Decree: On management of animal and aquaculture feed (No.: 39/2017/ND-CP, April 4, 2017)


Independence – Freedom – Happiness

No: 39/2017/ND-CP

Hanoi, April 4, 2017




Base Law on Government Organization June 19, 2015;

Base Fisheries law November 26, 2003;

Base Law on standards and technical regulations June 29, 2006;

Base Law on product and goods quality November 21, 2007;

Base Investment law November 26, 2014;

Base Enterprise Law November 26, 2014;

Base Veterinary law June 19, 2015;

Base Ordinance on livestock breeds March 24, 2004;

At the request of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development;

The Government promulgates a Decree on the management of animal and aquaculture feeds.

Chapter I


Article 1. Scope

This Decree regulates conditions for business, use, testing, certification, inspection and state management of commercial animal and aquaculture feeds.

Article 2. Subjects of application

This Decree applies to domestic and foreign organizations and individuals with activities related to animal and aquaculture feed in the territory of Vietnam.

Article 3. Explanation of terms

In this Decree, the following terms are understood as follows:

1. Animal and aquatic feed are products that animals eat and drink (or supplement the farming environment for aquatic feed) in fresh, live or processed and preserved form, including Nutritional foods and functional foods in the following forms: Ingredients, single foods; complete mixed feed; Concentrated feed, supplementary feed, feed additives and products added to the farming environment (for aquatic feed) to create natural food, stabilize the farming environment, and increase efficiency of use. food.

a) Commercial animal and aquaculture feeds are animal and aquaculture feed products produced for the purpose of exchange and purchase on the market.

b) Animal and aquaculture feed produced for internal consumption are animal and aquaculture feed products mixed by establishments or individuals themselves for use within the establishment's livestock needs, not exchange and buy and sell in the market.

c) Customary animal and aquaculture feeds are agricultural, aquatic, and industrial products that have been used by livestock farmers so far such as: Paddy, rice, bran, corn, potatoes, cassava , wine residue, beer residue, cassava residue, pineapple residue, molasses, straw, grass, shrimp, crab, fish and other types.

d) New animal and aquaculture feed is the food that is imported and produced in Vietnam for the first time and contains new active ingredients that have not been tested in Vietnam.

d) Complete mixed feed is a mixture of many feed ingredients mixed according to a formula to ensure there are enough nutrients to maintain the life and production ability of animals at each stage of life. growth or production cycle.

e) Concentrated feed is a mixture of animal and aquaculture feed ingredients that have a higher nutrient content than the animal's needs and is used to mix with other ingredients to form a complete mixed feed. .

g) Supplementary food is a single food or a mixture of many ingredients added to the diet or added to the farming environment (for aquaculture feed) to balance the nutrients needed for the body. pet.

h) Raw materials for animal feed, aquaculture or single feed are foods used to provide one or more nutrients in the diet for animals.

i) Animal and aquaculture feed additives are substances with or without nutritional value that are added to animal and aquaculture feeds during processing, handling or added to the environment during the farming process. (for aquatic feed) to improve efficiency of use or maintain or improve certain characteristics of animal and aquatic feed.

k) Carrier is a substance that animals can eat and is used to mix with the active ingredient in the premix but does not affect the animal's health.

l) Antibiotic premix is a mixture of no more than 02 types of antibiotics allowed to be used in livestock and poultry feed for the purpose of stimulating growth with a total antibiotic content not greater than 20%.

2. The main substance in animal and aquaculture feed is the substance that determines the use and nature of the product and is regulated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in accordance with each type of product.

3. Safety criteria in animal and aqua feeds are criteria that affect food safety in animal and aqua feeds specified in corresponding technical regulations or equivalent documents. of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development.

4. Livestock are livestock, poultry, bees, silkworms, and aquatic animals kept by humans.

5. Young cattle and poultry include the following:

a) Pigs: From 01 to 60 days old or from birth to 25 kg.

b) Chickens, ducks, geese, quails, rabbits: From 01 to 21 days old.

c) Calves, goats, sheep: Under 6 months old.

6. Food safety for animal and aquaculture feed is the necessary conditions and measures to ensure that animal and aquaculture feed does not harm the health of animals and people using the product. livestock and environment.

7. Animal and aquaculture feed business includes activities of producing, processing, trading, exporting and importing animal and aquaculture feed.

a) Production of animal and aquaculture feed is the implementation of part or all of the activities of producing, processing, dividing, packaging, preserving and transporting animal and aquaculture feed.

b) Processing animal and aqua feeds is the process of performing part or all of the stages of producing animal and aqua feeds to create products according to the ordering party's requirements.

8. Trade name of animal and aquaculture feed products is the trade name of the product to distinguish animal and aquaculture feed products on the market.

Article 4. Content of State management of animal and aquaculture feed

1. Orientation for development of production and use of animal and aquaculture feed.

2. Promulgate and organize the implementation of legal documents on management, production processes, standards, regulations, mechanisms and policies to encourage the development of animal and aquaculture feed.

3. Management of testing and recognition of new animal and aquaculture feeds.

4. Collect and manage information and documents on animal and aquaculture feed.

5. Organize research and application of advanced science and technology into activities in the field of animal feed and aquaculture.

6. Invest and develop a testing and testing system to meet the requirements of production, business and state management of animal and aquaculture feed quality.

7. Training, fostering and issuing certificates to create human resources to serve state management activities of animal feed and aquaculture.

8. Propagate and disseminate knowledge and experience on the production, management and use of animal and aquaculture feed.

9. Check and inspect compliance with State regulations on animal and aquaculture feed.

10. International cooperation in the field of animal feed and aquaculture.

Article 5. State policy on animal and aquaculture feed

1. The State encourages all economic and social sectors to invest in research, training, industrial and agricultural promotion and transfer of scientific and technical advances in nutrition, animal and aquaculture feed processing.

2. Prioritize investment and encourage economic sectors to invest in development, production, exploitation and effective use of domestic animal and aquaculture feed raw materials and other policies, including There is the provision of additional land funds and preferential credit for planting, harvesting, preserving, producing, processing and processing domestic animal and aquaculture feed materials.

3. Invest and socialize investment to improve the capacity of testing and certification of conformity to serve the inspection, inspection and supervision of animal and aquaculture feed quality. Encourage strong development of socialization of public services in the field of animal feed and aquaculture.

