Regulations on carrying personal medicine when leaving the country 2024

Regulations on bringing personal medicine when leaving the country

Passengers departing You are allowed to carry medicine in your personal luggage to treat your own illness without having to apply for an export license with the quantity not exceeding:

– 07 days of use for narcotic drugs according to the dosage stated in the accompanying prescription;

– 10 days of use for psychotropic drugs and precursor drugs according to the dosage stated in the accompanying prescription;

– 30 days of use for combination drugs containing narcotic substances, combination drugs containing psychotropic substances, combination drugs containing precursors, toxic drugs, drugs on the list of drugs and active ingredients List of substances banned from use in a number of industries and fields according to the dosage stated in the accompanying prescription.

Carrying case Excessive amount of medicine According to the above regulations, people leaving the country must apply for an export license. Dossier to request an export license includes:

(1) Application for export of drugs according to Sample attach;

(2) Certified copies of prescriptions and outpatient treatment records, signed by the applicant or stamped by the requesting organization. These documents must contain all of the following information: Name and age of the patient; Drug name, content or concentration and capacity; quantity of medication (or number of days of medication); dosage; Full name and signature of physician; Address of the hospital or clinic where the physician practices.

In case the copy is signed by the applicant or stamped by the requesting organization, the original copy must be presented for comparison when submitting the application;

(3) A copy of one of the following documents: Identity card, citizen identification card or passport of that person authenticated or signed by the applicant.

In case the copy is signed by the applicant, the original must be presented for comparison when submitting the application;

(4) Documents specified in points b and c KIf this clause is not expressed in Vietnamese or English, a notarized translation of that document into Vietnamese or English must be submitted.

Legal grounds:

– Article 60 Decree No. 54/2017/ND-CP dated May 8, 2017 of the Government detailing a number of Articles and measures to implement the Pharmacy Law.

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