Principles for determining customs value of imported goods 2024

Principles for determining customs value of imported goods 2024

Customs value is the actual price payable up to the first import border gate determined by sequentially applying six methods (Transaction value method; Transaction value method of identical imported goods; Value method transaction price of similar imported goods; Deductive value method; Deductive value method), and stop at the method of determining customs value.

– In case the customs declarant requests in writing, the procedure for applying the method value Deduction and actuarial value methods are interchangeable.

– The determination of customs value must be based on objective and quantifiable documents, records and data.

– The first import border gate is determined as follows:

+ For sea and air transport methods, the first import border gate is the discharge port stated on the bill of lading;

+ For rail transport mode, the first import border gate is the international intermodal railway station recorded on the customs declaration;

+ For road and inland waterway transport, the first import border gate is the border gate where imported goods enter Vietnamese territory as recorded on the customs declaration.

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