Article 6. Principles for managing animal feed containing antibiotics

1. Do not use antibiotics in aquatic feed.

2. Antibiotics used in animal feed for the purpose of stimulating growth for livestock and poultry must be included in the list of antibiotics allowed for use in animal feed.

3. Antibiotics used in animal feed for the purpose of treating diseases in livestock and poultry and preventing diseases in young livestock and poultry must be veterinary drugs allowed for circulation in Vietnam and according to a doctor's prescription. veterinary medicine with a certificate to practice the prevention and treatment of animal diseases according to the provisions of veterinary law.

4. Production and use of animal feed containing antibiotics must be suitable for each type of animal, purpose of use, and duration of use to ensure that antibiotic residues do not exceed the allowable limit in the product. livestock and does not affect antibiotic resistance in the treatment of human and animal diseases.

5. Only a maximum of 02 types of antibiotics are allowed to be used in one animal feed product.

6. Facilities that produce animal feed containing antibiotics for the purpose of preventing and treating diseases in livestock and poultry must have a veterinarian with a certificate to practice the prevention and treatment of diseases in animals according to the provisions of law. about veterinary medicine.

7. Animal feed containing antibiotics must clearly state the antibiotic name and content, instructions for use, and discontinuation time on the packaging or accompanying documents.

chapter II


Article 7. Conditions for establishments producing and processing animal and aquaculture feed

Organizations and individuals producing and processing animal and aquaculture feed must meet the following conditions:

1. Production and processing locations must be located in an area not polluted by factors such as waste, toxic chemicals, livestock barns, and aquaculture.

2. The production area has walls and fences separating it from the outside.

3. Have an environmental impact assessment report or environmental protection plan in accordance with environmental laws.

4. Requirements for factories and equipment:

a) The production area is designed and equipped according to one-way rules, with a separation between input materials and output products to avoid cross-contamination.

b) Have production lines suitable for each type of animal and aquaculture feed products; There are shelves (pallets) for raw materials and finished products (except in cases where the warehouse or factory floor has technical solutions to ensure ventilation and moisture resistance).

c) Have a warehouse to preserve animal and aquaculture feed ingredients that require separate preservation regimes as recommended by the manufacturer.

d) For establishments producing and processing animal feed containing antibiotics, there must be a separate mixing place to ensure that cross-contamination is not spread outside.

d) Have measuring equipment and tools to monitor quality and ensure accuracy according to the law on measurement.

e) Have solutions for equipment and tools (fans, sieves, magnets...) to control impurities (sand, grit, metals) that affect the quality of input materials.

g) Have solutions to prevent and fight fires and explosions according to the provisions of law and prevent and combat rats, birds, and other harmful animals.

h) Have appropriate dust collection and waste treatment equipment to avoid product contamination and ensure environmental hygiene according to regulations.

5. The technical person in charge has a university degree or higher in one of the majors of animal husbandry, animal husbandry - veterinary medicine, veterinary medicine, food technology, biotechnology (for animal feed) or majoring in aquaculture, biology, food technology (for aquatic feed).

6. Have or rent a testing laboratory to analyze the quality of animal and aqua feeds during the production and processing process.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development promulgates detailed and specific technical regulations on technical requirements for the criteria stated in this Article.

Article 8. Conditions for establishments buying and selling animal and aquaculture feed

Organizations and individuals purchasing and selling animal and aquaculture feed must meet the following conditions:

1. Animal and aquaculture feeds at places of sale and storage must be separated from plant protection drugs, fertilizers, and other toxic chemicals.

2. Have equipment and tools to preserve animal and aquaculture feed according to the instructions of the manufacturer and supplier.

3. There are solutions to prevent mice, birds and other harmful animals.

Article 9. Conditions for establishments importing animal and aquaculture feed

Organizations and individuals importing animal and aquaculture feed must have or rent a warehouse to preserve animal and aquaculture feed that meets the requirements for storage conditions to ensure product quality, environmental protection and according to the manufacturer's recommendations.

Chapter III


Article 10. Conditions and content of testing of animal and aqua feeds

1. Content of testing of animal and aqua feeds

a) Animal and aquaculture feeds subject to testing are new types of animal and aquaculture feeds.

b) New animal and aquaculture feeds do not have to be tested if they are the results of research projects and projects recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development as technical advances or have been tested and approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. circulated in countries that have mutually recognized with Vietnam the testing and recognition process for new animal and aquaculture feeds.

c) Assign the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to guide the testing process for new animal and aquaculture feeds and implement mutual recognition of the testing and recognition process for animal and aquaculture feeds with other countries. There are trade exchange activities in animal feed and aquatic products with Vietnam.

2. Conditions for testing facilities for animal and aqua feeds

Facilities testing animal and aqua feeds must meet the following conditions:

a) Have or rent locations, facilities, and specialized equipment to meet the requirements for testing each type of food on each type of livestock: barns, ponds, cages, rafts, tanks suitable for the arrangement experimental intelligence.

For establishments testing aquatic food, there must be enough water sources that meet quality requirements; There is a separate water supply and drainage system and a wastewater pond to ensure the inspection of environmental indicators and indicators of aquatic diseases.

b) The person in charge of engineering must have a university degree or higher in animal husbandry, animal husbandry - veterinary medicine, biotechnology (for animal feed testing facilities) or aquaculture majors. aquatic products, biology (for aquatic food testing establishments).

Article 11. Order and procedures for registration of testing and recognition of new animal and aquaculture feeds

1. Organizations and individuals registering for testing of new animal and aqua feeds shall prepare 01 set of documents and send them to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

2. Registration dossier for testing new animal and aqua feeds includes:

a) Application for testing new animal and aqua feeds according to Form No. 01 in the Appendix issued with this Decree.

b) Test outline.

c) A written explanation of the conditions of the facility conducting testing of animal and aqua feeds according to the criteria specified in Clause 2, Article 10 of this Decree.

3. Within no more than 05 working days from the date of receiving the registration dossier, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is responsible for checking the dossier components and notifying in writing the organization and individual. Register the application components that do not meet the requirements to supplement and complete.

Within no more than 30 working days from the date of receipt of complete and valid documents, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is responsible for establishing a council or reviewing and approving the content of the testing outline and inspection. Investigate the conditions of the testing facility and issue a decision approving the content of the testing outline (according to Form No. 02 in the Appendix issued with this Decree). In case a decision to approve the content of the testing outline is not issued, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development must respond in writing and clearly state the reason.

