Quarantine procedures for imported aquatic products and aquatic products sent by post

Goods owners who import animals and aquatic animal products for non-business purposes must submit 01 set of import quarantine declaration dossiers to the border animal quarantine agency.
Records include:
a) Quarantine declaration form Model number 03TS Appendix V issued with Circular 26/2016/TT-BNNPTNT, dated June 30, 2016;
b) A copy certified by the enterprise or the original Quarantine Certificate of the exporting country. In case a copy is submitted or at the time of submitting the application, the Quarantine Certificate of the exporting country has not been issued, the original Quarantine Certificate of the exporting country must be sent when inspecting the goods.


Procedures for exporting terrestrial animals and animal products are implemented according to Circular No 25/2016/BNNPTNT dated June 30, 2016
Procedures for exporting animals and aquatic animal products are implemented according to Circular No 26/2016/BNNPTNT dated June 30, 2016
1-stop customs: Procedures for issuing certificates of animal products for export




Source: Department of Veterinary Medicine Region 6

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