Continue to strengthen the prevention and combat of smuggling and commercial fraud in the activities of aviation staff.

The Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam (CAAV) has just issued a Directive on continuing to strengthen the prevention and combat of smuggling and trade fraud in the activities of aviation staff.

Following Directive No. 2677, the CAAV has just issued a Directive to continue strengthening the prevention and combat of smuggling and trade fraud in the activities of aviation staff.

Accordingly, in order to strengthen the discipline, efficiency and effectiveness of the prevention of smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeit goods by air according to the Plan of the National Steering Committee 389 and the Ministry of Transport. and the CAAV, Director of the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam continues to issue a Directive requiring businesses with aviation employees to define responsibilities and discipline the heads of the units and the people in charge of implementing the regulations. Measures to prevent and combat smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeit goods when incidents occur.

Businesses need to deeply understand aviation employees through training on aviation safety and security culture. about the harm to the image of the country and businesses from abetting or participating in violations of the law. Proactively strengthen internal security control for aviation employees; Thoroughly grasp all personnel participating in the civil aviation transport chain the principle of "DO RIGHT PROCESS".

In addition, it is necessary to strengthen communication work so that everyone understands correctly and does not participate, assist or assist in smuggling; Boldly denounce crimes of smuggling, counterfeit goods, and trade fraud.

The Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam also requires Vietnamese airlines to increase periodic and unscheduled inspections of flight crew luggage before and after the end of the flight, and strictly handle according to regulations, according to the principle " "resolute, persistent, regular and without restricted areas" when detecting violations.

When an incident occurs, the airline must proactively comment on the incident, evaluate it, learn from it and widely disseminate it to all officers and employees throughout the system as lessons to warn and improve. consciously comply with regulations on preventing smuggling and trade fraud, and thereby review and supplement regulations and plans to close loopholes, if any.

For airports, the CAAV requests to direct aviation security control forces to strengthen control of people and objects brought into restricted areas of airports according to regulations. Resolutely handle cases of entering restricted areas for improper purposes and transporting objects not on the registration list.

Airport authorities inspect and supervise the implementation of the Directive in the areas under the responsibility of the Port Authority.

Source: Electronic information page of CAAV

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