Procedures for ships leaving offshore oil ports and operating in Vietnamese waters

Procedures for ships entering, exiting, entering and leaving offshore oil and gas ports and operating in Vietnamese waters are specified in Article 91 of Decree 58/2017/ND-CP guiding the Vietnam Maritime Code on management Maritime operations regulations (effective from July 1, 2017) are as follows:

1. Notification and confirmation of ships arriving and leaving seaports shall comply with the provisions of Articles 87 and 88 of this Decree.

2. The order of implementation is as follows:

a) The person carrying out the procedures submits documents directly or via fax or email to the Port Authority, including: 01 General Declaration according to Form No. 42 and 01 List of crew members according to Form No. 47 (forms documents specified in the Appendix issued with this Decree); Maritime port authorities copy and send relevant specialized state management agencies to carry out procedures for ships;

b) The maritime port authority dispatches the ship to enter the port or issues a permit to leave the port to the person carrying out the procedures after receiving all the documents specified in point a of this clause;

c) At least 12 hours after returning to shore, the person carrying out the procedures is responsible for submitting all documents as prescribed in Articles 89, 90, 94, 95, 96 and 97 of this Decree. For documents that must be presented, submit a copy with the captain's signature and the ship's seal.

3. The time limit for completing procedures for ships entering, exiting, entering and leaving offshore oil and gas ports and operating in Vietnamese waters is considered to end when the ship owner's agent submits it to the management agencies. specialized state, complete records and papers according to regulations at the headquarters of the Maritime Port Authority.

4. The provisions of this Article also apply to ships when completing entry and exit procedures or entering or leaving ports to operate in Vietnamese waters.

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