Support small and medium-sized enterprises to connect with world markets through e-commerce

On the morning of April 6, in Hanoi, the Small and Medium Enterprise Support Center (Vietnam Confederation of Commerce and Industry - VCCI) coordinated with the Advertising and Trade Fair Joint Stock Company (VINEXAD) to organize an event connection event with the theme: "Supporting small and medium-sized enterprises to connect with the world market through e-commerce (e-commerce)".

E-commerce is one of the pioneering fields of the economy

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Ms. Tran Thi Thanh Tam - Director of the Center for Supporting Small and Medium Enterprises (VCCI) said that the Industrial Revolution 4.0 has become an important driving force for e-commerce in Vietnam. The world as well as Vietnam are increasingly developing strongly. E-commerce is becoming an inevitable trend, a great opportunity for each country to bring its products to the world.

Ms. Tran Thi Thanh Tam - Director of SME Support Center - VCCI delivered the opening speech

In fact, in recent years, Vietnamese e-commerce has been increasingly expanding and developing, becoming one of the pioneering fields of our country's economy. Recently, there have been many policies to develop e-commerce, in which Decision No. 645/QD-TTg dated May 15, 2020 of the Prime Minister approving the National e-commerce development master plan for the period 2021 - 2025 has identifies a number of goals such as: "Support and promote the widespread application of e-commerce in businesses and the community; Narrow the gap between big cities and localities in terms of e-commerce development; Building a healthy, competitive and sustainable e-commerce market; Expanding consumption markets for Vietnamese goods at home and abroad through e-commerce applications; Promote cross-border transactions and e-commerce...".

With those policies, in the period 2017-2022, Vietnam's e-commerce always maintains a stable growth rate from 16-30%. According to the Southeast Asia Regional Economic Report, Vietnam's Internet economic growth rate is the fastest in the region, from 18 billion USD in 2021 to 23 billion USD in 2022. Of which, 14 billion USD is is from the e-commerce sector, Vietnam's Internet economy is forecast to reach 49 billion USD by 2025, of which e-commerce accounts for 32 billion USD.

Continue to improve institutions and policies to create favorable conditions for e-commerce development

As a speaker at the event, Mr. Nguyen Van Thanh, Director of the Center for E-commerce Development, Department of E-Commerce & Digital Economy, Ministry of Industry and Trade shared about shopping trends on the floor and legal framework. in e-commerce today.

Director of E-commerce Development Center Nguyen Van Thanh

Information at the event, Mr. Nguyen Van Thanh said, the current trend of e-commerce development is towards digital commerce (cross-border data movement) and developing the Ecosystem with trade promotion on digital platforms. , Sustainable e-commerce development, Paperless trade, Payment, Online trade dispute resolution... In which, sustainable e-commerce development is Sustainable business development; Sustainable Infrastructure Development; Develop high-quality digital resources; Develop and apply technology to improve customer experience...

Towards responsible business on e-commerce, Mr. Nguyen Van Thanh emphasized that this is a content that is being prioritized for development, especially when the number of consumers complains when purchasing goods on e-commerce platforms, websites, and social networks. Association... has increased rapidly in recent times.

Mentioning one of the solutions to this problem, Mr. Nguyen Van Thanh informed that the promulgation of the Responsible Business Code for Consumers will help sellers do business more sustainably and effectively, and at the same time. time, helping consumers evaluate and choose smart consumer goods and services.

The Director of the Center for E-commerce Development proposed that it is necessary to continue to improve institutions and policies to facilitate e-commerce development through infrastructure and human resources; Encourage the private sector to innovate and actively participate in e-commerce applications; Market transparency, information standardization; Promulgate regulations on consumer protection...

Also within the framework of the event, expert Le Trung Dung from the Center for E-commerce Development, Department of E-Commerce & Digital Economy, Ministry of Industry and Trade also shared some information about core factors that help Vietnamese businesses. Effectively deploy export activities through e-commerce; At the same time, update some new trends in export activities through e-commerce.

The event connected with the theme: "Supporting small and medium-sized enterprises to connect with the world market through e-commerce" received the attention of many businesses. At the discussion session, two speakers Nguyen Van Thanh and Le Trung Dung and experts discussed and answered many questions from businesses about connection solutions, helping small and medium-sized enterprises access world markets. through e-commerce.

 Source:Department of E-commerce and Digital Economy

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