Procedures for Importing Live Cows and Pigs

White Lotus Logistics specializes in providing import procedure services for Horses, Donkeys, Mules, Cattle, Pigs, Sheep, and Goats

Documents need to be prepared according to the following instructions:

Livestock breeds need to be preserved (Section 4-Circular November 2021/TT-BNNPTNT); Terrestrial animals and animal products subject to quarantine (Section 1-Circular 11/2021/TT-BNNPTNT)

Procedures for Importing Live Cows and Pigs
Procedures for Importing Live Cows and Pigs


1. What are CITES permits and CITES certificates?

As explained at Decree 06/2019/ND-CP:

CITES permit, CITES certificate issued by the Vietnam CITES Management Authority for legal export, import, re-export, re-import, and introduction from the sea of animal and plant species. endangered wildlife listed in CITES Appendices; exporting specimens of endangered, precious and rare species of forest plants and animals according to regulations and not on the list of species in the CITES Appendix.

2. Regulations on CITES permits and CITES certificates

According to the provisions of Article 22 of Decree 06/2019/ND-CP:

  • The CITES permit prescribed in Form No. 09 in the Appendix issued with this Decree applies to the export, import, re-export, and introduction from the sea of endangered species of wild animals and plants. belongs to CITES Appendices; exporting specimens of endangered, precious and rare forest plants and animals. The CITES permit must be filled with complete information, affixed with a CITES stamp or coded, signed and stamped by the Vietnam CITES Management Authority.
  • CITES certificates for exporting souvenir specimens specified in Form No. 10 in the Appendix issued with this Decree apply to souvenir specimens specified in CITES Appendices. CITES certificates for exporting souvenir specimens must be filled in with complete information, signature, full name and full name of the owner of the farming facility.
  • The maximum validity period of export and re-export licenses and certificates is 6 months; The maximum validity period of an import license is 12 months from the date of issue.
  • CITES permits and certificates are only issued in one copy and are always accompanied by the CITES shipment/specimen.

The agency that issues CITES permits and pre-convention specimen certificates is the Vietnam CITES Management Authority.

3. Issuing CITES permits to import specimens of endangered wild fauna and flora species in the CITES Appendix

The order and procedures for issuing CITES permits to import specimens of endangered wild fauna and flora species in the CITES Appendices comply with the provisions of Article 25 of Decree 06/2019/ND-CP. Accordingly:

Competence: The Vietnam CITES management authority is responsible for issuing import CITES permits.

Application for license:

a) Request for a license according to Form No. 12 in the Appendix issued with this Decree;

b) Copy of CITES export permit issued by the CITES Management Authority of the exporting or re-exporting country;

c) In case of importing live specimens of wild animals for raising and keeping: in addition to the documents specified in Points a and b of this Clause, the provisions in Clause 2, Article 14 or Point b of Clause must be met. 1 Article 15 of this Decree.

d) In case of non-commercial import for scientific research, diplomacy and participation in exhibitions and circus performances: In addition to the documents specified in Point a of this Clause, submit one of the following documents: Back sheet: Copy of the signed document on the scientific research cooperation program approved by the competent authority in case of scientific research; or a document confirming diplomatic gifts or donations approved by a competent authority in the case of diplomatic service; or a copy of the invitation to participate in an exhibition or circus performance from a competent authority in the case of non-commercial exhibitions or circus performances;

d) In case of importing pre-Convention specimens or hunting specimens: In addition to the documents specified in Point a of this Clause, submit a copy of documents proving the pre-Convention specimens or a copy of the license or certificate. Certificate issued by the CITES Management Authority of the exporting country for pre-Convention specimens; or a copy of the export CITES permit, hunting specimen certificate issued by the competent authority of the exporting country for hunting specimens.

