In the first half of January, fruit and vegetable export turnover increased by 50%

(HQ Online) - In the first half of January 2024 (January 1-15, 2024), the country's fruit and vegetable export turnover continued to maintain impressive growth momentum.

Nửa tháng 1, kim ngạch xuất khẩu rau quả tăng 50%
Durian is the largest export product of the fruit and vegetable industry, with a turnover of more than 2 billion USD in 2023. Photo: Internet.

Specifically, In the first half of January 2024, fruit and vegetable export turnover reached 229.37 million USD, according to preliminary statistics just announced by the General Department of Customs.

Compared to the same period in 2023, the above result increased to 50% (equivalent to an increase in turnover of more than 76 million USD).

Notably, in just the first half of January 2024, fruit and vegetable export turnover was approximately equal to the figure of the entire month of January 2023 (January 2023 reached 240.47 million USD).

Previously, in 2023, our country's fruit and vegetable exports reached a record high ever with 5.6 billion USD, an increase of 66,67% compared to 2022 (equivalent to an increase in turnover of 2.24 billion USD). ).

According to Mr. Dang Phuc Nguyen, General Secretary of the Vietnam Fruit and Vegetable Association (VINAFRUIT), in the history of the fruit and vegetable industry, there has never been a year when export turnover reached 5 billion USD. The year with the highest turnover was 2019, also just over 3.7 billion USD. After that, due to the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic, the turnover in the following years decreased and in 2022 only reached nearly 3.4 billion USD.

With impressive results last year and optimistic forecasts, many experts believe that fruit and vegetable export results in 2024 could set a new record with an expected figure reaching or even exceeding 6 billion USD.

Regarding the market, China continues to be the largest export market for Vietnamese fruits and vegetables with a turnover in 2023 reaching 3.64 billion USD, an increase of 139.5% compared to 2022 and accounting for 65% of fruit and vegetable export turnover. of the country last year.


Source: Customs Online

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