Hong Kong and ASEAN started negotiations on the Free Trade Agreement (AHKFTA) and Investment Agreement (AHKIA) in July 2014. After 10 rounds of negotiations, on November 12, 2017, ASEAN and Hong Kong (China) officially signed the Free Trade Agreement (AHKFTA) and Investment Agreement (AHKIA).
The Free Trade Agreement (AHKFTA) and Investment Agreement (AHKIA) take full effect on February 12, 2021.
This Agreement comprehensively covers areas from trade in goods, trade in services, investment, economic and technical cooperation, dispute resolution tools and other related fields. The agreement is expected to improve the law, develop market openness and fair and equitable treatment in trade and investment, while also bringing many business, investment and cooperation opportunities between Hong Kong and Hong Kong. and ASEAN.
The Agreements will also expand Hong Kong's network of Investment Agreements and FTAs to all major economies in Southeast Asia, expected to enter into force as early as 1 January 2019, upon completion. into necessary procedures.
Chapter 1: Establishment of Free Trade Area, Objectives, General Definitions and Interpretation (English)
Chapter 2: Trade in Goods (English)
Appendix 2-1: Roadmap for tariff reduction (English)
Part 2: Brunei's Schedule of Commitments (English)
Part 3: Cambodia's Schedule of Commitments (English)
Part 4: Indonesia's Schedule of Commitments (English)
Part 5: Laos' schedule of commitments (English)
Part 6: Malaysia's Schedule of Commitments (English)
Part 7: Myanmar's Schedule of Commitments (English)
Part 8: Philippines' Schedule of Commitments (English)
Part 9: Singapore's Schedule of Commitments (English)
Part 10: Thailand's Schedule of Commitments (English)
Part 11: Vietnam's Schedule of Commitments (English)
Part 12: Schedule of Commitments of Hong Kong (China) (English)
Chapter 3: Rules of Origin (English)
Appendix 3-1: Origin certification procedures (English)
Appendix 3-2: Product specific rules of origin (English)
Appendix 3-3: Specific rules of origin for reviewed products (English)
Chapter 4: Customs Procedures and Trade Facilitation (English)
Chapter 5: Food safety and plant and animal quarantine measures (English)
Chapter 6: Standards, Technical Regulations, and Conformity Assessment Procedures (English)
Chapter 7: Trade Remedies (English)
Chapter 8: Service Trade (English)
Appendix 8-1: Special Commitment Roadmap (English)
Brunei (English)
Cambodia (English)
Indonesia (English)
Laos (English)
Malaysia (English)
Myanmar (English)
Philippines (English)
Singapore (English)
Thailand (English)
Vietnam (English)
Hong Kong (China) (English)
Chapter 9: Economic and Technical Cooperation (English)
Chapter 10: Intellectual Property (English)
Chapter 11: Exceptions and General Provisions (English)
Chapter 12: Institutional Provisions (English)
Chapter 13: Consultation and Dispute Resolution (English)
Appendix 13-1: Rules on Arbitration Court Procedures (English)
Chapter 14: Final Terms (English)
Investment Agreement Document
Investment Agreement (English)
Side agreements with Brunei, Malaysia and Singapore (English)
Side agreement with Singapore (English)