Declaring chemicals only takes 15 seconds, eliminating about 70,000 sets of paper records/year

According to the Department of Chemicals (Ministry of Industry and Trade), declaring chemicals through the National Single Window Portal will receive results within 15 seconds, reducing printing and documentation costs.
Recently, with the elimination and simplification of many conditions and administrative procedures, the administrative reform work of Department of chemistry is expected to continue removing barriers and creating conditions for organizations, individuals and businesses.

Deploy quickly and effectively

According to statistics from the Department of Chemicals, every year there are about 70,000 sets of documents chemical notification implemented by nearly 4,000 businesses at the Ministry of Industry and Trade. The declaration of imported chemicals according to old regulations is done in two forms: paper records and online records, but the results are still returned in paper copies, leading to a lack of synchronization of procedures and causing difficulties for customers. Remote units often have to travel and are not autonomous during the procedure, sometimes encountering obstacles in sending documents and receiving results.

To create favorable conditions for people, businesses, Ministry of Industry and Trade has successively shortened the time to issue chemical declaration certificates from 7 days to 5 days, and from 2018 until now, businesses receive electronic results immediately after submitting documents through the One-Stop Information Portal. nation.

Specifically, from mid-January 2018, all units declare imported chemicals through the National Single Window Information Portal. Declared information will be automatically transferred to the system of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and automatically responded through the National Single Window Information Portal to declaring organizations, individuals and customs authorities. “The time for returning administrative procedure results is reduced from 7-10 days (depending on each administrative procedure) to only 3-5 days. As for chemical declaration, it is only after the organization or individual completes the required information on the Internet. After about 15 seconds, the National Door will receive the system's automatic response results, eliminating about 70,000 sets of paper records/year.”- the leader of the Department of Chemicals affirmed.

The Department of Chemicals further informed that with this automatic declaration, businesses can carry out declaration procedures 24/7 and at any location.

In addition, businesses do not have to directly submit hard copies to the Ministry of Industry and Trade and Customs, saving travel time to submit documents and reducing customs clearance time for businesses. At the same time, the Ministry of Industry and Trade does not have to enter data manually, reducing printing and record keeping costs.

On the Customs Branch side, border gates can also look up chemical declaration information of businesses via the Internet.

Besides the advantages, declaring chemicals through the National Single Window Portal also requires a high degree of self-discipline in complying with legal regulations of businesses to ensure input data fields serve management and regulatory purposes. Limited infrastructure, technology, and databases also need to be upgraded over time due to the large volume of records and information declared annually.

Sharing about the new points of administrative procedures, the representative of the leader of Mining Chemical Industry Corporation - Vinacomin (MICCO) - said that MICCO pays special attention to export work, the Department of Chemicals has organized for businesses to Electronic declaration is both quick and responsive to customer progress. This is one of the opportunities to create the company's reputation in the international market.

Continue to accompany the business

Mr. Nguyen Van Thanh - Director of the Department of Chemicals said that in 2021, the Department has officially deployed it nationwide through the National Single Window System for 02 administrative procedures: Procedures for granting export and import licenses. Export of Schedule 1 chemicals; Procedures for granting licenses to export and import chemicals in Table 2 and Table 3. “Up to now, there are 6 administrative procedures carried out on the National Single Window Portal (declaration of imported chemicals; import and export of industrial precursors: import and export of explosive precursors; import and export of explosive materials). industry: import and export of chemicals Table 1: import and export of chemicals Tables 2, 3)”- Director of the Department of Chemicals emphasized.

Notably, out of a total of 29 administrative procedures carried out by the Department, there are 28 administrative procedures implementing level 4 online public services, accounting for 96%, of which 6 procedures are implemented through the National Single Window Portal, accounting for 31%, the The remaining procedures mainly do not generate documents. The Department of Chemicals has also reviewed and proposed to abolish 4 groups of administrative procedures, reduce and simplify 46/130 (35%) business investment conditions.

To support businesses during the Covid-19 pandemic, the Department has focused on promoting the application of information technology in the agency's operations, continuing to deploy a number of application software in professional and management work, thereby ensuring improved labor productivity, reducing operating costs, saving time, and providing better public services for businesses.

Besides, in 2021, the Department resolved 83,787 administrative procedures through online public services. Among them, the number of administrative procedures related to chemical declaration has the largest number of documents, followed by licensing to import industrial precursors. “The implementation of administrative procedures is carried out according to current regulations, especially in the complicated situation of the Covid-19 epidemic, to help enterprises' production and business activities be convenient for development. manufacture”- emphasized the leader of the Department of Chemicals.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade is a typical unit in deploying online public services

With the results of deploying chemical declaration services via online form level 4 of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, it was recently introduced to the Ministry of Information and Communications, the standing agency of the National Committee on Digital Transformation. ministries, branches and localities to demonstrate the effectiveness of online public service provision (DVCTT).

According to the assessment of the Ministry of Information and Communications, the Ministry of Industry and Trade is one of the typical ministries and branches in implementing public services nationwide, not only ensuring the maximum provision of level 4 public services but also implementing many measures. Solutions and solutions to improve the efficiency of using public services, taking people and businesses as the service center.

Statistical data of the Ministry of Online Public Services (DVCTT) from January 1 to April 30, 2022 shows that the Ministry of Industry and Trade is in the Top 3 ministries and sectors with the highest rate of online processing of documents. , along with two other ministries: Home Affairs and Health.

Regarding implementation method, in June 2021, the Ministry of Industry and Trade made a decision to approve the Ministry's List of Public Services. From August 2021 until now, the Ministry's Public Service Portal at has provided 228 level 4 public services, early completing the goal of providing 100% level 4 public services in 2021, increasing The number of services is nearly 4 times higher than in 2020.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade has also integrated 131 public services into the National Public Service Portal. In 2021, the Ministry of Industry and Trade's Public Service Portal exchanged 1,164,552 sets of electronic records with the National Public Service Portal.

Along with that, more than 40,000 businesses have participated in declarations on the Ministry of Industry and Trade's public service portal. The total number of electronic records in 2021 is 1,617,249 records, equivalent to more than 99% of total records sent to the Ministry.

Notably, the Ministry of Industry and Trade has implemented an assessment of the quality of handling administrative procedures on the Public Service Portal of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. As a result, 100% documents were processed on time or before the deadline; 100% people and businesses rated the quality of handling administrative procedures by the Ministry of Industry and Trade as very good.

Previously on April 29, the Ministry of Industry and Trade issued the Ministry's Digital Transformation Program for the period 2022 - 2025, which determined to continue promoting the application of information technology and developing e-Government in units. Department under the Ministry on the basis of administrative reform, taking people and businesses as the center, implementing digital transformation in a comprehensive and comprehensive way.
In 2022, the Department of Chemicals will continue to coordinate with the Department of E-Commerce and Digital Economy (Ministry of Industry and Trade) to upgrade online public services from level 3 to level 4 to improve the quality and efficiency of administrative procedures. At the same time, the Department also reviewed the system of legal documents related to the chemical sector in the Industry and Trade sector to develop, propose, supplement, amend or promulgate new standards and regulations. standards, regulations, appropriate production technology, the country's development situation and international practices in the field of chemical management.

Source: Electronic Industry and Trade Newspaper

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