Ho Chi Minh City seaport is in the top 30 container ports in the world in terms of traffic

Alphaliner Maritime Research Organization has just announced a list of the top 30 container ports in terms of traffic in 2022. Ho Chi Minh City Seaport continues to be on the list of 30 busiest container ports with the top cargo traffic in the world in 2022. .

This list also compares the growth rate of these seaports compared to 2021 and 2020. In particular, Ho Chi Minh City seaport holds the 21st position. This is also the ranking this seaport was once ranked in. 2021.

However, according to Alphaliner, the world's top 30 container seaports in terms of cargo traffic in 2022 recorded quite low growth this year.

The decline in both cargo throughput and growth occurred across Europe, parts of Indian ports and parts of Asian seaports.

Even many of the world's major container seaports have negative growth rates such as Singapore (-0.5%), Busan (-2.9%), Port Kelang (-3.8%), Rotterdam (-5.8%)...

Meanwhile, with the opening after the Covid-19 pandemic, China's seaports have seen slight growth, averaging about more than 1%.

Many of the world's busiest container ports handle cargo throughput

negative growth in 2022

The slow growth of the world's busiest seaports in 2022 is expected to be due to inflation and economic uncertainties that have restrained consumer spending.

Previously, Lloyd's List maritime magazine assessed that Ho Chi Minh City seaport is a port that maintains its position in the context of the country's slow economic growth after the pandemic.

According to this magazine, Vietnam can develop in the strategic supply chain with this seaport. The future of Ho Chi Minh City seaport can expand further and this area is also undergoing important changes.

Specifically, Lloyd's List said that the Can Gio International Transshipment Port project near Ho Chi Minh City seaport with an expected investment value of 6 billion USD, if approved, could be the largest transshipment port in the country and have a positive impact. Use significant trade with countries in the region.

Associated with the southern key economic region, Ho Chi Minh City seaport is in the number 4 seaport group - the most developed seaport group in the country.

Along with the Cai Mep - Thi Vai area, the container port cluster in Ho Chi Minh City has become one of the important port areas in the global goods supply chain.

According to statistics from the Vietnam Maritime Administration, in 2022, the output of goods through Ho Chi Minh City seaport will reach 8.11 million Teus. While in 2021 and 2020, output was 7.96 million Teus and 7.86 million Teus, respectively. The growth rate is about 1.2%.

Vietnam Maritime Administration assesses that the Ho Chi Minh City area has many ports invested with synchronous scale and modern high-yield loading and unloading equipment. Notably, loading and unloading productivity also meets regional and international standards, and ship release time is fast.

In particular, Tan Cang Cat Lai port is the port with the largest concentration of container throughput in the country, receiving ships from 20,000 - 30,000 tons or larger (reduced load), mainly transporting to other routes. Asia.

Source: Traffic Newspaper

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