Algerian tuna market

Algerians consume fish in general and tuna in particular quite low. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) said that each year, a person eats about 3 kg of fish, including 1 kg of tuna.

According to Mr. Salaouatchi, Minister of Fisheries and Seafood Production of Algeria, the International Committee for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna has increased the red tuna exploitation quota for Algeria from 1,650 tons in 2022 to 2,023 tons in 2023. (+22%).

Algeria's tuna fishing fleet has 29 vessels, of which 2 are domestically produced. The total taxes applied to seafood imported into Algeria is 53%. Due to insufficient fishing and production, each year, Algeria has to import from 30,000 to 40,000 tons of all kinds of seafood. In 2022, Algeria's total import turnover of this product group will reach 17.63 million USD, of which 4.67 million USD is imported from Vietnam, mainly pangasius fillet, raw tuna and frozen squid. . In the first 4 months of 2023, our country's seafood export turnover to Algeria reached 1.5 million USD.

Next, the Vietnam Trade Office would like to introduce a number of Algerian businesses specializing in importing raw tuna and sliced tuna for canning for interested domestic companies to refer to. Details see here

Source:Vietnam Trade Office in Algeria

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