Wild honey, farmed honey - how to understand it properly

Currently, honey Forest is favored by many people because they think it is better than farmed honey. However, there are types of farmed honey that are essentially wild honey.

Wild honey, farmed honey

Many people have the notion that wild honey must be natural honey taken from the forest. Therefore, to ensure that they can buy "standard" wild honey, many people choose to buy unsqueezed honey and wax, or even buy whole nests still clinging to tree branches at expensive prices.

According to Mr. Tung Van Anh - Chairman of the People's Committee of Cha Nua commune, Nam Po district - where the "Cha Nua forest honey cooperative" is located, the honey of hundreds of beehives being raised in Cha Nua is essentially natural forest honey. .

“Wild bee colonies are domesticated and raised in standard wooden barrels so that honey can be extracted by centrifugation and without impurities like honey extracted by hand squeezing method. Therefore, honey raised in the forest is still essentially wild honey" - Mr. Anh said.

Đàn ong rừng đã được người dân thuần dưỡng để lấy mật ong chủ động.

Wild bees have been domesticated by people to actively harvest honey.© Provided by Lao Dong

According to Mr. Anh, after the honey is separated from the hive by centrifugation, the next step will be put into a specialized machine to remove the water content (controlling % of water in the honey) and filter out all impurities to make the honey dry. produce the purest honey.

“Therefore, only honey raised and harvested by such a method meets the conditions and standards for export. And honey squeezed from natural hives often contains many impurities so it cannot be exported and is very difficult to preserve" - Mr. Anh added.

How many types of honey are there?

According to Mr. Nguyen Duc Loi (Muong Ang district, Dien Bien) - who has nearly 30 years of experience raising bees and learning about the characteristics of bee species, in the Northwest mountains and forests there are 4 species of bees that produce honey in large quantities. can be harvested, which are bees, honey bees, hover bees and mosquito bees (tap bees).

Each species of bee produces a different type of honey, and each species of flower also produces a different type of honey. In addition, honey can be classified according to the source of honey that the bees get, such as flower nectar and leaf nectar, fruit nectar and honey from insect secretions...

“If we look closely, the Northwest has hundreds of types of honey. However, usually honey will be divided into two main types, which are: monofloral honey and multifloral honey" - Mr. Loi said.

Accordingly, if in a forest area there are regularly 5-7 types of flowers blooming at the same time, the honey in that area is called multifloral honey. Polyflower nectar is usually golden or dark yellow in color, very fragrant, not dark, not sour and has a sharp sweet taste.

As for single flower honey, it is mainly a product of beekeepers, only collecting one type of honey during the flowering season, such as: longan nectar, lychee nectar, rubber nectar or mint honey...

"For honey raised in natural forests and with many flower species blooming at the same time, it is also considered polyfloral honey and has the same value as natural forest honey," Mr. Loi added.

Read the original article here This.

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