Every month, hundreds of billions of dong are collected from exporting one type of drink

(HQ Online) - In less than 2 months, tea exports earned nearly 24.2 million USD (equivalent to about 600 billion VND), a sharp increase compared to the same period last year.

Mỗi tháng thu hàng trăm tỷ đồng từ xuất khẩu một loại thức uống
Every year, our country earns hundreds of millions of dollars from tea export. Photo: Internet.

According to the General Department of Customs, from the beginning of the year to February 15, exports tea reached 14,259 tons, turnover reached nearly 24.2 million USD, increased by 35.3% in volume and increased by 36.7% compared to the same period last year.

The growth rate between volume and turnover is quite similar, so the average export value of this item has not changed much compared to a year ago.

Currently, tea is one of the important export products of our country's agricultural industry.

Regarding Vietnam's tea export market, updated by the General Department of Customs by the end of January 2024, the top 3 names are Pakistan, Taiwan (China), and the United States.

Among them, the Pakistani market is the leading market in Vietnam's tea consumption. In January, tea exports to this market reached 4,556 tons, turnover reached 9.17 million USD, accounting for 36.8% in total volume and 43.7% in total tea export turnover of the country at the same time.

The average export value of this item to Pakistan reached 2,013 USD/ton.

Thus, compared to the same period in 2023, tea exports to Pakistan increased sharply by 32.6% in volume, increased by 51.7% in turnover and increased by 14.5% in average value compared to the same period in 2023.

Next is the Taiwan market (China) reaching 928 tons, turnover reaching 1.37 million USD, average value reaching 1,481 USD/ton, a sharp increase of 86% in volume, an increase of 87.4% in turnover and an increase of 0 .8% in average value compared to the same period last year.

The United States ranked third with 913 tons, turnover of over 1.2 million USD, average value of 1,316.8 USD/ton, a sharp increase of 191% in volume, an increase of 197.5% in turnover and an increase of 2.3% in price compared to January 2023.


Source : Online customs

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