HEALTH: Sweet potatoes are the most powerful anti-cancer vegetable

Sweet potatoes have a high cancer cell inhibition rate, are rich in protein and starch, and have a laxative effect.

Sweet potatoes are a longevity food

Sweet potatoes are the champions in the "Top 10 best vegetables" voted by the World Health Organization (WHO). At the same time, the Japanese National Cancer Research Center released survey results on the diet of 260,000 people. Accordingly, the cancer cell inhibition rate of cooked sweet potatoes is as high as 98.7% and raw sweet potatoes is 94.4%. It ranks first in the list of 20 anti-cancer vegetables.

Sweet potatoes are rich in protein, starch, pectin, amino acids, fiber, carotene, vitamins A, B, C, E and more than 10 trace elements such as calcium, potassium, iron, which can protect the integrity of cells. human epithelial cells. It prevents carcinogenic processes that come from toxic metals.

According to oriental medicine, sweet potatoes have the effect of "replenishing exhaustion, increasing vitality, strengthening the spleen, strengthening the kidney yin", and making people "have a long life with fewer illnesses". Sweet potatoes are mainly used to treat edema caused by spleen damage, pain and swelling, poisoning, intestinal diseases and constipation.

The fat content in each 100 grams of fresh sweet potatoes is only 0.2 grams, generating 99 kcal of heat energy, about 1/3 the amount of rice. Sweet potatoes contain a lot of fiber, which can stimulate the intestines, enhance bowel movements, and detoxify laxatives, especially for elderly people with constipation.

What's the best way to eat sweet potatoes?

Eating sweet potatoes mixed with rice and white flour can increase the nutritional value of the staple food and prolong life. The reason is that the protein in sweet potatoes has the effect of supplementing protein in rice noodles, supplementing the deficiency of vitamin C in flour, calcium in rice and enhancing carotene. However, you need to pay attention to the amount to avoid weight gain.

The best time to eat sweet potatoes is at noon, because the calcium in this tuber takes 4-5 hours to absorb. After eating sweet potatoes at noon, afternoon sunlight can promote calcium absorption. So it will not affect calcium absorption from other foods at dinner.

Experts say it's best not to eat baked sweet potatoes with their skins on, because sweet potato skins contain many alkaloids, and eating too much can cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

Sweet potatoes also contain a substance that can create large amounts of gastric acid in the human stomach and intestines, causing heartburn, nausea, and acid vomiting after eating. Therefore, sweet potatoes are not suitable for eating raw, they must be cooked at high temperatures, so that there is no discomfort after eating.

In addition, sweet potatoes themselves contain a lot of carbohydrates and have a certain sweetness, which will also increase the possibility of acid reflux and heartburn. It is best not to eat on an empty stomach. Do not eat more than 300 grams a day.

Sweet potatoes are an alkaline food, beneficial to the acid-base balance of the human body. But when buying sweet potatoes, you need to pay attention, the sweet potato skin has black spots due to bacterial infection, making the potato hard and bitter. If the potato has black spots, you should not buy it, or when eating, you must remove all the black spots because it is toxic.

Hang Tran (According to Aboluowang)

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