Protocol on plant quarantine requirements for Vietnamese sweet potatoes imported into China

On November 22, 2022, the General Department of Customs of China published on the website of the General Department a notice on plant quarantine requirements for importing Vietnamese sweet potatoes (Notice No. 117 of 2022) with the provisions of Decree No. Protocol on plant quarantine requirements for Vietnamese sweet potatoes imported into China was signed on November 9, 2022. 

Protocol on plant quarantine requirements for Vietnamese sweet potatoes imported into China was signed in a rotating form, at the Ministerial level between the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam and the General Department of Customs. Chinese officials. The Protocol includes 8 Articles and 01 Appendix. In particular, the Decree requires that sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas, English name: sweet potato) exported to China must be produced in Vietnam and not used for breeding purposes.

The pests on sweet potatoes specified in the Protocol include 02 types of fungi: Streptomyces ipomoeae, Pythium splendens and 5 types of nematodes: Pratylenchus brachyurus, Longidorus sp., Meloidogyne arenaria, Meloidogyne incognita, Meloidogyne javanica

In addition, the Protocol also stipulates requirements for registration and monitoring of growing areas and packaging facilities; inspect plant quarantine and handle non-compliance violations.

For detailed content of the Protocol, please refer to here.

Source: Plant Protection Department

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