4. After finishing the testing, organizations and individuals that have animal and aqua feeds tested shall report the testing results to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

Within 15 working days from receiving the test results report, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall establish a specialized Scientific Council to evaluate the test results and issue a decision to recognize the test results. new livestock and aquaculture foods (according to Form No. 03 in the Appendix issued with this Decree). In case a decision to recognize new animal and aqua feeds is not issued, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development must respond in writing and clearly state the reason.

5. Check testing activities

a) Form and level of inspection: The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development must establish a working group including representatives of relevant management agencies and scientists to organize field inspection at least once. during testing for a new type of animal and aquaculture feed.

b) Inspection content: Testing facility conditions; The content of the testing according to the approved outline.

Chapter IV


Article 12. Animal and aquaculture feeds are allowed to circulate in Vietnam

1. Animal and aquaculture feeds allowed to be circulated in Vietnam are animal and aquaculture feeds that have been certified by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development as conforming to announced applicable standards and international technical regulations. Corresponding experts (if any), are posted on the Electronic Information Portal of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

The circulation period of animal and aquaculture feed products in Vietnam is 5 years from the date of confirmation. Before the expiration of the 6-month circulation period, organizations and individuals wishing to re-register at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

2. Animal and aqua feeds permitted for circulation in Vietnam must meet the following requirements:

a) Must announce applicable standards according to the provisions of law on building and applying standards and have quality consistent with the announced applied standards. Must declare conformity according to the provisions of the corresponding national technical regulations (if any).

b) Each animal and aquaculture feed product with a published quality standard may only have one corresponding trade name.

c) New animal and aqua feeds: After the decision to recognize new animal and aqua feeds from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, if organizations or individuals have new animal feeds that need If it is required to be circulated in Vietnam, the provisions in Point a, Clause 2 of this Article must be implemented and the test results are allowed to be used in the dossier for recognition of new animal feed for the announcement of applicable standards. application or declaration of conformity.

3. Animal and aquaculture feed produced for internal consumption or according to custom does not have to be registered for circulation in Vietnam, but must meet the regulations in the corresponding national technical regulations.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development announces customary animal and aquaculture feed products that are allowed to be circulated in Vietnam, including regulations on minimum quality levels and regulations. Corresponding national technical specifications (if any) to apply in production.

4. Registration dossiers for animal and aquaculture feeds permitted for circulation in Vietnam include:

a) For domestically produced animal and aquaculture feed

Application for registration of animal and aqua feeds permitted for circulation in Vietnam (according to Form No. 04 in the Appendix issued with this Decree);

Copy of notice of receipt of declaration of conformity on conditions for facilities producing and processing animal and aquaculture feed;

Original or certified copy of the animal and aquaculture feed processing contract (in case organizations or individuals register to process animal and aquaculture feed at a facility that has declared conformity with the conditions production and processing of animal and aquaculture feed);

Original or copy of the following documents: Applicable announced standards, notice of receipt of declaration of conformity, decision on recognition of new animal and aqua feeds (if any);

Original or copy of test result sheet of product quality and safety criteria in announced applicable standards and in corresponding national technical regulations issued by testing laboratories established by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Rural development designation or recognition. In case the product's quality and safety criteria do not have a designated or recognized testing laboratory, the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development shall temporarily appoint an appropriate testing unit;

Product label sample (with manufacturer's confirmation stamp).

b) For imported animal and aqua feeds:

Application for registration of imported animal and aqua feeds permitted for circulation in Vietnam (according to Form No. 05 in the Appendix issued with this Decree);

Certificate of free sale or document of equivalent value for imported animal and aqua feeds issued by the competent authority of the country of origin according to regulations;

Copy of one of the production facility's ISO, GMP, HACCP or equivalent certificates;

The product information sheet provided by the manufacturer includes: Names of raw materials, quality criteria, safety criteria, uses, instructions for use;

Declaration of applicable standards of organizations and individuals registering imported animal and aquaculture feeds permitted for circulation in Vietnam; Product secondary labels are shown in Vietnamese according to regulations;

Test result sheets for product quality and safety criteria are issued by a testing laboratory designated by a competent authority of the country of origin or recognized by an international accreditation organization or regional accreditation organization. areas or designated or recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development;

Product label sample (confirmed by supplier or importer);

Documents must be originals or certified copies accompanied by a Vietnamese translation certified by the organization or individual registering for import. If the original is not in English, the Vietnamese translation must be translated and certified.

For new types of animal and aquaculture feed that require testing, testing is carried out according to the provisions of Article 11 of this Decree.

5. Dossier for re-registration of animal and aqua feeds permitted for circulation in Vietnam includes:

a) Application for re-registration of animal and aqua feeds permitted for circulation in Vietnam (according to Form No. 06 in the Appendix issued with this Decree).

b) The applicable standard declaration and the notice of receipt of declaration of conformity (if any) are the original or a photocopy certified by the manufacturer.

c) Product label sample (with confirmation stamp of the manufacturer, supplier or importer). Additional

6. Procedure for processing applications for registration of animal and aqua feeds permitted for circulation in Vietnam (including re-registration):

a) Organizations and individuals registering animal and aquaculture feeds permitted for circulation in Vietnam shall prepare 01 set of documents and send them to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

b) Within no more than 05 working days from the date of receiving the registration dossier, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is responsible for checking the dossier components and notifying in writing the organization or individual. Register the application components that do not meet the requirements to supplement and complete.

c) Within no more than 20 working days (in case of new registration) or no more than 10 working days (in case of re-registration) from the date of receipt of complete and valid documents, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is responsible for evaluating the content of the dossier and issuing a document confirming that animal and aquaculture feeds are allowed to be circulated in Vietnam (according to Form No. 07 in the Appendix issued with this Decree) and posted on the Electronic Information Portal of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. In case a written confirmation is not issued, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development must respond in writing and clearly state the reason.

7. Changing information of animal and aquaculture feed products that have been allowed to circulate in Vietnam:

Organizations and individuals are only allowed to change the information of animal and aquaculture feeds that have been allowed to circulate in Vietnam if it does not change the quality of the product, including:

a) Changes in information of animal and aquaculture feed products that have been allowed to circulate in Vietnam by organizations and individuals whose products are allowed to change on their own, including: Address, phone number, Fax number of the registered organization or individual; importer name; color, size, shape of the product; packaging specifications.

Organizations and individuals that change the above information must notify the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in writing with email (if any) so that the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development can update and post. uploaded on the electronic information portal of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

b) Changes in information of animal and aquaculture feed products that have been allowed to circulate in Vietnam by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, including: Manufacturer's name, address of production facility; name, applied standard number, symbol (trade name) of the product.

