Proactively prevent and control the transmission of swine streptococcus disease to humans

The Department of Preventive Medicine (Ministry of Health) has just issued Official Dispatch No. 226/DP-DT to the Departments of Health of provinces and cities on preventing and combating the transmission of streptococcus disease to humans.

According to a report from the Ministry of Health's infectious disease surveillance system, in the first months of 2023, a number of cases of streptococcus infection in humans have been recorded in a number of provinces and cities. Previously, in February 2023, Hanoi also recorded the first case of swine streptococcus infection this year, a 52-year-old male patient in Ha Dong district, who worked as a seller of pig intestines and blood pudding. .

To proactively prevent and combat the transmission of streptococcus disease to humans, the Department of Preventive Health requests the Departments of Health of provinces and cities to direct affiliated units to strengthen monitoring and early detection of suspected cases of infection. swine streptococcus in humans, immediately deploy measures to handle the outbreak.

In particular, the Department of Preventive Medicine recommends that medical examination and treatment facilities pay attention to cases of patients with symptoms of suspected streptococcus infection, collect epidemiological history and take samples for testing to treat patients. promptly to avoid deaths and notify the Center for Disease Control to investigate and handle the outbreak...

In addition, the Department of Preventive Medicine also requests local Departments of Health to coordinate closely with veterinary agencies in monitoring and detecting diseases in pig herds that are favorable for streptococcus outbreaks such as blue ear disease epidemic, thereby promptly sharing information to take measures to prevent the risk of infection to humans.

To prevent the transmission of streptococcus from pigs to humans, the Department of Preventive Health also recommends that people do not eat products from undercooked pigs or from sick or dead pigs, especially do not eat pig blood pudding. In addition, there are labor protection measures such as wearing gloves and masks for those raising, handling, slaughtering, and trading livestock...

Source: Ministry of Health

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