Recognize certificates and conformity assessment results issued to motor vehicles according to international treaties

The Ministry of Transport is proposing to develop a Decree guiding the adoption and acceptance of UNR regulations; acknowledge certificates, test reports, and conformity assessment results issued for motor vehicles and spare parts, equipment, systems, components, and components of motor vehicles according to international treaties to which Vietnam Male participates or is a member.

The Ministry of Transport said that, related to the motor vehicle sector, Vietnam is currently officially a member or preparing to join the following international treaties:

1. Free Trade Agreement between the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the European Union (EVFTA Agreement) takes effect from August 2020, in which Appendix 2-B: Motor vehicles and spare parts motor vehicle equipment of this Agreement will take effect from August 2023;

2. Free Trade Agreement between the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UKVFTA Agreement) takes effect from May 2021, in which Appendix 2-B: Motor vehicles and motor vehicle spare parts and equipment of this Agreement will take effect from August 2023;

3- Agreement on the acceptance of unified United Nations technical regulations for road vehicles, equipment and spare parts equipped and used on vehicles and conditions for mutual recognition Type approvals are granted on the basis of these regulations (UNECE Agreement 1958). According to Resolution No. 102/2020/QH14 dated June 8, 2020 of the National Assembly, Vietnam will join this Agreement before August 2023;

4- ASEAN Mutual Recognition Agreement on Motor Vehicle Type Certification (APMRA Agreement) takes effect from January 15, 2022. However, currently ASEAN countries have not yet agreed on the Guidance Document of this Agreement;

5- Protocol between the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Government of the Russian Federation on support for the production of motor transport vehicles on the territory of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (Protocol with Russia) effective from 2017 and amendments;

6- Protocol between the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Republic of Belarus on support for the production of motor transport vehicles on the territory of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (Protocol with Belarus) effective from 2017 and amendments.

The above-mentioned international treaties all have requirements related to facilitating trade in goods, including regulations on recognition of certificates, test reports, and conformity assessment results. Licensed for motor vehicles and components, spare parts and equipment of motor vehicles.

To implement the EVFTA Agreement, on July 25, 2022, the Minister of Transport issued Decision No. 987/QD-BGTVT approving the implementation project "Appendix 2-B: Motor vehicles and accessories". Motor vehicle spare parts and equipment", assigned the Vietnam Register and units under the Ministry of Transport to research, develop, amend and supplement legal documents to synchronize with Vietnam's commitments. Male.

Currently, Circulars of the Ministry of Transport have regulated the inspection and certification of technical safety and environmental protection quality for motor vehicles and their spare parts and equipment. However, there are no legal documents stipulating the order, procedures, and methods of accepting and acknowledging certificates, test reports, and conformity assessment results issued to motor vehicles. and spare parts and equipment of motor vehicles according to the above-mentioned international treaties.

According to the roadmap, Vietnam will have to implement Annex 2-B of the EVFTA and UKVFTA Agreements and join the UNECE 1958 Agreement before August 2023 as well as implement the APMRA Agreement. Therefore, to have a legal basis for implementing these international treaties, the Ministry of Transport proposes to develop a Decree guiding the implementation of procedures for ratifying and accepting UNR regulations; acknowledge certificates, test reports, and conformity assessment results issued to motor vehicles and motor vehicle spare parts and equipment according to international treaties to which Vietnam participates or is a member.

We invite readers to view the Dossier requesting the development of a Decree guiding the adoption and acceptance of UNR regulations; acknowledge certificates, test reports, and conformity assessment results issued for motor vehicles and spare parts, equipment, systems, components, and components of motor vehicles according to international treaties to which Vietnam Nam participates or is a member and gives comments here.

Author: Tue Van

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