Organizations and individuals requesting confirmation of changes in information of animal and aqua feeds shall prepare 01 set of documents and send them to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the documents include:

Application for confirmation of change in information of animal and aquaculture feed (according to Form No. 08 in the Appendix issued with this Decree).

A copy of the announced applicable standards and the receipt of the declaration of conformity (if any); Product label samples certified by the manufacturer and importer.

Original or certified copy of the manufacturer's confirmation of changes (for imported animal and aqua feeds).

Authenticated copy of business registration certificate or confirmation from a competent state agency (in case of changing the name of the production facility or trade name of imported animal feed).

Within no more than 05 working days from the date of receiving the dossier requesting confirmation of change in information of animal and aqua feeds, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is responsible for checking the dossier composition. and notify in writing the registration organization or individual of the application components that do not meet the requirements for supplementation and completion.

Within no more than 15 working days from the date of receipt of a valid dossier, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall issue a document confirming changes in information of animal and aquaculture feeds permitted for circulation in Vietnam. Vietnam (according to Form No. 09 in the Appendix issued with this Decree) and posted on the Electronic Information Portal of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. In case of not issuing a document confirming changes in information of animal and aquaculture feeds permitted for circulation in Vietnam, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development must respond in writing and clearly state the reason.

c) Changes in information of animal and aquaculture feed according to customs, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development changes based on national standards, technical regulations and market requirements.

8. Animal and aquatic feed for general use in aquaculture and livestock and poultry farming:

a) Organizations and individuals, when registering animal and aqua feeds permitted for circulation in Vietnam or changing relevant information, send dossiers to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

b) Procedures and content for registration of animal and aquaculture feeds for general use in aquaculture and livestock and poultry farming permitted for circulation in Vietnam are similar to regulations for animal feeds. other livestock and aquatic products in this Decree.

9. Stop circulating commercial animal and aquaculture feed products in the following cases:

a) Animal and aquaculture feed products contain substances banned from use in livestock and aquaculture.

b) Animal and aquaculture feed products are found to be in continuous violation after 03 inspections of a quality criterion or after 02 inspections of a safety criterion.

c) When there is a notice to stop circulating the product from the circulation registration facility.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development issued a written notice and made it public on the Electronic Information Portal of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of animal and aquaculture feed products to stop circulating.

Animal and aquaculture feed products are stopped from circulation at Points a and b, Clause 9 of this Article. If the registered facility wishes to circulate again, it must follow the same procedures as the first registration.

Animal and aquaculture feed products stopped from circulation at Point c, Clause 9 of this Article are still within their circulation period. If the registered facility wishes to circulate again, it only needs to notify the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in writing to issue a notice and re-post.

Article 13. Importing animal and aqua feeds that are not yet permitted for circulation in Vietnam

1. For introduction at fairs, exhibitions or research, as samples for analysis in the laboratory

a) Organizations and individuals wishing to import animal and aquaculture feed for introduction at fairs, exhibitions or research, or as samples for analysis at laboratories, shall prepare 01 set of documents and send them to the Ministry of Agriculture. Industry and Rural Development.

b) Documents for import for introduction at fairs and exhibitions include:

Application to import animal and aquaculture feed for introduction at fairs and exhibitions (according to Form No. 10 in the Appendix issued with this Decree);

Certificate of organization or participation in fairs and exhibitions in Vietnam.

c) Documents for importing samples for analysis at the laboratory include:

Application for importing animal and aqua feeds for analysis at the laboratory (according to Form No. 11 in the Appendix issued with this Decree);

Written agreement to use analytical services between a domestic testing laboratory or enterprise on one side and a testing laboratory or enterprise or animal and aquaculture feed management agency of the country of origin on the other. including a commitment that imported products are non-commercial.

d) Documents for importing animal and aquaculture feed for research:

Application to import animal and aquaculture feed for research (according to Form No. 11 in the Appendix issued with this Decree);

Research outline attached.

d) Within no more than 15 working days from the date of receipt of valid documents, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall issue a written response regarding approval for import (according to Form No. 12 in the Appendix issued with this Decree). In case of disapproval of import, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development must respond in writing and clearly state the reason.

2. For production and processing for export purposes:

Organizations and individuals importing animal and aquaculture feed for production and processing for export purposes under contracts signed with foreign countries must submit 01 set of documents to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Profile includes:

Application to import animal and aquaculture feed for production and processing for export purposes (according to Form No. 13 in the Appendix issued with this Decree);

Contract for production and processing of animal and aquaculture feed for export purposes in accordance with the provisions of Vietnamese law on importing goods for production and processing for export purposes;

Within 15 working days from the date of receiving the application to import animal and aquaculture feed for production and processing for export purposes according to contracts signed with foreign countries, the Ministry of Agriculture and Development Rural Development has a written response regarding approval or disapproval of the import permit. In case of disapproval, the reason must be clearly stated.

Article 14. Export of animal and aquatic feed

1. For animal and aquaculture feed intended for both export and domestic use: Meets quality requirements like animal and aquaculture feed products allowed to circulate in Vietnam and requirements of the importing country or importer.

2. For animal and aquaculture feed produced solely for export purposes: Meets the requirements of the importing country, except for prohibited acts in the production and trading of animal and aquaculture feed in Viet Nam.

Chapter V


Article 15. Inspection of domestic animal and aquaculture feed

1. Subjects and content of inspection

a) For commercial animal and aquaculture feed:

Implementation of regulations on conditions for establishments producing, processing, and trading animal and aquaculture feed;

Implementation of announcement of applicable standards and declaration of conformity (if any);

The implementation of measures to manage the quality of animal and aquaculture feed;

Implementation of regulations on product labeling;

Take samples of animal and aquaculture feed to check the product's conformity with announced applicable standards and corresponding technical regulations. It focuses on evaluating safety indicators and main quality indicators of the product.

b) For self-mixed animal and aquaculture feeds and customary animal and aquaculture feeds:

Check safety criteria for animal and aquaculture feed according to current regulations on food safety.

2. Inspection agency: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of provinces and centrally run cities.

3. Inspection regime: Regular inspections by state agencies must be notified in advance in writing. Quality inspections may only be conducted no more than once a year, except for unscheduled inspections when required. signs of violation. Unscheduled inspections of the quality of animal and aqua feeds at production and processing establishments, trading establishments, and establishments using animal and aquaculture feeds can only be conducted when there is a decision from the head of the organization. competent authority, without prior notice.

