Officially extend value added tax for businesses and individuals in 2023

The Government has just issued Decree 12/2023 extending the deadline for paying value added tax, corporate income tax, personal income tax and land rent in 2023. This Decree takes effect from the date of signing April 14 until December 31, 2023.

Accordingly, for tax added value (except value added tax at import stage) extension of tax period from March to August 2023 (in case of monthly declaration of value added tax) and tax period of the first and second quarter 2.2023 (in case of quarterly value-added tax declaration) of businesses and organizations according to regulations. The value-added tax extension period is from 3 - 6 months and is calculated from the end of the value-added tax payment deadline according to the provisions of law on tax administration.

Enterprises and organizations are eligible for an extension to declare and submit monthly and quarterly value-added tax declarations according to current law, but have not yet had to pay the value-added tax amount payable. generated on the declared Value Added Tax Declaration. The monthly and quarterly value-added tax payment deadline is extended as follows: the March tax period is October 20 at the latest; The latest monthly tax period is November 20; Tax period May, June, July, August no later than December 20. The deadline for paying value-added tax for the first quarter of 2023 tax period is October 31; Tax period for the second quarter of 2023 no later than December 31.

For corporate income tax, extension of the tax payment deadline for temporarily paid taxes of the first and second quarter of the tax period is 3 months from the end of the corporate income tax payment deadline. according to the provisions of law on tax administration.

For value-added tax and personal income tax of business households and individuals, extension of the tax payment deadline for tax amounts payable arising in 2023 of business households and individuals operating businesses. operating in economic sectors and fields according to the provisions of this Decree. Business households and individuals must pay the tax amount extended in this clause no later than December 30, 2023.

Regarding land rent, extend the land rent payment deadline for 50% arising land rent amounts payable in 2023 of businesses, organizations, households, and individuals subject to regulations in Article 3 of the Decree. This land is being leased directly by the State according to a Decision or Contract of a competent state agency in the form of annual land rental payment. The extension period is 6 months from May 31 to November 30.

Source: Youth newspaper

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