Procedures for ships exiting the country at offshore oil ports

  1. TrEhnh on one's own real presently: a) Submit administrative procedure documents:

– At least 02 hours before the ship leaves the port, the person carrying out the procedures shall notify the Port Authority directly or through other means of communication.

b) Resolve administrative procedures:

– The maritime port authority issues a port departure permit to the person carrying out the procedures after receiving all the required documents.

– The time limit for completing procedures for ships to leave the country at offshore oil ports and operate in Vietnamese waters is considered to end when the ship owner's agent submits all documents to specialized state management agencies. Documents and documents according to regulations at the Maritime Port Authority headquarters.

  1. CAsianch awake real presently:

– Via fax, electronic declaration, direct submission or through the postal system.

– In case of electronic procedures: the person doing the procedures declares and sends documents through the Electronic Information Portal and does not have to submit or present documents at the procedure location. In case the declaration documents sent through the Electronic Information Portal do not meet the conditions of electronic documents or there is not enough electronic data to check and compare, the person carrying out the procedures must submit and present them at the work location. procedure.

  1. Thahnh part, number lUhawkward lake SHey: a) Document components:

– Documents sent by fax or email:

+ 01 general declaration form;

+ 01 List of crew members according to form;

– Documents to be submitted (original), 01 copy of each type, including:

+ Submit to the Port Authority: General declaration according to form, List of crew members (if changed compared to arrival) according to form, List of passengers (if changed compared to arrival) according to form, Cargo declaration danger (if any) according to the form;

+ Submit to the Border Guard: General declaration according to the form, List of crew (if changed compared to when arriving) according to the form, List of passengers (if changed compared to when arriving) according to the form, Weapon declaration and explosive materials (if any) according to the form and Declaration of stowaways on board (if any) according to the form;

+ Submit to border customs: General declaration according to form, List of crew (if changed compared to arrival) according to form, Cargo declaration (if any) according to form, Dangerous goods declaration (if any ) according to the form, Declaration of ship's reserves according to the form, Declaration of taxable, prohibited or restricted luggage of passengers, crew members, and stowaways (if any) according to the form.

Customs declaration procedures are not applied to luggage of passengers on foreign passenger ships arriving at the port and then leaving the port in the same trip;

+ Submit to Health Quarantine: Medical declaration form, body, remains, ashes (if any) according to the form, Medical declaration form for medical microbiology samples, biological products, tissues, organs human body (if any) according to the model;

+ Documents issued by specialized state management agencies to the ship, crew and passengers for recovery.

– Documents that must be presented (originals), include:

+ Submit to the Maritime Port Authority: Ship's certificates if changed compared to arrival, Crew professional certificates (if changed compared to arrival), Crew book (if there are crew changes) , documents related to confirmation of payment of fees, charges, fines or payment of debts (if any) according to the provisions of law;

+ Present to border guards: Passport or valid international travel documents of crew members and passengers;

+ Medical Quarantine submission: International vaccination card of crew members and passengers (in case of departure from or passing through an epidemic area or suspected of having an infectious disease or agent), Quarantine certificate medical (if any changes), Certificate of exemption from ship cleaning treatment/Certificate of ship cleaning treatment (if any);

+ Animal Quarantine Submission: Animal Quarantine Certificate (in case the next country of entry requires it).

b) Number of documents: 01 set.

4. Time limit for resolution:

– The time limit for completing procedures for ships to leave the country at offshore oil ports and operate in Vietnamese waters is considered to end when the ship owner's agent submits all documents to specialized state management agencies. Documents and documents as prescribed at the Maritime Port Authority headquarters.

– In case a ship has been granted a permit to leave the port but still stays at the port for more than 24 hours from the time the ship is allowed to leave the port, that ship must re-do exit procedures according to regulations.

  1. Subjects performing administrative procedures:

The person carrying out the procedures is: the ship owner or ship manager, charterer, ship operator, captain or person authorized to make declarations and carry out procedures according to the provisions of this Decree with the agencies. State management at seaports.

  1. Agency implementing administrative procedures: a) Authority with decision-making authority: Port Authority or Port Authority Representative; b) Authority or competent person authorized or decentralized to implement: None; c) Agencies directly implementing administrative procedures:

– Maritime Port Authority or Maritime Port Authority Representative;

– Border guards;

– Border customs;

– Medical quarantine;

- Phytosanitary;

– Animal quarantine.

d) Coordinating agencies: Border guards, Border customs, Medical quarantine, Plant quarantine, Animal quarantine.

7. Results of implementing administrative procedures:

Permit to leave port.

  1. Fees and charges (if any):

– Types of fees:

+ Ship and boat tonnage fee: according to the fee schedule specified in Article 7 of Circular No. 261/2016/TT-BTC dated November 14, 2016 of the Minister of Finance;

+ Maritime security fee: according to the fee schedule specified in Article 8 of Circular No. 261/2016/TT-BTC dated November 14, 2016 of the Minister of Finance.

+ Fees for using mooring positions in water areas and water areas: according to the fee schedule specified in Article 9 of Circular No. 261/2016/TT-BTC dated November 14, 2016 of the Minister of Finance.

– Seaport departure fee: according to regulations in Article 11 of Circular No. 261/2016/TT-BTC dated November 14, 2016 of the Minister of Finance.

  1. Name of application form, administrative declaration form:

– Notice of ship leaving port.

– General declaration;

– Confirmation of ship arrival at port;

– Crew list;

– Passenger list;

– Dangerous goods declaration;

– Declaration of weapons and explosives;

– Declaration of people hiding on the ship;

– Cargo declaration;

– Ship's reserve declaration;

– Declaration of taxable, prohibited or restricted luggage of passengers, crew members and stowaways.

– Medical declaration form, body, remains, ashes;

– Medical declaration form for medical microbiology samples, biological products, tissues, and human body parts.

  1. Requirements and conditions for implementing administrative procedures:

– Vessels are only allowed to leave seaports when they ensure technical safety and environmental protection conditions according to regulations.

– Vessels are not allowed to leave seaports in the following cases:

+ Cases specified in Clause 2, Article 98 of the Vietnam Maritime Code;

+ The actual draft is higher than the allowable draft limit or the ship is tilted more than 6 degrees in a free floating state or the ship's hull is not watertight;

+ Vessels carrying bulk cargo, grain, or oversized or oversized cargo, dangerous cargo, or cargo stacked on deck without adequate protective measures in accordance with the principles of transporting such cargo;

+ Vessels have not been repaired or supplemented with conditions for maritime safety, maritime security, environmental pollution prevention as required by the Port Authority, maritime inspection or requests and suggestions of other specialized state management agencies according to regulations.

  1. Legal basis of administrative procedures:

– Vietnam Maritime Code dated November 25, 2015;

– Decree No. 58/2017/ND-CP dated May 10, 2017 of the Government detailing a number of articles of the Vietnam Maritime Code on the management of maritime activities.

– Circular No. 261/2016/TT-BTC dated January 5, 2016 of the Minister of Finance regulating maritime fees and charges and the table of maritime fees and charges.




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