Article 16. Inspection of exported and imported animal and aquaculture feeds

Registration to inspect and confirm the quality of imported, recalled or returned animal and aqua feeds is a mandatory requirement. Particularly for exported animal and aquaculture feeds, compliance with the requirements of the importing country must be carried out.

1. Subjects and content of inspection

a) For imported animal feed and aquatic products

Check import documents according to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 19 of this Decree;

Check the actual quantity, volume, packaging specifications, labeling, expiration date, origin and other visual indicators of the product;

Take samples for testing to assess product quality and food safety conformity.

b) For recalled or returned animal and aqua feeds

Check the cause of animal and aquaculture feed being recalled or returned;

Check packaging specifications, labeling, expiration date, and product appearance;

Take samples to check product quality.

c) For exported animal feed and aquatic products

Check quality declaration and conformity declaration records (if any);

Check packaging specifications, labeling, expiration date, and product appearance;

Analyze quality according to the requirements of the business or importing country and other requirements (if any).

2. Inspection agency

Is a state functional agency and organization designated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development as an organization certifying the quality conformity of imported and exported animal and aquaculture feeds (hereinafter abbreviated as organization designated organization) performs a number of stages in inspection activities according to the scope specified in the appointment decision. Requirements, order and procedures for appointment shall comply with the provisions of Article 17 of this Decree.

The basis for assessing the capacity of the designated organization is based on the regulations for product conformity certification organizations issued or recognized for application by competent state agencies. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development issues appraisal procedures and instructions publicly in writing and posted on the Electronic Information Portal of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

3. Inspection regime: According to the provisions of Article 20 of this Decree.

Article 17. Requirements, order and procedures for appointment

1. The designated organization must meet the following requirements:

a) Designated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development as a conformity certification organization in the field of animal and aquaculture feed.

b) Have a process to check and confirm the conformity of quality of imported and exported animal and aquaculture feeds in accordance with each respective type of animal and aquaculture feed approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. expertise.

2. Order and procedures for appointment

Organizations certifying conformity in the field of animal and aquaculture feeds that wish to participate in inspection and confirmation of quality of exported and imported animal and aquaculture feeds shall prepare 01 set of documents to send to the Ministry of Agriculture. Industry and Rural Development, documents include:

a) Application to participate in inspection and certification of quality of imported and exported animal and aquaculture feeds (according to Form No. 14 in the Appendix issued with this Decree).

b) Certified copy of the decision to designate as a regulation conformity certification organization in the field of animal and aquaculture feed.

c) Procedures for inspecting and confirming the conformity of quality of imported and exported animal and aquaculture feeds for each respective type of animal and aquaculture feed by the organization registering to participate in inspection activities. Investigate and confirm the quality of exported and imported animal and aquaculture feeds.

Within no more than 15 working days from receipt of a valid application, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development will evaluate the application, conduct an assessment of actual capacity at the facility (if necessary) and issue the designation decision (according to Form No. 15 in the Appendix issued with this Decree). In case of refusal of designation, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development must respond in writing and clearly state the reason.

3. Effect of appointment decision

a) The validity period of the decision to appoint an organization to certify the quality conformity of imported and exported animal and aquaculture feed is 03 years.

b) Within 03 months before the designation decision expires, if there is a need, the designated organization sends the registration dossier to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to be re-designated, the dossier includes:

Application to participate in inspection and confirmation of quality of imported and exported animal and aquaculture feeds (according to Form No. 14 in the Appendix issued with this Decree);

Report on the results of inspection and confirmation of quality of imported and exported animal and aquaculture feeds of the designated organization in the previous period (according to Form No. 16 in the Appendix issued with this Decree).

Within no more than 07 working days from receipt of a valid application, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development will evaluate the application, reassess the actual capacity at the facility (if necessary) and issue a review. implementation of the reassignment decision (according to Form No. 15 in the Appendix issued with this Decree). In case of refusal to re-designate, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development must respond in writing and clearly state the reason.

Article 18. Sampling and testing of animal and aqua feeds

1. Sampling to check the quality of animal and aquaculture feed is carried out according to the provisions of national standards (TCVN) or regulations of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Persons taking samples of animal and aqua feeds must be trained and certified by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to take samples of animal and aqua feeds.

2. Testing the quality of animal and aquaculture feeds to serve the State management of animal and aquaculture feeds is only recognized according to testing methods at laboratories established by the Ministry of Agriculture and Development. designated rural development. In case the test methods have not been specified or agreed upon, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development decides on the test method to be applied.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development promulgates the procedure for designating testing laboratories in the field of animal feed and aquaculture; Instructions will be published in writing and posted on the Electronic Information Portal of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

3. The testing basis is the quality indicators and safety indicators of animal and aquaculture feed specified in the corresponding technical regulations issued by the state and in the announced applicable standards of the product. products announced by the manufacturer or supplier or specific written requirements of a competent state agency.

Article 19. Order and procedures for inspection and confirmation of quality of imported and exported animal and aquaculture feeds

1. Registration dossier for quality inspection and confirmation for imported animal and aqua feeds:

a) Certificate of registration for quality inspection and confirmation Form No. 17 in the Appendix issued with this Decree.

b) Copies certified by the importing organization or individual of the following documents: Sales contract, packing list, purchase invoice, water quality analysis result sheet Origin issued for the shipment (Certificate of Analysis), manufacturer's product label; published standards applied by the importing unit.

c) Report on the import and consumption of previously imported shipments of animal feed containing antibiotics and the plan to consume the quantity of animal feed containing antibiotics registered for import according to Form No. 18 in the Appendix issued with this Decree.

2. Registration dossier for quality inspection and confirmation for exported animal and aquaculture feed:

a) Certificate of registration for quality inspection and confirmation (03 copies). Form No. 17 in the Appendix issued with this Decree; request for criteria that need to be checked and confirmed for quality.

b) Authenticated copies of documents: Sales contract, quality declaration documents.

3. Registration dossier for quality inspection and confirmation for recalled and returned animal and aqua feeds:

a) Certificate of registration for quality inspection and confirmation (03 copies). Form No. 17 in the Appendix issued with this Decree.

b) Authenticated copies of documents: Sales contract, certificate of quality of the shipment before export (if any), recall document or return notice clearly stating the cause of recall or return.

