Official Dispatch 1458/GSQL-GQ1 of 2023 Checking the quality of machines and equipment in the Agriculture and Rural Development industry


Independence – Freedom – Happiness
Number: 1458/GSQL-GQ1
Regarding quality inspection of machines and equipment used in the agriculture and rural development industry
Hanoi, September 14, 2023

                                                   Dear: – Ho Chi Minh City Customs Department

                                                                    – Hai Phong City Customs Department.

Responding to Official Dispatch No. 2281/HQTPHCM-GSQL dated August 8, 2023 of Ho Chi Minh City Customs Department and Official Dispatch No. 6675/HQHP-GSQL dated July 26, 2022 of Hai Phong City Customs Department reporting Difficulties in quality inspection of "Machines and equipment used in agriculture and rural development" under the management responsibility of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the GSQL Department of Customs has the following opinions:

1. Regarding feedback, the General Department of Customs has not had an official dispatch to answer the unit's problems in official dispatch No. 996/HQTPHCM-GSQL

On June 28, 2022, the General Department of Customs issued official dispatch no 2538/TCHQ-GSQL discuss problems with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development regarding quality inspection of goods under the management of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

On July 5, 2022, the Department of Economic Cooperation and Rural Development - Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development issued document No. 573/KTHT-CD responding to dispatch No. 2538/TCHQ-GSQL cited above. Accordingly, the GSQL Department of Customs issued official dispatch No. 1007/GSQL-GQ1 dated July 15, 2022 disseminating official dispatch No. 573/KTHT-CD cited above to the Customs Departments of provinces and cities (including the Customs Department). Ho Chi Minh City officials) know and implement.

2. Regarding problems related to quality inspection agencies for machinery and equipment used in agriculture

As prescribed at Point 2b, Clause 2, Article 1 of Decree No. 74/2018/ND-CP dated May 15, 2018 of the Government, for group 2 goods, the declaration of conformity is based on the certification results of a registered or recognized certification organization according to the provisions of law (group 2b). ); When carrying out customs procedures, the customs declarant must submit to the Customs the inspection registration with confirmation from the state quality inspection agency according to form No. 01 in the appendix issued with Decree No. 74. /2018/ND-CP for customs clearance according to regulations.

According to clause 15, 16 Article 3 of the Law on Product Quality The quality inspection agency is an inspection agency under the Ministry managing the industry or field, or a specialized agency under the People's Committee of the province or centrally run city.

Based on the above regulations, the quality inspection agency for goods under the management of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is a state agency under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

It is recommended that the unit guiding businesses contact the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Department of Economic Cooperation and Rural Development) to carry out quality inspection registration procedures according to regulations.

GSQL Department of Customs has comments for units to know./.

- As above;

– Save: VT, GQ1 (3b).


Dao Duy Tam


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