment continue to focus on:

Effective and economical management of outgoing and incoming delegations and organization of international conferences and seminars; Continue to manage the effective and practical implementation of signed memorandums of understanding and proactively negotiate and sign new cooperation agreements for new fields/issues;

Implement and promptly disseminate new legal regulations related to programs and projects using ODA capital and foreign concessional loans to monitor the implementation process and avoid overlaps in proposal development New open projects using foreign funding;

Research and develop a comprehensive cooperation strategy with bilateral and multilateral partners as well as in important cooperation frameworks in the field of natural resources and environment; Integrate management fields to form programs and projects in accordance with donor priorities for proposed implementation;

Increase participation and promote the role of proposing initiatives and solutions at international conferences, seminars and forums, especially cooperation within the framework of ASEAN and the United Nations on natural resources and environment. Seek additional sources of support in terms of experts, equipment, techniques and finance from accessing foreign non-governmental sources or from Development Assistance Funds;

Strengthen cooperation in science and technology in the field of natural resources and environment to access advanced resource exploitation and environmental treatment technologies and limit negative impacts. Proactively and actively mobilize and take advantage of resources to support training and capacity building to serve long-term goals;

Continue to build a number of international cooperation projects to solve multi-sectoral/sectoral, inter-regional and cross-border issues, focusing on areas of interest to many foreign NGOs. such as: climate change adaptation, environmental protection, preventing riverbank and coastal erosion, monitoring saltwater intrusion, inventorying ground carbon reserves, calculating greenhouse gas emissions,...

Source: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

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