4. Procedures for processing registration dossiers for inspection and confirmation of quality of imported and exported animal and aquaculture feeds

a) The enterprise prepares 01 set of inspection registration documents and sends them to the inspection agency.

b) Upon receiving the inspection registration dossier, within 03 working days, the inspection agency shall review and guide the enterprise to supplement missing or incorrect contents;

In case of complete documents, within 03 working days, the inspection agency will confirm the quality inspection registration certificate, including notifying the enterprise about the inspection content and agreeing on the time. and the location where the inspection will be performed.

Article 20. Quality inspection regime for imported animal and aquaculture feeds

1. Exemption from quality inspection of imported animal and aqua feeds in the following cases:

a) Animal and aquaculture feed temporarily imported for re-export.

b) Animal feed and aquatic products in transit or transfer.

c) Animal and aquaculture feed stored in bonded warehouses.

d) Animal and aquaculture feed are sample products to participate in fairs and exhibitions.

d) Animal and aqua feeds are samples analyzed at testing laboratories.

e) Animal and aquaculture feeds are samples for testing, testing, and assaying.

2. Exemption from quality inspection for a limited time (this regime does not apply to animal feed products containing antibiotics)

a) Perform document inspection, no sensory inspection and no sampling to assess conformity within 06 months.

b) This inspection regime applies to imported shipments that fully meet the following conditions: Are imported animal and aquaculture feeds of the same type produced by the same production facility, by the same imported unit. Have quality certification (according to Form No. 19 in the Appendix issued with this Decree) of 05 consecutive shipments of imported goods under the normal inspection regime or 03 consecutive shipments of imported goods under the reduced inspection regime for a limited period of time more than 12 months previously.

c) During the period of exemption from quality inspection for a limited period of time, the state inspection agency or designated organization assigned to supervise goods under the regime of exemption from quality inspection for a limited period of time may conduct inspection. Randomly inspect imported goods according to normal inspection regimes or surprise inspections when detecting signs of product quality violations. If it is discovered that the product does not meet quality standards, take the same handling measures as for shipments that violate quality and request the competent state management agency to immediately end the exemption from quality inspection. deadline at that time and go into tight inspection mode.

d) Importing organizations and individuals that have animal and aquaculture feed that meet the above requirements send dossiers to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, dossiers include:

Application for exemption from quality inspection of animal and aquaculture feed for a limited period of time (according to Form No. 20 in the Appendix issued with this Decree);

Certificate of quality of 05 consecutive batches of goods meeting the requirements under the normal inspection regime or certificate of quality of 03 consecutive batches of goods meeting the requirements under the reduced inspection regime for a limited time (copy available). confirmation from the importer).

Within no more than 10 working days from the date of receiving a valid dossier, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall respond in writing to the importing organization or individual regarding the exemption from quality inspection for a limited period of time. (according to Form No. 21 in the Appendix issued with this Decree) and posted on the Electronic Information Portal of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; In case the time-limited quality inspection exemption regime is not applied, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development will issue a written response clearly stating the reason.

Importing organizations and individuals are responsible for sending a certified copy of the document applying for a time-limited quality inspection exemption regime to the designated organization to confirm the inspection exemption in the confirmation inspection registration form. quality for each imported shipment (according to Form No. 17 in the Appendix issued with this Decree) as a condition for customs clearance of goods.

3. Time-limited reduction testing (this regime does not apply to animal feed products containing antibiotics)

a) Form of inspection: Document inspection and sensory inspection to evaluate the conformity of the goods in terms of information in the documents compared to those written on the label or accompanying technical documents; integrity, shape and color of the goods. The reduced inspection period is 12 months. Only take samples to check the quality of goods for this inspection regime in cases where it is discovered that the goods do not conform to the records, show signs of unsafety and do not ensure quality such as mold, moisture, or packaging. not intact, shape, color different from description, may adversely affect the quality and safety of the product or take random samples for inspection as required by the goods quality monitoring process. If it is discovered that the product does not meet quality standards, take the same handling measures as for shipments that violate quality and request the competent state management agency to immediately stop the inspection to reduce the time limit. at that point and go into tight inspection mode.

b) This inspection regime applies to imported shipments that meet one of the following conditions:

Is imported animal and aquaculture feed of the same type produced by the same production facility and by the same importer with a quality certificate (according to Form No. 19 in the Appendix issued with this Decree) of 03 consecutive imported goods lots under normal inspection regime within the previous 12 months;

Has been confirmed to meet quality and safety requirements by a competent organization of the country that has mutually recognized with Vietnam in quality inspection activities of animal and aqua feeds; or of a testing laboratory evaluated and recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

c) Importing organizations and individuals that have animal and aquaculture feed that meet the reduced inspection requirements have a deadline to prepare 01 set of documents and send them to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development or, the documents include:

Application for application of a limited-term reduced inspection regime (according to Form No. 20 in the Appendix issued with this Decree);

Certificate of quality of 03 consecutive shipments meeting the requirements according to the normal inspection regime (photocopy certified by the importing organization or individual) or certificate of satisfaction of quality and safety requirements of the importer. Competent organizations of countries that have mutually recognized with Vietnam in quality inspection activities of animal and aquaculture feeds or of foreign testing laboratories recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (original copy) or certified copy);

Within no more than 10 working days from the date of receipt of valid documents, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall respond in writing to the importing organization or individual regarding the application of the reduced inspection regime. deadline (according to Form No. 21 in the Appendix issued with this Decree) and posted on the electronic information portal of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; In case the time-limited reduced inspection regime is not applied, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development will issue a written response clearly stating the reason.

Importing organizations and individuals are responsible for sending certified copies of documents applying the time-limited reduced inspection regime to the designated organization to conduct inspection according to the provisions of Point a, Clause 4 of this Article.

4. Regular inspection

a) Form of inspection: Check documents, check sensory and take representative samples to analyze at least 01 safety indicator and 01 quality indicator in published applicable standards or in technical regulations respective country, ensuring the assessment of the safety and quality of the tested product. Particularly for animal feed products containing antibiotics, it is mandatory to check all types of antibiotics in the product.

Designated inspection agencies and organizations determine specific criteria and are responsible for the results of inspection and assessment of the quality and safety of animal and aqua feeds.

b) This inspection regime applies to imported animal feed shipments that are not specified in Clauses 1, 2, 3, 5 of this Article.

