Regulations on bringing gold upon entry 2024

Regulations on carrying gold when leaving the country 2024

– Bring gold when exit by passport:

Vietnamese individuals and foreign individuals leaving the country with passports:

+ Not allowed to bring gold bars or raw gold.

+ Carrying gold jewelry and fine arts with a total weight of 300g (three hundred grams) or more must be declared to the Customs office.

– Bring gold when leaving the country using border laissez-passer, entry-exit laissez-faire, border ID card:

+ Do not bring raw gold, gold bars, gold jewelry, or fine arts except in the following cases.

+ Be allowed to wear gold jewelry and fine arts to serve jewelry needs such as rings, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, pins and other types of jewelry; In case the total weight is 300g (three hundred grams) or more, it must be declared to the Customs authority.

Bring gold when leaving the country in case of settlement

Vietnamese individuals who are allowed to settle abroad when leaving the country can bring gold (raw gold, gold bars, gold jewelry, fine arts) according to the following regulations:

+ The total weight of gold from 300g (three hundred grams) or more to less than 01kg (One kilogram) must be declared to the Customs authority;

+ The total amount of gold from 01kg (One kilogram) or more must have a License to carry gold when leaving to settle abroad issued by the State Bank branch of the province or centrally run city where that individual resides, At the same time, it must be declared to the Customs authority.

Legal grounds:

– Circular No. 11/2014/TT-NHNN dated March 28, 2014 of the State Bank of Vietnam regulating the carrying of gold by individuals when leaving or entering the country.

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