Procedures for applying for a health certificate (Health Certificate - HC) are cheap and quick

What is a Health Certificate (HC)?

Health Certificate (HC) is issued for food, food additives, and processing aids; tools, packaging materials, and food containers when requested by organizations or individuals.

Thus, only products that are food, food additives, and processing aids; Tools, packaging materials, and food containers must be granted a health certificate.

How to make a health certificate (Health Certificate – HC)

About the application for a Health Certificate (HC)

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 16 of Circular 52/2015/TT-BYT, the application for HC includes:

Dossier to request issuance of HC for 01 (one) export shipment includes:

– Application for issuance of HC according to the form specified in Appendix 08 issued with Circular 52/2015/TT-BYT.

– Test results of each item in the export shipment, including criteria required by the corresponding Technical Regulations (for products with Technical Regulations) or major quality indicators, safety criteria according to regulations (for products without technical regulations), information on item name, batch number, date of manufacture, and expiry date provided by a designated testing laboratory or an independent testing laboratory. accredited or accredited testing laboratory. (Original or certified copy).


Hướng dẫn xin health certificate cho dầu ăn xuất khẩu

– Product label sample (Copy certified by the organization or individual).

– Business registration certificate, Certificate of establishment meeting food safety conditions, except for the cases specified in Clause 1, Article 12 of Decree No. 38/2012/ND-CP (currently replaced by Decree 15 /2018/ND-CP) or Receipt of declaration of conformity with regulations or Confirmation of declaration of conformity with food safety regulations (Copy certified by the organization or individual).

The order and procedures for granting HC prescribed in Article 17 of Circular 52/2015/TT-BYT are as follows:

– Organizations and individuals producing and trading food products applying for HC shall submit documents to the Department of Food Safety - Ministry of Health (submit directly or submit documents by post).

– As soon as the application for HC is received, the application receiving department must check the application, enter the receipt book and issue a receipt receipt to the organization or individual according to the form specified in Appendix No. 05. issued together with Circular 52/2015/TT-BYT.

– Within 05 (five) working days from the date recorded on the application receipt form, the competent state agency specified in Clause 1 of this Article must consider and issue a HC according to the form specified in the Appendix. No. 09, Appendix No. 10 issued together with Circular 52/2015/TT-BYT. In case of non-issue, a written response must be made clearly stating the reason for non-issue.

=>> Thus, those who need to prepare the above documents and submit them to the Department of Food Safety - Ministry of Health to have the documents reviewed and issued a Health Certificate (Health Certificate - HC).

3. Health Certificate making service (Health Certificate – HC)

If you need support services to make a medical certificate - Health Certificate quickly, within only 5 days, please contact us via hotline: 0903 712 368, with a team of experienced and skilled people we will Helps you get paper quickly to promptly export goods at extremely low cost.

Contact now: 0903 712 368 for advice and a medical certificate immediately. 


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