5. Check closely

a) Form of inspection: Check records, check sensory and take samples of all production batches to analyze at least 50% safety criteria specified in the corresponding national technical regulations and minimum Minimum 50% quality criteria in the applicable announced standards and other criteria (if any) as required in writing by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. The strict inspection regime was applied continuously for 3 times of import.

b) This inspection regime applies to imported shipments in the following cases:

The previous import did not meet the quality and safety requirements according to regulations;

Imported goods are on the list of animal and aquaculture feeds with high food safety risks issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development or originating from places with high risks of causing insecurity. safety for humans, livestock and the environment as warned by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development;

There is a document from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development requiring strict inspection when detecting products circulating on the market whose inspection results do not meet the required quality or there is a written warning about unsafe factors. safety for people, pets, and the environment of relevant domestic and foreign organizations and individuals.

Article 21. Recall and handling of animal and aqua feeds that violate quality

1. When there is a decision by a competent authority to force the recall of animal and aquaculture feed products, the trader of animal and aquaculture feed products that are forced to recall must immediately notify the Customers who stop trading and using animal and aquaculture feed products are forced to recall and carry out a full recall to a place of disposal at the request of the management agency. The amount of animal and aquaculture feed that cannot be recalled must have a reason, approved by the competent state management agency, and the business person must be responsible for overcoming the consequences.

2. Competent state management agencies must establish a Council to monitor the process of recalling and handling quality-violating animal and aquaculture feed products that are forced to be recalled and handled according to the provisions of law. on product quality and the environment; It must be posted immediately on the Electronic Information Portal of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development where violations of violating animal and aquaculture feed products are forced to be recalled. .

Article 22. Funding sources for management activities of animal and aquaculture feed

1. State budget funding ensures and arranges annual regular expenditure estimates of agencies and units performing state management tasks on animal and aquaculture feed according to current regulations on decentralization State budget management.

2. Funds mobilized from the participation and contributions of domestic and foreign organizations and individuals and other legal revenue sources.

Estimation, management and use of state budget funds for state management activities of animal and aquaculture feed are carried out in accordance with the provisions of State budget law.

Chapter VI


Article 23. Responsibility for state management of animal feed aquaculture

1. The Government unifies state management of animal and aquaculture feed.

2. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is responsible for:

a) Preside and coordinate with relevant ministries and branches to develop strategies, orientations and policies for the development and use of animal and aquaculture feeds nationwide.

b) Draft, promulgate or submit to competent authorities for promulgation and organize the implementation of legal documents on animal and aquaculture feed.

c) Develop national standards and national technical regulations on animal and aquaculture feed.

d) Specify the minimum number of criteria that must be announced in the applicable published standards.

d) Manage testing and recognition of new animal and aquaculture feeds.

e) Collect and manage information and documents on animal and aquaculture feed.

g) Issue a list of substances banned from use in animal and aquaculture feed and announce animal and aquaculture feed products that are allowed to circulate in Vietnam.

h) Issue a list of antibiotics allowed to be used in animal feed for the purpose of stimulating growth for livestock and poultry. Guidance on the production and use of animal feed containing antibiotics for the purpose of disease prevention and treatment for livestock and poultry.

i) Guide, direct and organize inspection, examination and handling of violations in the production, business and use of animal and aqua feeds.

k) Propagate and disseminate legal documents on animal and aqua feeds.

l) International cooperation in the field of animal feed and aquaculture.

m) Manage the quality of animal and aqua feeds according to regulations.

n) Organize research and application of advanced science and technology into activities in the field of animal feed and aquaculture.

o) Training, fostering and certification in the field of animal feed and aquaculture.

3. Ministries and ministerial-level agencies, within the scope of their tasks and powers, are responsible for coordinating with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to carry out state management of animal and aquaculture feed.

4. People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities are responsible for:

a) Develop a plan to develop and use local animal and aqua feeds.

b) Direct and guide the effective use of animal and aqua feeds without causing environmental pollution.

c) Issue policies to encourage and direct local authorities to create conditions for businesses in the area to improve the quality and safety of animal and aquaculture feed.

d) Propagate, disseminate and organize legal guidance, provide information on the quality of animal and aqua feeds for organizations and individuals producing, trading and using animal and aqua feeds .

d) Develop plans and organize inspections, inspections, and handling of violations in the field of animal feed and aquaculture in the area.

Article 24. Responsibilities of organizations and individuals producing animal and aquaculture feed

1. Announce compliance with regulations on conditions for facilities producing and processing animal and aqua feeds and keep 01 set of records at the facility.

2. Announce applicable standards and declare conformity (if any) for animal and aquaculture feed products according to regulations and keep 01 set of records at the facility.

3. Have appropriate production and product quality control processes. Record and save the production process log for at least 02 years after the product expires.

4. Test and save test results for raw materials and finished food products to meet product quality control requirements during the production process and trace and handle future violations. Save test results for 2 years and save and preserve test samples until 30 days after the product expires.

5. Display quality information on product labels, packaging or accompanying documents, which must clearly state the main substances and antibiotics (if any) according to regulations of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. .

6. Comply with inspection and inspection of production conditions and quality of animal and aquaculture feed according to the provisions of law.

7. Only produced after declaring conformity with the conditions of facilities producing and processing animal and aqua feeds.

8. Only produce animal and aqua feeds that are circulated in Vietnam according to the provisions of Chapter IV of this Decree.

9. Be responsible before the law for the quality of animal and aquaculture feed produced by the facility; Handling, recalling or destroying animal and aquaculture feed goods that do not ensure quality and safety and compensating for damages caused to farmers.

10. Periodically, on the 25th of every month, report the situation of animal and aquaculture feed production to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and report unexpectedly when requested by a competent state management agency. on activities related to animal feed and aquaculture.

Article 25. Responsibilities of organizations and individuals purchasing, selling and importing animal and aquaculture feed

1. Only purchase, sell and import animal and aqua feeds that are circulated in Vietnam according to the provisions of Chapter IV of this Decree.

2. Check the origin, shelf life, and integrity of animal and aquaculture feed goods; Pay attention to the standard conformity mark and regulation conformity mark (if any).

3. Apply product quality preservation measures as recommended by the manufacturer to maintain the quality of animal and aquaculture feed goods.

4. Post prices and comply with inspections of animal and aquaculture feed prices according to the provisions of law.

5. Comply with inspections and inspections of business conditions and quality of animal and aqua feeds according to the provisions of law. Handle, recall or destroy animal and aquaculture feed that violates quality and safety according to the provisions of law and compensate for damages caused to livestock farmers.

6. Organizations and individuals importing antibiotic premix products must report the situation of import and consumption of the products to specialized management agencies of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to supervise the business and use. Use the product for the right purpose and process.

