Pangasius enterprises overcome difficulties to speed up exports

(HQ Online) - At the conference to evaluate the production and business situation of the pangasius industry in 2023 organized by the Pangasius Association on the afternoon of November 10 in Dong Thap, pangasius businesses proposed many contents. to promote the export of this key product.

The market shifted to China

According to Mr. Duong Nghia Quoc, Chairman of the Vietnam Pangasius Association, in 2023, the pangasius industry will have many fluctuations, export prices will decrease but input material prices will increase. At the same time, the wave of global economic recession and political conflicts have greatly affected the production and business activities of Vietnamese pangasius export enterprises.

As of October 31, 2023, the new pangasius farming area is 5,319 hectares (an increase of 85,361 TP3T compared to the same period in 2022), the harvested area is 3,663 hectares (an increase of 34,41 TP3T compared to the same period in 2022), the production output reached 1,336,346 tons (an increase of 61,29% compared to the same period in 2022) with an average productivity of 365 tons/ha (compared to the same period in 2022, 291 tons/ha).

Most indicators serving pangasius export production increased, but the export turnover of this product decreased. According to statistics from Vietnam Customs, the total export turnover of pangasius by October 15, 2023 only reached 1,434 million USD, down 30.4% compared to the same period in 2022. The Chinese market ranked first, second. The second is the US market, the third is the countries in the CPTPP bloc, the fourth is the EU...

Mr. Duong Nghia Quoc analyzed that Vietnamese pangasius is currently exported to more than 150 countries and territories. Main markets include: US, EU, China, ASEAN, South America, etc. In terms of current export market structure, the proportion has changed, the trend has shifted to the Chinese market, from 11% in 2015, to in 2022 about 29%; The EU market decreased again, in 2015 the proportion reached 18%, but in 2022 this number decreased to about 9%; The US market is relatively stable, accounting for about 20% on average.

Assessing the pangasius export activities of the largest pangasius capital in the country, Mr. Nguyen Van Vu Minh, Director of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Dong Thap province, said that pangasius is one of the main export industries. Dong Thap's power, accounting for more than 65% of export turnover.

Dong Thap currently has 27 enterprises processing pangasius fillets for export, with a total design capacity of over 700,000 tons/year, attracting over 20,000 workers, meeting all domestic and international safe production conditions. In the first 3 months of the year, the situation of pangasius production and consumption by businesses was relatively favorable, however from the end of the first quarter of 2023 until now, due to difficulties in pangasius export, the number of export orders has been low. While there is still a lot of processed products in stock, the consumption of pangasius is relatively slow.

Export turnover to most markets will decrease compared to the same period in 2022: China accounts for 26.3% (down 37%); The US accounts for 24.5% (down 56%), the EU accounts for 11.3% (down 18%), etc. In the first 10 months of 2023, export seafood output is estimated to reach 213,547 tons; Turnover is estimated at 534.38 million USD (down 32% compared to the same period in 2022).

Enterprises propose to overcome difficulties

Evaluating the pangasius industry in 2023, Mr. Vo Hung Dung, Vice President and General Secretary of the Pangasius Association, said that the entire industry is affected by inflation and the global economic recession, leading to increased consumer demand. use reduced. Along with that, raw fish prices are low and production costs increase; Enterprises and farming households face difficulties in capital for production.

From the beginning of the second quarter, pangasius exports tended to gradually decrease until the end of August and showed signs of recovery from September 2023, especially to the US, China and Brazil markets. More positive demand entering the ordering season for year-end consumption and major festivals will also help Vietnamese pangasius export businesses have more orders in the last months of 2023.

From the current state of market developments, the Vietnam Pangasius Association also raised some information about export market trends in the coming time: changing consumption trends, giving more priority to convenient and affordable products. both reasonable; Maintaining traditional markets and expanding new markets alongside the growth of the potential Chinese market share to ensure the bargaining power of the pangasius industry in the international arena.

To solve difficulties and support businesses to make good use of opportunities, many businesses proposed that it is necessary to form concentrated pangasius seed production areas; Follow regulations on disease surveillance and national residue surveillance for input materials; have a policy to stabilize food prices and production costs; Apply standards in farming Global Gap, ASC, BAP, VietGap...

Representing pangasius export enterprises, leaders of the Vietnam Pangasius Association said they would propose to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to have solutions to support the industry. In 2024, the association will promote research and transfer of science to develop pangasius fish varieties, build logistics infrastructure to strengthen import-export service activities in the long term; Mobilize farmer households to join forces to create strength and quality stability for the industry.



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