Currently, quality inspection of imported vehicles is much different than before, faster and somewhat more compact. Documents will be registered online on the national single-window information portal VNSW (Vietnam National Single Window). All types of motor vehicles (excavators, excavators, fire trucks, forklifts, concrete spreaders, etc.); All cars, specialized vehicles, etc. all have the same registration application process on the national one-stop information system.


Step 1: Enterprises register an account and register a digital signature (if any) on the national one-stop information portal.

Visit the website to create an account, there will be specific instructions for businesses to create accounts.

Registering information is extremely important. If you make a small mistake, all the following steps will almost have to be done from the beginning, which is both time-consuming and troublesome. If you don't know how to register an account, please don't create one to avoid the situation where each person makes a wrong guess and ends up passing each other over.

Step 2. Create profile

Once you have an account, we will proceed to create registration documents for imported vehicles. Creating a dossier mainly involves entering basic vehicle door parameters and attaching additional files about vehicle information (commercial invoice, basic vehicle documents: Chassis; engine documents). , documents on emission standards...)

Step 3. VNSW receives and responds to the application

When we complete the registration, we will wait for feedback from the system. If the dossier meets the requirements, the officer in charge will review it and issue an inspection registration number. If the requirements are not met, information will be returned and additional documents will be requested.

Step 4. Open the declaration and take the goods to the warehouse for preservation

When receiving the inspection registration number from the system, the declaration will be opened.

Opening the declaration will proceed like normal goods. You can see the steps to open the declaration (follow the link).

The dossier for opening a declaration includes:

  • The dossier opens the declaration as usual
  • Official dispatch asking to bring the goods to the warehouse for preservation
  • Official letter committing that the vehicle does not pollute the environment (according to current emission standards)

Step 5. Confirm registration time and conduct a physical inspection of the vehicle

In step 2 of creating the dossier, there is a section to register the test time, test person, and test location. Registering the time and location of the inspection is very important because if the registration is not appropriate, it will incur a lot of costs for the business later. The Registry Department will confirm and contact the person registering for inspection to conduct a physical inspection of the goods at the warehouse. There are two types of inspection for new vehicles:

  • Check the vehicle's technical safety conditions (eg: Brake system, axle system...)
  • Check engine exhaust levels: Measure and analyze the quality and concentration of exhaust gases to see if they meet current standards.

After having the inspection results, field officers will send a report to the department to compare and check the actual inspection results.

Step 6. Actual inspection and approval of test results

The Registry Department will conduct an actual inspection and approve the inspection results and then respond to the business

Step 7. The business pays the inspection fee and receives the deed

After being approved, the VNSW system will notify the business (the person who created the dossier) of the results. At the same time, the business will make a payment request by confirming information through the system and making a payment plan (by bank transfer or cash). And receive the deed at the registry office where you open the dossier.

The registration certificate is used to:

  • Complete customs procedures
  • Register the vehicle with the Department of Transport (Transportation) to issue vehicle documents


Address: 101/8A1 Ho Van Hue, Ward 9, Phu Nhuan District, City. Ho Chi Minh

Phone: (+84) 28-221 87777 || (+84) 28-221 97777



Hotline: Ms. Page 0903712368

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