Which chemicals need special control when imported? What are the responsibilities of organizations and individuals declaring chemicals through the National Single Window Information Portal?

Which chemicals need special control when imported?

Based on Article 27 of Decree 113/2017/ND-CP (added by Point b Clause 14 Article 1 Decree 82/2022/ND-CP) regulates chemicals that require special control when imported as follows:

Declaration of imported chemicals:

4a. Chemicals require special control when imported

a) Dangerous chemicals that need to be controlled when carrying out procedures for declaring imported chemicals include: dinitrogen monoxide, cyanide compounds, mercury and mercury compounds;

b) Within 16 working hours from the time the Ministry of Industry and Trade's system receives the declaration dossier for the cases specified in Point a of this Clause, the agency receiving declaration information of the Ministry of Industry The Department of Chemicals (Department of Chemicals) is responsible for checking documents and responding to information declaring imported chemicals to declaring organizations and individuals. In case the dossier is invalid, the agency receiving declaration information of the Ministry of Industry and Trade (Department of Chemicals) sends feedback via the National Single Window Information Portal to organizations and individuals declaring chemicals for supplementation. complete profile. Invalid dossier cases include: the total volume of imported chemicals from the beginning of the year to the time of declaration is greater than the licensed volume during the year, attached documents do not comply with the provisions of Clause 3. This means the information declared on imported chemicals is not accurate. In case the dossier is valid, the agency receiving declared information of the Ministry of Industry and Trade (Department of Chemicals) approves the dossier and responds to the declared information. The information is responded to through the National Single Window Information Portal to Declaring organizations and individuals and customs authorities.

Thus, according to the above regulations, dinitrogen monoxide, cyanide compounds, mercury and mercury compounds are chemicals that need special control when imported.

What are the responsibilities of organizations and individuals declaring chemicals through the National Single Window Information Portal?

Based on Clause 6 Article 27 Decree 113/2017/ND-CP Chemicals Law guide (amended by Point c Clause 14 Article 1 Decree 82/2022/ND-CP) stipulates the responsibilities of organizations and individuals declaring chemicals through the National Single Window Information Portal as follows:

Declaring imported chemicals

6. Responsibilities of organizations and individuals declaring chemicals through the National Single Window Information Portal

Organizations and individuals must be responsible before the law for the accuracy of the information declared according to the form available on the National Single Window Information Portal and documents, vouchers, and electronic data in the dossier set. chemicals declaration through the National Single Window Information Portal. In case the declared information is inaccurate, the electronic chemical declaration dossier is the basis for competent organizations and individuals to sanction administrative violations. Organizations and individuals are responsible for storing chemical declaration dossiers to present to competent authorities upon request, with a minimum storage period of 05 years.

Which cases are exempt from chemical declaration?

Based on Article 28 of Decree 113/2017/ND-CP (added by Clause 15, Article 1, Decree 82/2022/ND-CP) stipulates cases of exemption from chemical declaration including:

Cases of exemption from declaration

1. Chemicals are produced and imported to serve security, national defense, and respond to natural disasters and emergency epidemics.

2. Chemicals are drug precursors, explosive precursors, industrial explosives and table chemicals that have been licensed for production and import.

3. Imported chemicals are less than 10 kg per import. The exemptions mentioned in this point do not apply to chemicals restricted from production and trading in the industrial sector.

4. Chemicals are raw materials for drug production that already have a Certificate of Registration for Drug Circulation in Vietnam, raw materials for drug production are pharmaceutical substances for production according to drug registration dossiers that already have a Certificate of Circulation Registration. medicine in Vietnam.

5. Chemicals are raw materials for the production of pesticides that have a Certificate of pesticide registration in Vietnam.

6. The chemical ingredients in the mixture of substances on the List of chemicals that must be declared have a content in the mixture of less than 0.1%.

Thus, chemicals falling into one of the above cases will be exempt from declaration.

Decree 82/2022/ND-CP effective from December 22, 2022.

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