​Growing area codes help Dong Nai agricultural products conquer the international market

Dong Nai is one of the provinces with great opportunities to promote durian export through official channels.

Trong 6 tháng đầu năm 2023, xuất khẩu sầu riêng của Việt Nam đạt gần 850 triệu USD, tăng gần gấp đôi so với cả năm 2022 - Ảnh: A LỘC
In the first 6 months of 2023, Vietnam's durian exports reached nearly 850 million USD, nearly doubling compared to the whole year 2022 - Photo: A LOC

140 growing areas and 82 packaging facilities have been granted codes

The entire Dong Nai province currently has more than 76.6 thousand hectares of perennial fruit trees, including many types of fruit trees that are strong in export. 

Previously, countries such as the United States, Australia, Japan, Korea... all made requirements for planting area codes and packaging facilities for imported agricultural products. From 2023, the major market of China will set strict standards, requiring that from growing areas to packaging facilities, all must be granted codes to qualify for export to these markets.

The growing area code is a certification of the identification code for the growing area to monitor and control the production situation, not only helping to trace the origin of agricultural products but also providing accurate and specific information about the production process of that agricultural product. . 

From a farmer's perspective, the growing area code is a passport for an agricultural product to be officially imported into the market. The District Department of Agriculture is the focal point for consulting and supporting the issuance of planting area codes in localities.

From very early on, Dong Nai province coordinated with localities and relevant units to implement instructions for granting planting area codes and packaging facilities according to Document No. 1776/BNN-BVTV dated March 23, 2023 of the Government. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development on the issuance and management of planting area codes and agricultural product packaging facilities for export. 

To date, Dong Nai has 140 growing areas and 82 agricultural product packaging facilities that have been granted export codes to China, the United States, Europe, Australia, New Zealand...

The goal is that by 2025, 100% agricultural growing areas in Dong Nai will be granted codes.

Hơn 1,5 ngàn ha trồng chuối sẽ được cấp mã số, thuận lợi cho xuất khẩu - Ảnh: NHÃ CHÂN
More than 1.5 thousand hectares of banana trees will be granted codes, convenient for export - Photo: NHA CHAN

According to Ms. Tran Thi Tu Oanh, Deputy Director of the Department of Crop Production, Plant Protection - Irrigation (Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development), to prepare for the official export of durian products to the Chinese market Since the beginning of 2021, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development has coordinated with specialized agencies of districts and cities to propagate and guide businesses, organizations and individuals wishing to export agricultural products on regulations on granting agricultural products. Code of growing area and packaging facility. 

Thereby, Dong Nai has 7 durian growing areas that meet standards and have been granted planting area codes with a total coded area of 533 hectares.

By 2025, there will be 73 more Dong Nai agricultural product growing area codes with a total area of more than 6,448 hectares. In particular, continue to build 22 more planting area codes for grapefruit trees with an area of nearly 1.7 thousand hectares; 21 durian growing area codes with more than 1.5 thousand hectares; 7 banana growing area codes with an area of more than 1.5 thousand hectares, 4 dragon fruit growing area codes with an area of 460 hectares.

In particular, the agricultural sector will focus on forming product chain links from growing areas, packers, exporters, localities and state management agencies. Strengthen links with growing areas and packaging facilities to control goods exported from growing areas and packaging facilities to avoid code impersonation and bringing products from outside growing areas or packaging facilities. Packages without growing area codes enter the product chain and control the export stage, as well as violations related to the use of codes.

Read the original article here This.

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