Indian businesses are interested in ST25 rice types in the Mekong Delta

On June 28, at the Labor Cultural House of Dong Thap province, a series of trade and investment cooperation events between this province and India began.

Bộ trưởng Lê Minh Hoan chia sẻ tại hội nghị Hợp tác thương mại đầu tư giữa Ấn Độ và Đồng Tháp - Ảnh: ĐẶNG TUYẾT

Minister Le Minh Hoan shared at the Trade and Investment Cooperation conference between India and Dong Thap - Photo: DANG TUYET© Provided by Tuoi Tre

The Trade and Investment Cooperation Conference between India and Dong Thap took place on June 28 and 29 with the participation of more than 130 businesses.

Mr. Le Minh Hoan - Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development - shared many similarities in culture and agricultural production between Vietnam and India, and expected this event to open a breakthrough. new in the trade cooperation of the two sides, especially the implementation of deep processing of agricultural products at Dong Thap Province.

“There was a very special mark in the 1960s when India was one of the first countries to initiate the green revolution, from a poor country to becoming food independent, along with the world. So that we have confidence that with the potential and vitality of science and technology, especially in the field of agriculture, the two sides will cooperate deeply in many fields, including Dong Thap province participating in the project. 1 million hectares of rice in the Mekong Delta," Mr. Hoan said.

Mr. Madan Mohan Sethi - Consul General of India in Ho Chi Minh City said that India has built a rice bran oil and food processing factory in Dong Thap with an investment of millions of dollars.

“Vietnam has a strategic geographical location, one of the attractive investment destinations in the world. Although investment is still quite small, mainly in the fields of processing industry, manufacturing industry, electricity and mining. At this conference, Indian and Vietnamese companies and businessmen learn to invest in different fields such as: agricultural and food processing, textiles, chemicals, plastics, engineering, pharmaceuticals..." , Mr. Sethi said.

Talking on the sidelines of the conference, Mr. Pham Thien Nghia - Chairman of Dong Thap Provincial People's Committee - said that in recent times the province has implemented many strategies in parallel to strongly innovate handicrafts, attracting investment, rising out of poverty, creating faster and more sustainable development.

“The conference focuses on five product groups: agricultural products, logistics, and digital transformation information technology, tourism and industrial park infrastructure are very suitable for the province's development orientation. I believe that Indian businesses have come to invest in the past, today they return to form an even stronger wave, creating an attractive destination, one of the thriving localities, creating transformation for the region Mekong Delta and the whole country," Mr. Nghia said.

Read the original article here This.

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