VAT refund 2024

VAT refund

Conditions for goods to be refunded VAT:

– Goods are not on the List of goods banned from export; List of exported goods under license from the Ministry of Industry and Trade or List of exported goods subject to specialized management specified in Decree No. 69/2018/ND-CP dated May 15, 2018 of the Government and relevant authorities. Document guiding this Decree.

– Goods subject to value added tax are specified in Article 3 of the Law on Value Added Tax No. 13/2008/QH12 dated June 3, 2008 and documents guiding its implementation.

– Goods that are not prohibited from being carried on aircraft as prescribed in Article 12 of the Law on Vietnam Civil Aviation dated June 29, 2006 and guiding documents.

– Goods that are not subject to VAT refund for foreigners according to the provisions of Circular No. 08/2003/TT-BTC dated January 15, 2003 of the Ministry of Finance guiding value added tax refund increased for diplomatic missions, consulates and representative agencies of international organizations in Vietnam.

– Goods purchased in Vietnam, with invoice cum tax refund declaration prepared within a maximum period of 60 (sixty) days from the date of departure of the foreigner.

– The value of goods recorded on the invoice cum tax refund declaration purchased at 01 (one) store in 01 (one) day (including the accumulation of multiple purchase invoices in the same day at 01 store) is at least from 02 (two) million VND or more.

Documents to present when refunding VAT:

Present to the customs authority at the invoice cum tax refund declaration and goods counter the following documents:

– Passport or entry and exit documents;

– Invoice cum tax refund declaration;

- Goods.

After the invoice cum tax refund declaration and goods have been inspected by the customs authority, foreigners need to present to the commercial bank at the tax refund counter:

– Airplane/ship boarding pass;

– The invoice cum tax refund declaration has been checked by the customs authority to identify the goods, calculate the value-added tax refund amount for foreigners and stamp confirmation (original).

Declaration form tax refund added value

Time for value added tax refund; Tax refund service fee, tax refund amount, value added tax refund currency

– Tax refund time: done immediately after the foreigner completes the procedures for checking invoices and tax refund declarations at the tax refund counter of the commercial bank acting as a tax refund agent and before boarding time for the flight/train. foreigners leaving the country.

– Tax refund service fee:

+ Commercial banks are entitled to 15% (fifteen percent) on the total amount of value added tax;

+ Foreigners are refunded 85% (eighty-five percent) of the total value-added tax amount;

– Tax refund currency: Vietnamese Dong. In case a foreigner requests to transfer the tax refund amount from Vietnamese Dong to a freely convertible foreign currency, the commercial bank will sell foreign currency to the foreigner in accordance with the law. The conversion rate is the exchange rate listed by the commercial bank at the time of conversion and in accordance with the regulations of the State Bank of Vietnam.

Legal grounds:

1. Value Added Tax Law No. 13/2008/QH12 June 3, 2008 and documents guiding implementation;

2. Vietnam Civil Aviation Law June 29, 2006 and documents guiding implementation;

3. Circular No. 08/2003/TT-BTC dated January 15, 2003 of the Ministry of Finance guiding value added tax refund for diplomatic missions, consulates and representative agencies of international organizations in Vietnam.

4. Circular No. 72/2014/TT-BTC dated May 30, 2014 of the Ministry of Finance on VAT refund for goods brought by foreigners and Vietnamese residing abroad when leaving the country.

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