Conference to disseminate regulations on issuance and management of growing area codes and packaging facilities for export

On April 20, 2023, the Plant Protection Department organized a "Conference to disseminate regulations on issuance of planting area codes and packaging facilities for export" in Ho Chi Minh City. This event aims to implement Directive Document No. 1776 /BNN-BVTV dated March 23, 2023 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development on the issuance and management of planting area codes and agricultural product packaging facilities serving agricultural products. export.
The conference attracted about 300 guests from units under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, School of Public Policy and Rural Development, units under the Plant Protection Department, Departments of Agriculture and Rural Development, and branches of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development. Department of Crop Production and Plant Protection, Agricultural Extension Centers of provinces and cities, research institutes, relevant industry associations, representatives of growing regions, packaging facilities and export units. In addition, reporters from television and press agencies were also present to report the news.
Speaking at the conference, Director of the Plant Protection Department Hoang Trung said that the work of establishing and issuing codes for growing areas and packaging facilities for agricultural products for export is currently a mandatory requirement of many import markets. and international practices to ensure compliance with regulations on plant quarantine, food safety and traceability.

Director of the Plant Protection Department Hoang Trung spoke at the Conference

In recent years, the establishment and issuance of planting area codes and packaging facilities have achieved many positive results, contributing to improving the reputation of Vietnamese agricultural products in the international market and increasing export turnover. This has also helped change farming practices, promoting production according to market standards and tastes, and guiding farmers to practice more professional production.
Currently, nationwide there are 6,439 growing areas in 56/63 provinces and cities and 1,618 packaging facilities in 33 provinces and cities that have been granted export codes. There are 25 products granted export codes (such as dragon fruit, longan, lychee, mango, rambutan, star apple, lemon, grapefruit, mangosteen, watermelon, jackfruit, banana, black jelly and sweet potato...), China exports to 11 markets (China, United States, Australia, New Zealand, Korea, Japan, EU, Thailand, UAE, Malaysia and Singapore).
According to Director Hoang Trung, although importing countries are increasingly raising technical barriers, forcing Vietnam to comply, many localities, organizations and individuals have only focused on expanding the number of growing areas. and packaging facilities without paying due attention to inspection and supervision of areas to ensure compliance with the requirements of the importing country.

Overview of the Conference 

Reporting at the Conference, Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Huong - Deputy Director of the Plant Protection Department shared that 710 planting area codes were revoked due to not meeting technical quality requirements. Therefore, to ensure compliance with export requirements, all stakeholders in the chain need to clearly understand the regulations, prepare the necessary conditions and more strictly manage growing areas and facilities. pack.
With documents and presentations at the Conference, the Plant Protection Department has detailed instructions for implementing document No. 1776/BNN-BVTV dated March 23, 2023, focusing on new points in the regulations on granting and management of growing area codes and packaging facilities, specific responsibilities for the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of provinces and cities and the Department of Plant Protection, which are the units involved in managing growing area codes and establishments. packaging for export.


Some photos of delegates attending and speaking

During the discussion, many participants from local specialized agencies, Departments of Agriculture of provinces and cities, associations, individuals/production and export units asked questions. for the Organizing Committee for lively discussion, and sharing to understand clearly the regulations on granting and managing codes of growing areas and packaging facilities for export. From there, the parties work together to effectively comply with regulations, ensuring minimization of risks related to plant quarantine, food safety, as well as fraudulent trade activities.
In the coming time, the Plant Protection Department will always accompany relevant localities, units, organizations and individuals to guide the effective implementation of this document to increase the level of compliance with plant regulations. importing countries on plant quarantine and food hygiene and safety, contributing to improving the reputation of Vietnamese agricultural products.

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