Procedure for receiving licensing documents:

a) Organizations and individuals wishing to receive an import license send it directly; By post or through the National Single Window Administrative Procedures System, 01 dossier specified in Clause 2 of this Article shall be sent to the Vietnam CITES Management Authority.

b) Within 08 working days from the date of receiving the valid dossier, the Vietnam CITES management authority is responsible for issuing the permit. In case it is necessary to consult the CITES Scientific Authority of Vietnam or the relevant authority of the exporting country, the CITES Management Authority of Vietnam will organize the implementation, but the time limit for issuance is no more than 22 working days. In case If the dossier is invalid, within 03 working days from the date of receiving the dossier, the Vietnam CITES Management Authority shall notify the organization or individual.

In case the dossier is invalid, within 03 working days from the date of receiving the dossier, the Vietnam CITES Management Authority shall notify the organization or individual;

c) Within 01 working day from the date of issuance of the permit, the Vietnam CITES Management Authority shall return the permit to the requesting organization or individual and at the same time post the settlement results on the information portal. Electronic information from the Vietnam CITES Management Authority.

4. CITES licensing to import specimens of endangered wild animals and plants listed in CITES Appendix I and II from the sea

The order and procedures for granting CITES permits to import specimens of endangered wild animals and plants from CITES Appendix I and II are implemented according to the provisions of Article 26 of Decree 06/2019/ND-CP. Accordingly:

Marine introduction is the act of bringing into Vietnamese territory specimens of wild animal and plant species specified in the CITES Appendix exploited from waters not under the jurisdiction of any country.

Competence: The Vietnam CITES management authority is responsible for issuing CITES permits for imports from the sea.

Application for license:

a) Request to import specimens from the sea according to Form No. 15 in the Appendix issued with this Decree;

b) Copy of certification from the Vietnam CITES Scientific Authority at the request of the Vietnam CITES Management Authority that the introduction does not affect the existence of that species in the wild;

c) Provide facility code or documents proving eligibility to keep, care for and humanely treat live specimens for facilities that have not registered a code;

d) Documents proving that imported specimens are not used for commercial purposes for species listed in CITES Appendix I.

Procedure for receiving licensing documents:

a) Organizations and individuals wishing to be granted an import permit from the sea send it directly; By post or through the National Single Window Administrative Procedures System, 01 dossier specified in Clause 2 of this Article shall be sent to the Vietnam CITES Management Authority;

b) Within 08 working days from the date of receiving the valid dossier, the Vietnam CITES management authority is responsible for issuing the permit. In case it is necessary to consult with the Vietnam CITES Scientific Authority, the central fisheries management agency and relevant agencies, the Vietnam CITES Management Authority will organize the implementation, but the deadline for granting no more than 30 days.

In case the dossier is invalid within 03 working days from the date of receiving the dossier, the Vietnam CITES Management Authority shall notify the organization or individual;

c) Within 01 working day from the date of issuance of the permit, the Vietnam CITES Management Authority shall return the permit to the requesting organization or individual and at the same time post the settlement results on the information portal. Electronic information from the Vietnam CITES Management Authority.

5. CITES certificate of pre-Convention specimens of endangered wild fauna and flora species in CITES Appendices

Application for certification

a) Request for issuance of pre-Convention specimen certificate according to Form No. 15 in the Appendix issued with this Decree;

b) Copy of legal origin record of the specimen.

Procedure for receiving licensing documents:

a) Organizations and individuals wishing to receive a CITES certificate send pre-Convention specimens directly; By post or through the National Single Window Administrative Procedures System, 01 dossier specified in Clause 2 of this Article shall be sent to the Vietnam CITES Management Authority;

b) Within 08 working days from the date of receiving a valid dossier, the Vietnam CITES Management Authority is responsible for issuing CITES certificates for pre-Convention specimens. In case it is necessary to consult relevant agencies, the Vietnam CITES Management Authority organizes implementation, but the issuance time limit is not more than 30 days.

In case the dossier is invalid, within 03 working days from the date of receiving the dossier, the Vietnam CITES Management Authority shall notify the organization or individual.

