Plant Quarantine Procedures and Quality Confirmation of animal feed/aquatic feed

           ♦ 1-03 Plant quarantine registration and inspection and confirmation of quality of imported animal feed and aquatic feed of plant origin. (Appendix Ib Circular 34/2018/TT-BNNPTNT).

           ♦ 2-02 Sales contract.

           ♦ 3-02 Packing list.

           ♦ 4- 02 Sales invoice (Invoice).

           ♦ 5-02 Certificate of Analysis of the quality of the country of origin issued to the shipment (Certificate of Analysis).

           ♦ 6-02 Declaration of applicable standards of the importing unit (import standards).

           ♦ 7-02 Manufacturer's product label.

           ♦ 8-02 Document on exemption from inspection for a limited period of time or application of reduced inspection regime for a limited period of time or strict inspection (if any).

           ♦ 9- Plant quarantine certificate issued by the competent plant quarantine agency of the exporting country (original).

           ♦ 10- Import plant quarantine permit (original) (if any).

Note: documents in sections 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 are photocopies certified by the importing organization.

–> Contact Ms Trang: 0903712368 for free consultation.

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