Calculated value method 2024

Calculated value method 2024

2.5.1. Where to apply: If the customs value cannot be determined according to the methods stated in sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 above, the customs value of the goods import determined according to the calculated value method. The calculated value of imported goods includes:

a) Direct costs to produce imported goods: Cost or value of raw materials, costs of production or other processing processes used in the production of imported goods. This cost includes the following costs:

– Sales commission costs, brokerage fees. In case these costs include taxes payable in Vietnam, those taxes do not have to be added to the customs value of imported goods.

– Packaging costs associated with imported goods, including: Packaging purchase price, other costs related to buying, selling and transporting packaging to the location of packaging and preserving goods.

Containers, containers, and racks used as a means of packaging for transporting goods and used multiple times are not considered packaging attached to the goods, so they are not an amount that must be added. Packaging costs associated with the goods.

– Cost of packaging of goods, including: Cost of packaging materials including the purchase price of packaging materials and other costs related to the purchase and transportation of packaging materials to the location where the work is performed. pack; Packaging labor costs, including labor hire and costs related to hiring workers to pack goods that are being determined by customs value.

Buyer case must bear the costs of accommodation and travel for workers during the time of packaging, these costs also belong to packaging labor costs.

– Support amounts:

The value of aid provided in Vietnam shall only be included in the customs value if the producer bears the costs of such aid.

b) General costs and profits arising from the sale of goods of the same class or type as the imported goods being valued, produced in the exporting country for sale to Vietnam. Profits and overheads must be considered as a whole when determining actuarial value.

General costs include all direct or indirect costs of the production and sale process for export of goods, but have not been calculated according to the regulations stated in Point a of this Clause.

c) Transportation costs, insurance and other costs related to the transportation of imported goods according to regulations.

2.5.2. Basis for determining calculated value:

Are data recorded and reflected on documents and accounting books of the manufacturer unless these data are not consistent with data collected in Vietnam. This data must correspond to data obtained from production and trading activities of imported goods of the same grade or type produced by producers in the exporting country for export to Vietnam.

2.5.3. It is not allowed to conduct inspections or request presentation for inspection of accounting books or any other records of non-residents in the territory of Vietnam, for the purpose of determining the prescribed calculated value. in this section 2.5.

Verification of information provided by the producer of goods to serve the determination of customs value specified in this Article may be carried out outside the territory of Vietnam with the consent of the manufacturer and must be informed. Notify in writing the competent authority of the relevant country and receive approval from this authority to conduct the verification.

2.5.4. Documents to determine customs value according to this method include:

a) The manufacturer's explanation of the costs mentioned in Points a and b, subsection 2.5.1 with the manufacturer's confirmation of documents and accounting data consistent with this explanation;

b) Sales invoice of the manufacturer;

c) Documents on expenses mentioned in point c, subsection 2.5.1 above.

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