6. Application form for CITES import permit

>>> Form No. 12 issued together with Decree 06/2019/ND-CP


Independence – Freedom – Happiness




Dear: ………………………………… 

1. Name of requesting organization, individual/Name of requesting organization, individual:

– Organization: Full name of the organization in Vietnamese and transaction name in English (if any): …………………

– Individual: Full name as recorded in ID card/citizen identification card/Passport/Individual: Fullname as appears in ID/Passport: ……………………………………………………… 

– ID card number/citizen identification card/passport/ID/passport: ……. Date of issue/date:…..Place of issue/place:    

2. Address, phone/Address, cellphone/telephone number:

– Organization: Head office address, number, business registration date, contact phone number/Organization: Address of head office, Business registration number, date of issue and cellphone/telephone number: ……. 

– Individual: Permanent address, phone/Individual: Permanent Address, cellphone/telephone number:     

3. Content of proposal/Request: …………….. 

4. Name of species/(Name of species)

– Scientific name (Latin name)/Scientific name (Latin name):…… 

– Common name (English, Vietnamese)/Common name (English, Vietnamese):.. 

– Quantity (in words: …)/Quantity (in words: ……): …………… 

– Unit (individual, kg, piece, piece…)/unit (individual, kg, piece…):….. .

– Purpose of requesting for CITES permit or certificate:/Purpose of requesting for CITES permit:   

5. Origin of specimens:………. 

6. Detailed description (size, condition, product type...)/Detailed description (size, status, type of products...):      

7. Name and address of exporting and importing organization and individual in Vietnamese and English (if any)/Name and address of exporting and importing organization, individual in Vietnamese and in English (if any):

8. Expected exporting, importing time:

9. Export, import border gate (specify border gate's name and country)/Export, import border gate (specify border gate's name and country):


10. Attached documents:… 

                                                                                    Location/place … Ngahy/date … month/month … year/year …
                                                                     (Organization: clearly state the full name, position of the representative and e.gohng sign; fish

                                                                                                                Person: write full name)/
                                                               (Organization: specify Fullname and position of the authorized person and

                                                                                                 stamp; Individual: specify Fullname)

7. Application form for CITES permit for introduction from the sea

>>> Form No. 15 issued together with Decree 06/2019/ND-CP


Independence – Freedom – Happiness




Dear: ……………………………… 

1. Name of requesting organization, individual:

– Organization: Full name of the organization in Vietnamese and transaction name in English (if any): ………………… 

– Individual: Full name as recorded in ID card/citizen identification card/Passport/Individual: Fullname as appears in ID/Passport: ……. 

– ID card number/citizen identification card/passport/ID/passport ….. Date of issue/date :….. Place of issue/place :……..

2. Address, phone/Address, cellphone/telephone number:

– Organization: Head office address, number, business registration date, contact phone number/Organization: Address of head office, Business registration number, date of issue and cellphone/telephone number :…………….

– Individual: Permanent address, phone/Individual: Permanent Address, cellphone/telephone number:     

3. Proposed species name/(Name of species)

– Scientific name (Latin name)/Scientific name (Latin name):………… 

– Common name (English, Vietnamese)/ Common name (English, Vietnamese):………..

4. Detailed description of the specimen (size, condition, gender, age, product type...)/Detailed description (size, status, type of products...):

5. Quantity:…………(in words: …)/Quantity (in words: ……..):

6. Origin of specimens/Origin of specimens (legally exploited from nature; exploited in coastal areas (coordinates); purchased from other organizations and individuals...): …………………… ………………………………………. 

7. Attached documents: ……… 

                                                                                    Location/place … Day/date … month/month … year/year …
                                                                       (Organization: clearly state the full name, position of the representative and seal; fish

                                                                                                                 Person: write full name)/
                                                               (Organization: specify Fullname and position of the authorized person and

                                                                                                      stamp; Individual: specify Fullname).



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