Article 26. Responsibilities of organizations and individuals using animal and aquaculture feed

1. Comply with State regulations and instructions of animal and aqua feed suppliers on the transportation, storage, preservation and use of animal and aqua feeds. Do not use banned substances in livestock farming.

2. Comply with the inspection and inspection of animal and aquaculture feed quality by management agencies.

3. Coordinate the destruction of animal feed, aquatic products and livestock products that violate quality and safety according to the provisions of law.

4. Record the use of animal feed containing antibiotics for disease prevention and treatment purposes according to regulations.

Article 27. Responsibilities of organizations certifying conformity in the field of animal and aquaculture feed

1. Be responsible before the law and the designated agency for the results of certification of conformity in the field of animal and aquaculture feed.

2. Report the results of certification of conformity in the field of animal and aquaculture feed to the designated agency on a monthly basis or upon request.

3. Save and preserve samples for at least 90 days from the date of notification of results of certification of conformity in the field of animal and aquaculture feed to organizations and individuals.

4. Save documents certifying conformity in the field of animal and aquaculture feed for at least 5 years.

5. Comply with the inspection and examination of conformity certification activities in the field of animal and aquaculture feed by management agencies.

Article 28. Responsibilities of organizations testing animal and aqua feeds

1. Be responsible before the law for the results of testing of animal and aqua feeds.

2. Keep records of testing of animal and aqua feeds for at least 03 years.

3. Comply with the inspection and testing of animal and aquaculture feeds by management agencies.

Chapter VII


Article 29. Transitional provisions

1. Within 18 months from the effective date of this Decree, establishments producing and processing commercial animal and aquaculture feeds are responsible for declaring compliance with the establishment's conditions. produce and process animal and aqua feeds according to the provisions of this Decree.

2. Animal feed containing antibiotics for the purpose of stimulating growth for livestock and poultry is allowed to circulate until December 31, 2017. Animal feed containing antibiotics for the purpose of disease prevention for livestock , young poultry are allowed to circulate until December 31, 2020.

3. Application for registration of animal and aquaculture feeds permitted for circulation in Vietnam, application for re-registration and application for confirmation of changes in information about animal and aquaculture feeds permitted for circulation in Vietnam Males received by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development before the effective date of this Decree shall be resolved according to the provisions of Decree No. 08/2010/ND-CP February 5, 2010 on animal feed management. Except for regulations on trade names of animal and aquaculture feed products, which are applied immediately to all newly registered and re-registered products from the date this Decree takes effect.

4. Within 18 months from the effective date of this Decree, establishments producing and trading in commercial animal and aquaculture feeds are responsible for re-declaring the trade names of the products. animal and aquaculture feed products contrary to the provisions of Point b, Clause 2, Article 12 of this Decree.

5. Animal and aquaculture feed products that have been recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development as being allowed to be circulated in Vietnam before the effective date of this Decree are allowed to be circulated for 5 years from the date of circulation. recognition.Additional

6. Organizations certifying the quality conformity of imported and exported animal and aquaculture feeds that have been designated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development before the effective date of this Decree shall retain their value. The validity is stated in the appointment decision.

Article 30. Implementation effect

1. This Decree takes effect from May 20, 2017.

2. This Decree replaces Decree No 08/2010/ND-CP February 5, 2010 of the Government on animal feed management.

3. Repeal the Articles 12, 13, 14 of Decree No. 66/2016/ND-CP dated July 1, 2016 of the Government regulating business investment conditions on plant protection and quarantine; type of tree; raising common forest animals; breed; Seafood; food.

Article 31. Responsibility for implementation

1. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is responsible for guiding the implementation of this Decree.

2. Ministers, Heads of ministerial-level agencies, Heads of Government agencies, Chairmen of People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities are responsible for implementing this Decree./.

– Party Central Committee Secretariat;
– Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Ministers;
– Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, and agencies under the Government;
– People's Councils and People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities;
– Central Office and Party Committees;
– Office of the General Secretary;
- Office of the President;
- Congress office;
– Nationalities Council and Committees of the National Assembly;
- People's Procuratorate of the Supreme;
- Supreme People's Court;
– National Financial Supervisory Commission;
– State audit;
– Social Policy Bank;
- Vietnam Development Bank;
– Central Committee of Vietnam Fatherland Front;
– Central agency of unions;
– Office of Government: BTCN, PCNs, Assistant to the President, General Director of the Electronic Information Portal, Departments, Bureaus, affiliated units, Official Gazette;
– Save: VT, NN (3).


Nguyen Xuan Phuc


(Issued together with Decree No. 39/2017/ND-CP dated April 4, 2017 of the Government)

Model number 01

Application for testing new animal and aqua feeds

Model number 02

Decision on approving the content of the outline for testing new animal and aquaculture feeds

Model number 03

Decision on recognition of new animal and aqua feeds

Model number 04

Application for registration of domestically produced animal and aquaculture feeds permitted for circulation in Vietnam

Model number 05

Application for registration of imported animal and aqua feeds permitted for circulation in Vietnam

Model number 06

Application for re-registration of animal and aqua feeds permitted for circulation in Vietnam

Model number 07

Document certifying that animal and aquaculture feeds are allowed to circulate in Vietnam

Model number 08

Application for confirmation of change in information of animal and aqua feeds

Model number 09

Document on confirmation of changes in information of animal and aqua feeds

Model number 10

Application for importing animal and aqua feeds for introduction at fairs and exhibitions

Model number 11

Application for importing animal and aqua feeds for research/analysis samples at the laboratory

Model number 12

Document certifying that animal and aquaculture feeds are eligible for import as samples for introduction at fairs, exhibitions/research/as samples for analysis at the laboratory

Model number 13

Application to import animal and aquaculture feed for production and processing for export purposes

Model number 14

Application for registration of inspection and certification of quality of imported and produced aquatic animal feed

Model number 15

Decision on designating an organization to certify the quality conformity of imported and exported animal and aquaculture feeds

Model number 16

Report on the results of inspection and confirmation of quality of imported and exported animal and aquaculture feeds

Model number 17

Registration certificate for quality certification

Model number 18

Report on the consumption of imported animal feed shipments containing antibiotics

Model number 19

Quality certificate

Model number 20

Application for exemption/reduction of quality inspection of imported animal feed and aquatic products for a limited period of time

Model number 21

Document on application of quality inspection exemption/reduced inspection regime for a limited period

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