What are the procedures for stopping motor vehicle inspection activities in case the registry unit requests to stop operating for more than 12 consecutive months?

What are the procedures for stopping motor vehicle inspection activities in case the registration unit requests to stop operating for up to 12 consecutive months?

Pursuant to Clause 2, Article 13 Decree 139/2018/ND-CP stipulates as follows:

Procedures for stopping motor vehicle inspection activities

1. In case of sudden stoppage of operation for 01 consecutive day or more, the registry unit must notify the local Department of Transport and Vietnam Register clearly stating the reason for the stoppage of operation and the solution plan. ; Notify the vehicle owner in the waiting room and maintain a department to handle tasks related to inspection documents.

2. In case the registry unit requests to stop operating for up to 12 consecutive months.

a) The registration unit must report in writing to the local Department of Transport and the Vietnam Register, clearly stating the reason and time of shutdown 30 days before the shutdown, and at the same time notify the Department of Transportation. waiting rooms and on mass media for car owners to know;

b) Must maintain a department to handle tasks related to inspection documents.

3. In case the registry unit requests to stop operating for more than 12 consecutive months.

a) The registration unit must report in writing to the local Department of Transport and the Vietnam Register, clearly stating the reason and time of shutdown 30 days before the shutdown, and at the same time notify the Department of Transportation. waiting rooms and on mass media for car owners to know;

b) Submit the Certificate of eligibility for motor vehicle inspection activities;

c) Transfer all records of motor vehicles managed by the unit to another registration unit according to the instructions of the Vietnam Register.

Thus, according to the above regulations, the procedure for stopping motor vehicle inspection activities in case the registration unit requests to stop operating for up to 12 consecutive months is as follows:

– The registration unit must report in writing to the local Department of Transport and the Vietnam Register, clearly stating the reason and time of shutdown 30 days before the shutdown, and at the same time notify the department. waiting and on mass media to let car owners know;

– Must maintain a department to handle tasks related to inspection records.

In case the registration unit requests to stop operating for more than 12 consecutive months, what are the procedures for stopping motor vehicle inspection activities?

Pursuant to Clause 3, Article 13 Decree 139/2018/ND-CP stipulates as follows:

Procedures for stopping motor vehicle inspection activities

3. In case the registry unit requests to stop operating for more than 12 consecutive months.

a) The registration unit must report in writing to the local Department of Transport and the Vietnam Register, clearly stating the reason and time of shutdown 30 days before the shutdown, and at the same time notify the Department of Transportation. waiting rooms and on mass media for car owners to know;

b) Submit the Certificate of eligibility for motor vehicle inspection activities;

c) Transfer all records of motor vehicles managed by the unit to another registration unit according to the instructions of the Vietnam Register.

Thus, according to the above regulations, the procedure for stopping motor vehicle inspection activities in case the registry unit requests to stop operating for more than 12 consecutive months is as follows:

– The registration unit must report in writing to the local Department of Transport and the Vietnam Register, clearly stating the reason and time of shutdown 30 days before the shutdown, and at the same time notify the department. waiting and on mass media to let car owners know.

– Submit the Certificate of eligibility for motor vehicle inspection activities.

– Transfer all records of motor vehicles managed by the unit to another registration unit according to the instructions of the Vietnam Register.

In what cases is there a temporary suspension of motor vehicle inspection service business?

Based on Article 10 Decree 139/2018/ND-CP Regulations on temporary suspension of motor vehicle inspection service business activities in the following cases:

– The registration unit will temporarily suspend each inspection line from 01 month to 03 months if it violates one of the following cases:

+ Failure to ensure one of the conditions, requirements, regulations in this Decree and national technical regulations on registration units.

+ There were 02 times of inspectors being temporarily suspended for a period of 12 consecutive months.

+ Assigning a surveyor to inspect does not match the content of the surveyor's certificate.

– The registry unit will temporarily suspend all motor vehicle inspection activities from 01 month to 03 months in the following cases:

+ Carry out inspection and issue inspection certificates for motor vehicles that do not comply with standards, technical regulations, regulations, and authority.

+There are 03 or more surveyors temporarily suspended or 02 or more surveyors have their surveyors' certificates revoked within a period of 12 consecutive months.

+ There are 02 or more production lines temporarily suspended for a period of 12 consecutive months.

+ Carry out inspection when the condition of the inspection equipment is damaged, accuracy is not guaranteed, and has not been inspected or evaluated according to regulations.

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